import itertools
import random
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import asyncpg
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from more_itertools import partition
from utils import cache, db, disambiguate, formats
from utils.commands import command_category, walk_parents
from utils.converter import BotCommand, Category
from utils.misc import emoji_url, truncate, unique
from utils.paginator import Paginator
class CommandPermissions(db.Table, table_name='permissions'):
id = db.Column(db.Serial, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.Text)
guild_id = db.Column(db.BigInt)
snowflake = db.Column(db.BigInt, nullable=True)
whitelist = db.Column(db.Boolean)
class Ignored(db.Table, table_name='plonks'):
guild_id = db.Column(db.BigInt)
entity_id = db.Column(db.BigInt)
plonks_index = db.Index(guild_id, entity_id)
__create_extra__ = ['PRIMARY KEY (guild_id, entity_id)']
def _extract_from_node(node):
return node.partition('.')
def _get_class_name(obj):
return obj.__class__.__name__.replace('Text', '')
class _PermissionFormattingMixin:
def _get_header(self):
if self.command:
return f'Command **{self.command}** is'
if self.cog == ALL_COMMANDS_KEY:
return 'All commands are'
category, _, cog = self.cog.partition('/')
if cog:
return f'Module **{cog}** is'
return f'Category **{category.title()}** is'
class PermissionDenied(_PermissionFormattingMixin, commands.CheckFailure):
def __init__(self, message, *args):
name, obj, *_ = args
self.object = obj
self.cog, _, self.command = _extract_from_node(name)
super().__init__(message, *args)
def __str__(self):
return (
f'{self._get_header()} disabled for the {_get_class_name(self.object).lower()} '
class InvalidPermissions(_PermissionFormattingMixin, commands.CommandError):
def __init__(self, message, *args):
name, whitelisted, *_ = args
self.whitelisted = whitelisted
self.cog, _, self.command = _extract_from_node(name)
super().__init__(message, *args)
def __str__(self):
message = {
False: 'disabled',
True: 'enabled',
None: 'reset'
return f'{self._get_header()} already {message}.'
_command_node = '{0.cog_name}.{0}'.format
class CommandName(BotCommand):
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
command = await super().convert(ctx, argument)
root = command.root_parent or command
if in {'enable', 'disable', 'undo'} or command_category(root) == 'owner':
raise commands.BadArgument('You can\'t modify this command.')
return _command_node(command)
class CommandCategoryOrAll(commands.Converter):
__converters = [CommandName, Category]
__converter_name_pairs = list(zip(__converters, ['Command', 'Category']))
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
for _type, name in self.__converter_name_pairs:
return await ctx.command.do_conversion(ctx, _type, argument), name
except Exception: # muh pycodestyle
raise commands.BadArgument(f'{argument} is not a command or a category.')
def random_example(ctx):
converters = ctx.__cmd_cat_or_all_converters__
except AttributeError:
c = CommandCategoryOrAll.__converters
ctx.__cmd_cat_or_all_converters__ = converters = iter(random.sample(c, len(c)))
return next(converters).random_example(ctx)
PermissionEntity = disambiguate.Union(discord.Member, discord.Role, discord.TextChannel)
Plonkable = disambiguate.Union(discord.TextChannel, discord.Member)
class Server(namedtuple('Server', 'server')):
"""This class is needed to ensure that an ID of None is possible while still having the original Server object."""
__slots__ = ()
def id(self):
return None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.server)
class _DummyEntry(namedtuple('_DummyEntry', 'id')):
"""This class makes sure that the object for ignore is mentionable."""
__slots__ = ()
def mention(self):
return f'<Not Found: {}>'
_value_embed_mappings = {
True: (0x00FF00, 'enabled', emoji_url('\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK}')),
False: (0xFF0000, 'disabled', emoji_url('\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}')),
None: (0x7289DA, 'reset', emoji_url('\U0001f504')),
-1: (0xFF0000, 'deleted', emoji_url('\N{PUT LITTER IN ITS PLACE SYMBOL}')),
_plonk_embed_mappings = {
True: (0xF44336, 'plonk'),
False: (0x4CAF50, 'unplonk'),
PLONK_ICON = emoji_url('\N{HAMMER}')
class Permissions(commands.Cog):
"""Used for enabling or disabling commands for a channel, member, role or even the whole server."""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def bot_check_once(self, ctx):
if not ctx.guild:
return True
if await
return True
query = 'SELECT 1 FROM plonks WHERE guild_id = $1 AND entity_id IN ($2, $3) LIMIT 1;'
row = await ctx.db.fetchrow(query,,,
return row is None
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, (PermissionDenied, InvalidPermissions)):
await ctx.send(error)
async def cog_command_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions):
if await
missing = [perm.replace('_', '').replace('guild', 'server').title() for perm in error.missing_perms]
message = (f'You need the {formats.human_join(missing)} permissions, because ~~somebody doesn\'t want you to use this command~~ '
f'it is pretty advanced, I think hehe.')
await ctx.send(message)
async def _set_one_permission(connection, guild_id, name, entity, whitelist):
if not whitelist:
if not
query = 'DELETE FROM permissions WHERE guild_id = $1 AND name = $2 AND snowflake IS NULL;'
status = await connection.execute(query, guild_id, name)
query = 'DELETE FROM permissions WHERE guild_id = $1 AND name = $2 AND snowflake = $3;'
status = await connection.execute(guild_id, name,
count = status.partition(' ')[-2]
if count == '0':
raise InvalidPermissions(f'{name} was neither disabled nor enabled.', name, whitelist)
if not
query = """
UPDATE permissions
SET whitelist = $3
WHERE guild_id = $1 AND name = $2 AND snowflake IS NULL;
status = await connection.execute(query, guild_id, name, whitelist)
if status.rpartition(' ')[-1] != '0':
query = """
INSERT INTO permissions (guild_id, name, snowflake, whitelist)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
ON CONFLICT (name, snowflake)
DO UPDATE SET whitelist = $4;
await connection.execute(query, guild_id,, name, whitelist)
async def _bulk_set_permissions(connection, guild_id, name, *entities, whitelist):
ids = tuple(unique( for entity in entities))
# Fuck this
query = """
DELETE FROM permissions
WHERE guild_id = $1 AND name = $2 AND snowflake = ANY($3::BIGINT[]);
await connection.execute(query, guild_id, name, ids)
if not whitelist:
# Permissions shall not be created during a reset
columns = ('guild_id', 'name', 'snowflake', 'whitelist')
to_insert = [(guild_id, name, id, whitelist) for id in ids]
await connection.copy_records_to_table('permissions', columns=columns, records=to_insert)
async def _set_permissions(self, connection, guild_id, name, *entities, whitelist):
method = self._set_one_permission if len(entities) == 1 else self._bulk_set_permissions
await method(connection, guild_id, name, *entities, whitelist=whitelist)
@cache.cache(max_size=None, make_key=lambda a, kw: a[-1])
async def _get_permissions(self, connection, guild_id):
query = 'SELECT name, snowflake, whitelist FROM permissions WHERE guild_id = $1;'
records = await connection.fetch(query, guild_id)
lookup = defaultdict(lambda: (set(), set()))
for name, snowflake, whitelist in records:
# Converting this into a dict for future retrievals of this via cache
return dict(lookup)
async def __global_check(self, ctx):
if not ctx.guild: # Custom permissions in DMs? Nope
return True
if await
return True
lookup = await self._get_permissions(ctx.db,
if not lookup:
return True
root = ctx.command.root_parent or ctx.command
if root in {self.enable, self.disable, self.reset}:
return True
server = Server(ctx.guild)
objects = itertools.chain(
zip(itertools.repeat('role'), sorted(, reverse=True)),
('server', server)],
parent = command_category(ctx.command)
names = itertools.chain(
map(_command_node, walk_parents(ctx.command)),
# Ew, shit, now the real crap begins
for (typename, obj), name in itertools.product(objects, names):
if not in lookup:
if name in lookup[][True]:
return True
if name in lookup[][False]:
raise PermissionDenied(f'{name} is denied on the {typename} level', name, obj)
return True
async def _display_embed(self, ctx, name=None, *entities, whitelist, _type):
color, action, icon = _value_embed_mappings[whitelist]
def name_values():
sorted_entities = sorted(entities, key=_get_class_name)
for k, group in itertools.groupby(sorted_entities, _get_class_name):
group = list(group)
name = f'{k}{"s" * (len(group) != 1)}'
value = truncate(', '.join(map(str, group)), 1024, '...')
yield name, value
if ctx.bot_has_embed_links():
embed = (discord.Embed(color=color)
.set_author(name=f'{_type} {action}!', icon_url=icon))
if name not in {ALL_COMMANDS_KEY, None}:
cog, _, name = _extract_from_node(name)
embed.add_field(name=_type, value=name or cog)
for name, value in name_values():
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
cog, _, name = _extract_from_node(name)
joined = '\n'.join(f'**{name}:** {value}' for name, value in name_values())
message = f'Successfully {action} {_type.lower()} {name or cog}!\n\n{joined}'
await ctx.send(message)
async def _set_permissions_command(self, ctx, name, *entities, whitelist, _type):
entities = entities or (Server(ctx.guild), )
await self._set_permissions(ctx.db,, name, *entities, whitelist=whitelist)
self._get_permissions.invalidate(None, None,
await self._display_embed(ctx, name, *entities, whitelist=whitelist, _type=_type)
def _make_command(value, name, *, desc):
name=name, help=f'{desc} a command, category, or *all* commands.',
usage='<command, category, or all> [channels, members, or roles...]',
async def group(self, ctx, command_category_or_all: CommandCategoryOrAll, *entities: PermissionEntity):
thing, _type = command_category_or_all
await self._set_permissions_command(ctx, thing, *entities, whitelist=value, _type=_type)
name='command', help=f'{desc} a command.', aliases=['cmd'],
usage='<command> [channels, members, or roles...]',
async def group_command(self, ctx, command: CommandName, *entities: PermissionEntity):
await self._set_permissions_command(ctx, command, *entities, whitelist=value, _type='Command')
name='category', help=f'{desc} a category.', aliases=['cog', 'module'],
usage='<category> [channels, members, or roles...]',
async def group_category(self, ctx, category: Category, *entities: PermissionEntity):
await self._set_permissions_command(ctx, category, *entities, whitelist=value, _type='Category')
@group.command(name='all', help=f'{desc} all commands.\n', usage='[channels, members, or roles...]')
async def group_all(self, ctx, *entities: PermissionEntity):
await self._set_permissions_command(ctx, ALL_COMMANDS_KEY, *entities, whitelist=value, _type='All commands')
return group, group_command, group_category, group_all
enable, enable_command, enable_cog, enable_all = _make_command(True, 'enable', desc='Enables')
disable, disable_command, disable_cog, disable_all = _make_command(False, 'disables', desc='Disables')
reset, reset_command, reset_cog, reset_all = _make_command(None, 'reset', desc='Resets the permissions for')
del _make_command
@commands.command(name='resetperms', aliases=['clearperms'])
async def _reset_perms(self, ctx):
"""Clears **all** the permissions for commands and cogs.
This is a very risky action which means that you have to replace all permissions.
Only do this if you *really* messed up.
If you wish to just delete on perm or multiple, use `{prefix}reset` instead.
query = 'DELETE FROM permissions WHERE guild_id = $1;'
await ctx.db.execute(query,
self._get_permissions.invalidate(None, None,
await self._display_embed(ctx, None, Server(ctx.guild), whitelist=-1, _type='All permissions')
async def _bulk_ignore_entries(self, ctx, entries):
query = 'SELECT entitiy_id FROM plonks WHERE guild_id = $1;'
ignored = {result[0] for result in await ctx.db.fetch(query,}
to_insert = [(, for entry in entries if not in ignored]
await ctx.db.copy_records_to_table('plonks', columns=('guild_id', 'entity_id'), records=to_insert)
async def _display_plonked(self, ctx, entries, plonk):
color, action = _plonk_embed_mappings[plonk]
def name_values():
for thing in map(list, partition(lambda e: isinstance(e, discord.TextChannel), entries)):
if not thing:
name = f'{_get_class_name(thing[0])}{"s" * (len(thing) != 1)}'
value = truncate(', '.join(map(str, thing)), 1024, '...')
yield name, value
if ctx.bot_has_embed_links():
embed = (discord.Embed(color=color)
.set_author(name=f'{action.title()} successful!', icon_url=PLONK_ICON))
for name, value in name_values():
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
joined = '\n'.join(f'**{name}:** {value}' for name, value in name_values())
await ctx.send(f'Successfully {ctx.command}d\n{joined}')
@commands.command(name='ignore', aliases=['plonk'])
async def _ignore(self, ctx, *channels_or_members: Plonkable):
"""Ignores text channels or members from using this bot.
If no channel or member is specified, the current channel is ignored.
channels_or_members = channels_or_members or []
if len(channels_or_members) == 1:
thing = channels_or_members[0]
query = 'INSERT INTO plonks (guild_id, entity_id) VALUES ($1, $2);'
await ctx.db.execute(query,,
except asyncpg.UniqueViolationError:
return await ctx.send(f'I\'m already ignoring {thing}.')
await self._bulk_ignore_entries(ctx, channels_or_members)
await self._display_plonked(ctx, channels_or_members, plonk=True)
@commands.command(name='unignore', aliases=['unplonk'])
async def _unignore(self, ctx, *channels_or_members: Plonkable):
"""Allows channels or members to use the bot again.
If no channel or member is specified, it unignores the current channel.
entities = channels_or_members or (, )
if len(entities) == 1:
query = 'DELETE FROM plonks WHERE guild_id = $1 AND entity_id = $2;'
await ctx.db.execute(query,, entities[0].id)
query = 'DELETE FROM plonks WHERE guild_id = $1 AND entity_id = ANY($2::BIGINT[]);'
await ctx.db.execute(query,, [ for entity in entities])
await self._display_plonked(ctx, entities, plonk=False)
@commands.command(name='ignores', aliases=['plonks'])
async def _ignores(self, ctx):
"""Tells you what channels or members are currently ignored on this server."""
query = 'SELECT entity_id FROM plonks WHERE guild_id = $1;'
entries = [
(ctx.guild.get_channel(entity_id) or ctx.guild.get_member(entity_id) or _DummyEntry(entity_id)).mention
for entity_id, in await ctx.db.fetch(query,
if not entries:
return await ctx.send('Nothing\'s being ignored in here.')
pages = Paginator(ctx, entries, title=f'Currently ignoring...', per_page=20)
await pages.interact()
def setup(bot):