# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'lib/bulmacomp/version'
Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
spec.name = 'bulmacomp'
spec.version = Bulmacomp::VERSION
spec.authors = ['MDreW']
spec.email = ['andrea.ranaldi@gmail.com']
spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/isprambiente/bulmacomp'
spec.summary = "Rails 'View Components' for Bulma"
spec.description = 'Collection of view components for bulma css framework'
spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 3.0.0'
spec.license = 'MIT'
# Prevent pushing this gem to RubyGems.org. To allow pushes either set the "allowed_push_host"
# to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.
# spec.metadata['allowed_push_host'] = "TODO: Set to 'http://mygemserver.com'"
spec.metadata['homepage_uri'] = spec.homepage
spec.metadata['source_code_uri'] = 'https://github.com/isprambiente/bulmacomp'
spec.metadata['changelog_uri'] = 'https://github.com/isprambiente/bulmacomp'
spec.files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(__dir__)) do
Dir['{app,config,db,lib}/**/*', 'MIT-LICENSE', 'Rakefile', 'README.md']
spec.add_dependency 'rails', '>= 7.0'
spec.add_dependency 'view_component', '>= 3.9.0'