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Test Coverage
# nodejs-microservice-poc
[![GitHub version][git-tag-image]][project-url]
[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
[![Dependency Status][daviddm-url]][daviddm-image]
[![DevDependency Status][daviddm-dev-url]][daviddm-dev-image]
[![Inline docs][doc-image]][doc-url]
[![Code Climate][climate-image]][climate-url]
[![Coverage Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]

Microservice PoC running at Nodejs inside Docker

- [GitHub Repository and code][project-url]
- [GitHub Pages](

## Dev op tools
- Source code coverage with [coveralls]( Note this is in addition to Codeclimate code coverage
- Continous Integration (build and test Github projects) with open-source tool [travis-ci](
- Version control and issue tracking with [github](
- Project dependency checker with [david-dm](
- Automated code review with and show source code coverage [codeclimate]( Note that this is in addition to Coveralls coverage
- Javascript documentation notation with [jsdoc](
- Evaluation of inline code documentation from [Inch CI](

## Scaffolding based on yeoman generator
- [generator-nody](
- [generator-restify-mongo](

## Install and setup

### Node.js

npm install

### Connect to remote Github repository (one-time only)
cd nodejs-microservice-poc
git init
git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit with use of scaffolding”
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master

### Setup Travis (one time only)
1. Go to [Travis account](
2. Press the Sync button
3. Switch to ON for the repository
4. If Travis has not been configured to make push towards GitHub, then follow 
[these]( instructions
4. Make new `git push`to trigger build

### Setup Codeclimate (one time only)
1. [Add Github Repository]( at
2. Fill out the repository name and press `Import repo from Github
3. Follow the [JavaScript instructions]( to 
connect code quality with test coverage. Remember to add the 
[environment variable to Travis]( and to your 
local env as well. You can find the repo token in the URL barl of your browser.

### Setup Inch-CI (one time only)
1. Go to the [Inch-CI project]( and press Create button

### Setup David-dm (one time only)
No setup is required, david-dm will automatically recognise and run check

### Setup Coveralls (one time only)
1. [Add new repo]( by swithing Github repo to ON
2. Follow the ***SET UP COVERALLS*** steps for adding `.coveralls.yml` in repository root
2. Run the NPM script `npm run coveralls`
3. Travis will automatically run this command after each build. See [.travis.yml](.travis.yml)

## Gulp tasks
- ```gulp test``` to run ```lint``` and ```istanbul```
- ```gulp release``` to bump version number in ```package.json```
- ```gulp``` to ```test``` and ```watch```

## NPM scripts
- ```npm run docs``` generates HTML documentation in /docs based with help of ```jsdoc``` annotations
- ```npm run coveralls```
- ```npm run test``` runs mocha test by triggering ```gulp test```

## Shell scripts
- ```/``` publish documentation placed at ```/docs``` to [github pages]( by commiting to branch ```gh-pages```

# Dependencies

## devDependencies
- Mocha Unit Testing with [gulp-mocha](
- Automagically lint your code with [gulp-jshint](
- Check JavaScript code style with [gulp-jscs](
- Measuring code coverage with [gulp-istanbul](
- Upload LCOV data to []( with [coveralls](
- Bump npm versions with [gulp-bump](

## dependencies
- Debug your code with [debug](
- Neat utilities with [lodash](
- Creating and composing asynchronous promises with [q](

## Update dependencies
Upgrade npm modules to latest version by use of [npm-check-updates](

# Install the npm package globally
npm install -g npm-check-updates

# Get list of all upgrades

# Upgrade all npm modules to latest version and update package.json file
sudo ncu -u

## API

_(Coming soon)_

## Contributing

In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [gulp](

## Reference
* [nodes-restful-api]( - RESTful API with MongoDB, Restify, NodeJS
* [CI Test for Browser]( - Run your browser tests on every push, demo project [js-traverse](
* [GA on Github]( - Google Analytics collector-as-a-service (using GA measurement protocol).
* [idiomatic.js]( - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
* [Use jsdoc](
* [Using the ES6 transpiler Babel on Node.js](
* [Node Collection](
  - [](
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  - [](
  - [](
  - [](
  - And more...

## License

Copyright (c) 2015 Ismar Slomic. Licensed under the MIT license.
