

Test Coverage
## Modal

modal content

### markup

with the helper
<%= link_to_modal "link", ref, options %>

// ref: id or url

pure html
<a href="ref" data-components="modal" data-modal='{"options": "goes here"}'/>

### modal with html element

// html.erb

<%= link_to_modal "link", "#modal-id" %>

<div id="modal-id" >
  modal content

// scss

#modal-id {
  @include modal;

### modal via ajax

// html.erb
<%= link_to_modal 'link', action_path, :remote => true %>

// controller
def action
  render :layout => nil if request.xhr?  # render template without layout

### autoloaded and/or unclosable modal

// html.erb
<div id="my-modal"
         data-modal="<%= {:autoload => true, :prevent_close => true }.to_json %>" >

// scss
#my-modal { @include modal; }

### Options

:html => {:attr => "bla"}  # html attributes

other options are passed to modal via `data-modal`:

:prevent_close => default false   # prevent modal from being closed
:auto_load => default false       # auto open modal
:remote => default false          # loads modal content via ajax
:login_required => default false  # requires user to be logged in

OBS: when the modal content is loaded remotely, it starts all components inside the modal.