import logging
import re
import discord
import lxml.etree as etree
from discord.ext import commands
from utils.colors import random_color
from utils.formats import finder
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: Probably put these values into an Enum.
# pages used to build documentation cache
'rewrite': (
'latest': (
# Helpers to convert search terms to the proper documentation keys
'vc': 'VoiceClient',
'msg': 'Message',
'color': 'Color',
'perms': 'Permissions',
'channel': 'TextChannel',
class DiscordPy(commands.Cog):
""" stuff"""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self._docs_cache = None
self.faq_entries = None
async def build_docs_cache(self, ctx):
"""Builds the documentation cache."""
cache = {}
for branch, pages in PAGE_TYPES.items():
sub = cache[branch] = {}
for page in pages:
page = BASE_URL + page
resp = await ctx.session.get(page)
if resp.status != 200:
return await ctx.send('Unable to build documentation cache.')
text = await resp.text(encoding='utf-8')
root = etree.fromstring(text, etree.HTMLParser())
nodes = root.iterfind(".//dt/a[@class='headerlink']")
for node in nodes:
href = node.get('href', '')
key = href.replace('#discord.', '').replace('ext.commands.', '')
sub[key] = page + href
self._docs_cache = cache
async def search_docs(self, ctx, branch, search):
if not search:
return await ctx.send(BASE_URL + branch)
if not self._docs_cache:
await ctx.trigger_typing()
await self.build_docs_cache(ctx)
search = search.replace(' ', '_')
if branch == 'rewrite':
lower = search.lower()
if hasattr(, lower):
search = f'abc.Messageable.{lower}'
def replace(o):
return HELPERS.get(, '')
pattern = re.compile('|'.join(rf'\b{key}\b' for key in HELPERS))
search = pattern.sub(replace, search)
cache = self._docs_cache[branch]
matches = finder(search, cache, count=10)
if not matches:
return await ctx.send('I\'m sorry but I couldn\'t find anything that matches what you are looking for.')
description = '━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\n' + '\n'.join(f'[{key}]({url})' for key, url in matches)
embed = discord.Embed(title=' documentation search', description=description, color=random_color())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)'docs', aliases=['rtd', 'rtfd', 'rtfm'], invoke_without_command=True)
async def _docs(self, ctx, *, search=None):
"""Searches the docs and lists the results in an embed.
If no search keys are provided, it will give you the documentation link.
This will search the async docs.
await self.search_docs(ctx, 'latest', search)
async def _docs_rewrite(self, ctx, *, search=None):
"""Searches the docs and lists the results in an embed.
If no search keys are provided, it will give you the documentation link.
This will search the rewrite docs.
await self.search_docs(ctx, 'rewrite', search)
def setup(bot):