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<div align="center">
  <strong>A bot to support Discord servers that I like.</strong>
  <a href=""><img src="" width="200" /></a> &nbsp;
  <a href=""><img src="" width="200" /></a> &nbsp;
  <a href=""><img src="" width="200" /></a><br><br>
  <a class="badge-ci-passing" href=""><img src="" /></a>
  <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
  <a class="badge-align" href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=itsVale/;utm_campaign=Badge_Grade"><img src=""/></a>


### Installation
**Of course you can self-host the bot if you want to work on it, but I'd
rather prefer that you invite it to your guild instead of hosting your
own instance of it.**

### Get Python 3.6.5+
Any Python version higher or equal to 3.6.5 can be used to run the bot.

### Download or clone this repository and install the dependencies
After you got the source code of the bot, run

    python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt

to install all the requirements the bot has.

### Setup PostgreSQL on your machine
You can download and install it from [here](

It is important since you'll need a PostgreSQL database to connect your bot to.
The newest version should be fine but you'll need at least PostgreSQL 9.5.

__Type the following code into the psql tool:__
    CREATE ROLE valepy WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password';
    CREATE DATABASE valepy OWNER valepy;

### Run the bot
Now everything you need to do is to run the bot.  
Get to the `` file, rename it to `` and fill out all necessary fields.  
And the last step is to open your console and type
    # Windows:
    py -3

    # Linux & macOS:
**Important:** If you want your bot's logs inside the console, use `py -3 --stream-log`.

**On the first bot start, it is necessary to add the `--init-db` flag. E.g: `python3 --init-db`.  
This will create all database tables the bot depends on.**