# frozen_string_literal: true
# === Relations
# * has many {Audit}
# * has many {Category}, through {Audit}
# * has many {Meeting}, through {Audit}
# * has many {Event}, through {Meeting}
# * has many {History}, through {Audit}
# === Validations
# * validate presence of {username}
# * validate uniqueness of {username}
# * validate presence of {label}
# * validate presence of {name}
# * validate presence of {lastname}
# * validate presence of {cf}
# * validate uniqueness of {cf}
# * validate presence of {postazione}
# * validate content type of {assegnazione} should be a pdf
# * validate size of {assegnazione}
# === Afteer update
# {check_disabled}
# === Before destroy
# {abort_destroy}
# @!attribute [rw] sign_in_count
# @return [Integer] Counter of {User} sign in
# @!attribute [rw] current_sign_in_at
# @return [DateTime] date of {User} current sign in
# @!attribute [rw] last_sign_in_at
# @return [DateTime] date of {User} last sign in
# @!attribute [rw] current_sign_in_ip
# @return [String] ip of {User} current sign in
# @!attribute [rw] last_sign_in_ip
# @return [String] ip of {User} last sign in
# @!attribute [rw] locked_at
# @return [Datetime] date when {User} was blocked
# @!attribute [rw] username
# @return [String] unique {User} name
# @!attribute [rw] label
# @return [String] long {User} name
# @!attribute [rw] city
# Enum of cities
# @!attribute [rw] body
# @return [String] note for {User}
# @!attribute [rw] secretary
# @return [Boolean} true if {User} is a secretary otherwise false
# @!attribute [rw] doctor
# @return [Boolean[ true if {User} is a doctor otherwise false
# @!attribute [rw] admin
# @return [Boolean[ true if {User} is a admin otherwise false
# @!attribute [rw] created_at
# @return [DateTime[ date when {User} was created
# @!attribute [rw] updated_at
# @return [DateTime[ date when {User} was updated
# @!attribute [rw] deleted
# @return [Boolean[ true if {User} was blocked from {secretary}
# @!attribute [rw] cf
# @return [Strint[ {User}'s tax code
# @!attribute [rw] tel
# @return [String[ {User}'s phone number
# @!attribute [rw] postazione
# @return [String] enum of sites type
# @!attribute [rw] metadata
# @return [Hash[ is a jsonb field for archive {User}'s details
# @!attribute [rw] email,
# @return [String] {User}'s emails, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] sex
# @return [String] {User}'s sex type, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] lastname
# @return [String] {User}'s lastname, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# @return [String] {User}'s name, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] matr
# @return [String] {User}'s work code, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# @return [String] {User}'s status, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] postazione_inizio
# @return [String] when {postazione} was set, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] postazione_fine
# @return [String] when {postazione} end, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] postazione_locazione
# @return [String] {postazione} sites
# @!attribute [rw] postazione_created_at
# @return [String] {User}'s when {postazione} was created, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] postazione_updated_at
# @return [String] {User}'s when {postazione} was updated, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] data_nasc
# @return [String] {User}'s born date, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] citta_nasc
# @return [String] {User}'s born city, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] naz_nasc
# @return [String] {User}'s born nation, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] scadenza_rapporto
# @return [String] {User}'s end of work, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] tipo_contratto
# @return [String] {User}'s work type, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] denominazione_contratto
# @return [String] {User}'s extended work type, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] location
# @return [String] {User}'s work city, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] floor
# @return [String] {User}'s work floor, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] room
# @return [String] {User}'s work room, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] telephone
# @return [String] {User}'s phone number, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] emergenze
# @return [String] {User}'s phone number for emergency, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] structure
# @return [String] {User}'s work area, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] structure_label
# @return [String] {User}'s work area extended, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] responsabile
# @return [String] {User}'s boss, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] data_aggiornamento
# @return [String] data of last metadata update, is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] prefix
# @return [String] is a store accessor of [metadata]
# @!attribute [rw] author
# @return [Object] instance of {User} as {secretary} thats update current instance. Is an attr_accessor
# @!attribute [rw] external
# @!attribute [rw] data
# @return [Hash] data for update metadata
# @!method content()
# @return [String] is a rich text with user info
# @!method assegnazione()
# @return is an acchacched PDF
# @!method audits()
# @return [Array] list of related {Audit}
# @!method categories()
# @return [Array] list of related {Category}
# @!method meetings()
# @return [Array] list of related {Meeting}
# @!method events()
# @return [Array] list of related {Event}
# @!method histories()
# @return [Array] list of related {History}
# @!method self.locked()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with {locked_at} present and {deleted} false
# @!method self.unassigned()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with no {audits}
# @!method self.blocked()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with locked_at empty and {deleted} true
# @!method self.doctors()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with {doctor} true
# @!method self.male()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with {metadata} ->> sex = M
# @!method self.female()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with {metadata} ->> sex = F
# @!method self.syncable()
# @return [Array] list of {User} with {username} present
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_rich_text :content
has_one_attached :assegnazione
has_many :audits, dependent: :destroy
has_many :categories, through: :audits
has_many :meetings, through: :audits
has_many :events, through: :meetings
has_many :histories, through: :audits, source: :histories
has_many :risks, through: :categories, source: :risks
store_accessor :metadata, :email, :sex, :lastname, :name, :matr, :status, :postazione_inizio, :postazione_fine, :postazione_locazione, :postazione_created_at, :postazione_updated_at, :data_nasc, :citta_nasc, :naz_nasc, :scadenza_rapporto, :tipo_contratto, :denominazione_contratto, :location, :floor, :room, :telephone, :emergenze, :user_emergenze, :structure, :structure_label, :responsabile, :data_aggiornamento, :prefix
attr_accessor :author, :external, :data
enum city: Settings.users.cities.to_h
enum postazione: Settings.users.positions.to_h
devise ENV['RAILS_AUTHENTICATOR'] || Settings.auth.authenticator || :database_authenticatable, :trackable, :timeoutable, :lockable, :recoverable
after_update :check_disabled
before_destroy :abort_destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :audits, reject_if: :reject_audit
validates :username, uniqueness: true, allow_blank: true
validates :label, presence: true
validates :name, presence: { message: 'non può essere lasciato in bianco' }, unless: -> { system? }
# validates :lastname, presence: { message: 'non può essere lasciato in bianco' }, unless: -> { system? }
validates :cf, presence: { message: 'non può essere lasciato in bianco' }, uniqueness: { message: 'già esistente' }, unless: -> { system? }
validates :postazione, presence: true
validates :assegnazione, content_type: { in: 'application/pdf', message: 'non è un file PDF' }
validates :assegnazione, size: { less_than: 500.kilobytes, message: 'deve avere una dimensione massima di 500kb' }
default_scope { where(locked_at: nil, deleted: false) }
scope :locked, -> { unscoped.where.not(locked_at: nil).where.not(deleted: true) }
scope :unassigned, -> { where.not(id: }
scope :blocked, -> { unscoped.where(deleted: true).where(locked_at: nil) }
scope :doctors, -> { where(doctor: true).order(:label) }
scope :male, -> { where("users.metadata->>'sex'=?", 'M') }
scope :female, -> { where("users.metadata->>'sex'=?", 'F') }
scope :syncable, -> { where.not(username: nil).order(:label) }
scope :system, -> { where(system: true) }
scope :unsystem, -> { where(system: false) }
# update self with {locked_at} as
# @return [Boolean] true if is updated
def disable!
# update self with {locked_at} as nil
# @return [Boolean] true if is updated
def enable!
update(locked_at: nil)
# override sex attribute
# @return [String] return 'n.d.' if {sex} attribute is empty
def sex
metadata['sex'].blank? ? 'n.d.' : super
# check if user have done analisy and require to do the visit
# @return [Boolean] true if is required
def require_visit?
events.confirmed.analisys.between(start_on: ( :asc).last.present? ? ( :asc).last.revision_date) :, stop_on: && events.confirmed.visit.future.blank?
# this method is called for check data befor make/update {Audit}
# when return true the audit update is skypped
# @param [Hash] attributed attributed is an hash with the params for make/update an {Audit}
# @return [Boolean] true if attributed['title'] is empty
def reject_audit(attributed)
# if {User} is locked destroy relative {Audit}
def check_disabled
return if locked_at.blank? do |a| = author
a.revision_date =
# is executed before destroy, add an error to :base and abort the action
# @return [False]
def abort_destroy
errors.add :base, "Can't be destroyed"
throw :abort