import collections
import enum
import io
import math
import random
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from PIL import Image
from utils import db
from utils.colors import random_color
from utils.examples import get_example, wrap_example
from utils.formats import pluralize
from utils.misc import run_in_executor
from utils.time import duration_units
class Money(db.Table, table_name='currency'):
user_id = db.Column(db.BigInt, primary_key=True)
amount = db.Column(db.Integer)
class Givelog(db.Table):
id = db.Column(db.Serial, primary_key=True)
giver = db.Column(db.BigInt)
recipient = db.Column(db.BigInt)
amount = db.Column(db.Integer)
time = db.Column(db.Timestamp, default="now() at time zone 'utc'")
class DailyCashCooldowns(db.Table, table_name='daily_cash_cooldowns'):
user_id = db.Column(db.BigInt, primary_key=True)
latest_time = db.Column(db.Timestamp)
class DailyLog(db.Table):
id = db.Column(db.Serial, primary_key=True)
user_id = db.Column(db.BigInt)
time = db.Column(db.Timestamp)
amount = db.Column(db.Integer)
# Cooldown for `daily`
# minimum account age in days before one can use `daily` or `give`
class AccountTooYoung(commands.CheckFailure):
"""Will be raised when an account is less than 7 days old."""
def maybe_not_alt():
def predicate(ctx):
delta = ctx.message.created_at -
if delta.days > MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_AGE:
return True
retry_after = duration_units(MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_AGE_IN_SECONDS - delta.total_seconds())
raise AccountTooYoung(
f'Sorry, but your account is too young. Please wait for {retry_after} before you can use '
return commands.check(predicate)
class Side(enum.Enum):
heads = h = 'heads'
tails = t = 'tails'
# Probably implement these one day too?
# edge = e = 'edge'
# none = n = 'none'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
async def convert(cls, _, argument):
return cls[argument.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise commands.BadArgument(f'{argument} is not a valid side.')
def random_example(cls, _):
return random.choice(list(cls._member_map_))
SIDES = list(Side)[:2]
WEIGHTS = [0.4999, 0.4999, 0.0002][:2]
class _DummyUser(collections.namedtuple('_DummyUser', 'id')):
def mention(self):
return f'<Unknown User | ID: {}>'
class NotNegative(commands.BadArgument):
class SideOrAmount(commands.Converter):
__types = (Side, int)
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
return await Side.convert(ctx, argument)
except commands.BadArgument:
return int(argument)
except ValueError:
raise commands.BadArgument(f'`{argument}` is not an amount or side.')
return await self.__converter.convert(ctx, argument)
def random_example(cls, ctx):
ctx.__sideoramount_flag__ = type_index = not getattr(ctx, '__sideoramount_flag__', False)
return get_example(cls.__types[type_index], ctx)
def positive_int(argument):
value = int(argument)
if value > 0:
return value
raise NotNegative('Expected a positive value.')
class PositiveIntOnlyOnSide(commands.Converter):
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
last_arg = ctx.args[-1]
if isinstance(last_arg, int):
raise commands.BadArgument(f'Hm, I thought you wanted to flip it {last_arg} times?')
return positive_int(argument)
def _positive_int_example(ctx):
if random.random() > 0.5:
return random.choice([1, 5, 10])
num = random.randint(2, 5)
return random.choice(['9' * num, '1' + '0' * num])
class NonBlacklistedMember(commands.MemberConverter):
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
member = await super().convert(ctx, argument)
blacklist ='Blacklists')
if blacklist:
if await blacklist.get_blacklist(member, connection=ctx.db):
raise commands.BadArgument('This user is blacklisted.')
return member
def random_example(ctx):
return get_example(discord.Member, ctx)
class Currency(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
with open('data/images/coins/heads.png', 'rb') as heads, \
open('data/images/coins/tails.png', 'rb') as tails:
self._heads_image ='RGBA')
self._tails_image ='RGBA')
if len({*self._heads_image.size, *self._tails_image.size}) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Images must be the same size.')
def cog_unload(self):
async def cog_command_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, NotNegative):
await ctx.send('Fuck off. You\'re not going to mess up my economy!')
elif isinstance(error, AccountTooYoung):
await ctx.send(error)
def image_size(self):
return self._heads_image.size[0]
async def get_money(self, user_id, *, connection=None):
connection = connection or
query = 'SELECT amount FROM currency WHERE user_id = $1;'
row = await connection.fetchrow(query, user_id)
return row['amount'] if row else 0
async def add_money(self, user_id, amount, *, connection=None):
connection = connection or
query = """
INSERT INTO currency
VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT (user_id)
DO UPDATE SET amount = currency.amount + $2;
await connection.execute(query, user_id, amount)
@commands.command(name='cash', aliases=['money', 'coins'])
async def _cash(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None):
"""Shows how much money you have."""
user = user or
amount = await self.get_money(, connection=ctx.db)
if not amount:
return await ctx.send(f'{user} has nothing.')
await ctx.send(f'{user} has **{amount}** \N{MONEY WITH WINGS}.')
async def _leaderboard(self, ctx):
"""Shows the 10 richest people."""
query = """
SELECT user_id, amount FROM currency
WHERE amount > 0
ORDER BY amount
get_user =
fields = (
f'{(get_user(user_id) or _DummyUser(user_id)).mention} with **{amount}**'
for user_id, amount in await ctx.db.fetch(query)
# Probably paginate this?
embed = discord.Embed(title='Top 10 richest people', description='\n'.join(fields), color=random_color())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _give(self, ctx, amount: positive_int, user: NonBlacklistedMember):
"""Gives some of your money to another user.
You must have at least the amount you are trying to give.
if == user:
return await ctx.send('Wait...Did you really try to give money to yourself?!')
money = await self.get_money(, connection=ctx.db)
if money < amount:
return await ctx.send('You don\'t have enough to give it away.')
query = 'UPDATE currency SET amount = amount - $2 WHERE user_id = $1;'
await ctx.db.execute(query,, amount)
await self.add_money(, amount, connection=ctx.db)
query = 'INSERT INTO givelog (giver, recipient, amount) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);'
await ctx.db.execute(query,,, amount)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{OK HAND SIGN}')
async def _award(self, ctx, amount: int, *, user: discord.User):
"""Awards some money to a user."""
await self.add_money(, amount, connection=ctx.db)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{OK HAND SIGN}')
async def _take(self, ctx, amount: int, *, user: discord.User):
"""Takes some money away from an user."""
money = await self.get_money(, connection=ctx.db)
if not money:
return await ctx.send(f'{user.mention} has no money left...yeah..')
amount = min(money, amount)
await self.add_money(, -amount, connection=ctx.db)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('\N{OK HAND SIGN}')
async def _default_flip(ctx):
"""Flip called with no arguments."""
side = random.choices(SIDES, WEIGHTS)[0]
file = discord.File(f'data/images/coins/{side}.png', 'coin.png')
embed = (discord.Embed(title=f'...Flipped {side}!', color=random_color())
await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
def _flip_image(self, num_sides):
images = {
Side.heads: self._heads_image,
Side.tails: self._tails_image,
stats = collections.Counter()
root = num_sides ** 0.5
height, width = round(root), int(math.ceil(root))
sides = (random.choices(SIDES, WEIGHTS)[0] for _ in range(num_sides))
size = self.image_size
image ='RGBA', (width * size, height * size))
for index, side in enumerate(sides):
y, x = divmod(index, width)
image.paste(images[side], (x * size, y * size))
stats[side] += 1
message = ' and '.join(pluralize(**{str(side)[:-1]: n}) for side, n in stats.items())
f = io.BytesIO(), 'png')
return message, discord.File(f, 'flipcoins.png')
async def _numbered_flip(self, ctx, number):
if number == 1:
await self._default_flip(ctx)
elif number > 100:
await ctx.send('I am not going to flip that many coins for you.')
elif number <= 0:
await ctx.send('Wtf, how is that supposed to work?')
message, file = await self._flip_image(number)
embed = (discord.Embed(title=f'...Flipped {message}', color=random_color())
await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
@commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True, attach_files=True)
async def _flip(self, ctx, side_or_number: SideOrAmount = None, amount: PositiveIntOnlyOnSide = None):
"""Flips a coin.
The first argument can either be the side (heads or tails) or the number of coins you want to flip.
If you don't type anything, it will flip one coin.
If you specify a side for the first argument, you can
also type the amount of money you wish to bet on for this flip.
Getting it right gives you 2.0x the money you've bet.
if not side_or_number:
return await self._default_flip(ctx)
if isinstance(side_or_number, int):
return await self._numbered_flip(ctx, side_or_number)
side = side_or_number
is_betting = amount is not None
if is_betting:
money = await self.get_money(, connection=ctx.db)
if money < amount:
return await ctx.send('You don\'t have enough.')
new_amount = -amount
actual = random.choices(SIDES, WEIGHTS)[0]
won = actual == side
if won:
message = 'You won!'
color = 0x4CAF50
if is_betting:
new_amount += amount * 2
message += f'\nYou won **{new_amount}** \N{MONEY WITH WINGS}.'
message = 'You lost!'
color = 0xF44336
if is_betting:
lost = '**everything**' if amount == money else f'**{amount}** \N{MONEY WITH WINGS}'
message += f'\nYou lost {lost} \N{MONEY WITH WINGS}.'
if is_betting:
query = 'UPDATE currency SET amount = amount + $2 WHERE user_id = $1;'
await ctx.db.execute(query,, new_amount)
file = discord.File(f'data/images/coins/{actual}.png', 'coin.png')
embed = (discord.Embed(description=message, color=color)
await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
async def _daily_cash(self, ctx):
"""Command to give you daily cash (between 10 and 200).
As the name suggests, you can only use this command every 24 hours.
author_id =
now = ctx.message.created_at
query = 'SELECT latest_time FROM daily_cash_cooldowns WHERE user_id = $1;'
row = await ctx.db.fetchrow(query, author_id)
if row:
delta = (now - row['latest_time']).total_seconds()
retry_after = DAILY_CASH_COOLDOWN_TIME - delta
if retry_after > 0:
return await ctx.send(f'Don\'t be greedy. Wait at least {duration_units(retry_after)} before using this command again.')
query = """
INSERT INTO daily_cash_cooldowns
VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT (user_id)
DO UPDATE SET latest_time = $2;
await ctx.db.execute(query, author_id, now)
amount = random.randint(10, 200)
await self.add_money(author_id, amount, connection=ctx.db)
query = 'INSERT INTO dailylog (user_id, time, amount) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);'
await ctx.db.execute(query, author_id, now, amount)
await ctx.send(f'{}, for your daily hope you will receive **{amount}** \N{MONEY WITH WINGS}.')
def setup(bot):