import contextlib
import logging
import random
import typing
from urllib.parse import quote
import aiohttp
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IdiotError(Exception):
api_endpoints = {
"api_endpoints": {
"Generators": ("achievement", "batslap", "beautiful", "blame", "crush", "facepalm", "pls", "respect", "slap",
"snapchat", "stepped", "superpunch", "tattoo", "thesearch", "triggered", "vault", "wanted")
dev_endpoints = {
"effects": ("brightness", "darkness", "greyscale", "invert", "invertGreyscale", "invertThreshold", "sepia",
"silhouette", "threshold"),
"generators": ("achievement", "batslap", "beautiful", "blame", "bobross", "challenger", "changemymind",
"coffee", "colour", "confused", "crush", "facepalm", "fanslap", "garbage", "girls", "hates",
"heavyfear", "hide", "ignore", "karen", "kirby", "missing", "painting", "pls", "religion",
"respect", "snapchat", "sniper", "steam", "stepped", "suggestion", "superpunch", "superspank",
"tattoo", "thesearch", "time", "tinder", "triggered", "vault", "vr", "waifuinsult", "wanted",
"wreckit", "zerotwopicture", "osu"),
"greetings": ("anime_goodbye", "anime_welcome", "unified"),
"overlays": ("approved", "discord", "rainbow", "rejected"),
"profile": "card",
"text": ("cursive", "mock", "owoify", "tinytext", "vaporwave"),
def get_endpoint(endpoint):
for key, values in api_endpoints.items():
if endpoint.lower() in values:
return key + "/" + endpoint.lower()
raise IdiotError("The endpoint you are trying to make a request to is invalid.")
def get_dev_endpoint(endpoint):
for key, values in dev_endpoints.items():
if endpoint.lower() in values:
return key + "/" + endpoint.lower()
raise IdiotError("The endpoint you are trying to make a request to is invalid.")
class IdiotResponse:
def __init__(self, **data):
self.type = data.get('type')
self.text = data.get('text')
img_data = data.get('data') = bytes(img_data) if img_data else None
def parse_result(cls, result, *, status_code):
"""Parses a response from the API."""
status_codes = {
"404": "Endpoint not found.",
"403": "Either your API key is missing or an improper one was passed.",
"400": "You are missing some required fields."
for key, value in status_codes.items():
if status_code == int(key):
raise IdiotError(value)
return cls(**result)
class IdiotClient:
def __init__(self, key, *, dev=False, **kwargs):
self.api_key = key = dev
self.base_url = '' if dev else ''
self.session = kwargs.get('session') or aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=kwargs.get('loop'))
self.headers = {"Authorization" if dev else "token": self.api_key}
async def _get_image(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs):
"""Makes a request to an endpoint of the API."""
params = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
async with self.session.get(self.base_url + endpoint, headers=self.headers, params=params) as response:
json_response = await response.json()
status = response.status
return IdiotResponse.parse_result(result=json_response, status_code=status)
async def _get_text(self, endpoint: str, text: str, style=None):
"""Makes a request to a text endpoint of the API."""
params = {'text': text}
if style:
params['style'] = style
async with self.session.get(self.base_url + endpoint, headers=self.headers, params=params) as response:
json_response = await response.json()
status = response.status
return IdiotResponse.parse_result(result=json_response, status_code=status)
async def retrieve_greeting(self, type, version, bot, avatar, username, discriminator, guild_name, member_count, *, message=None):
"""This represents the base for Welcome/Goodbye messages."""
result = await self._get_image(
if not
raise IdiotError('Failed to retrieve a Greeting Image.')
return discord.File(, 'greeting.png')
class Fun(commands.Cog, IdiotClient):
def __init__(self, bot):
super().__init__(bot.idiotic_api_key, dev=True, session=bot.session) = bot
async def cog_command_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, IdiotError):
await ctx.send(error)
async def _osu(self, ctx, theme: typing.Optional[int] = 3, *, user: str = None):
"""Returns an osu profile card for a given user.
You can choose a theme by providing a number. Defaults to `darker`.
`light` => 1
`dark` => 2
`darker` => 3
If no user is provided, it will try to retrieve data using your nickname.
{prefix}osu dark itsVale
{prefix}osu itsVale
themes = ['light', 'dark', 'darker']
if not 0 <= theme < 4:
raise IdiotError('You must provide a theme as a integer.\n```\nlight => 1\ndark => 2\ndarker => 3```')
user = user or
async with ctx.typing():
result = await self._get_image(get_dev_endpoint('osu'), user=user, theme=themes[theme - 1])
res =
except KeyError:
return await ctx.send('Nothing found for the given username.')
with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException):
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(res, 'osu.png'))
@commands.command(name='lmgtfy', aliases=['google', 'search'])
async def _lmgtfy(self, ctx, *args):
"""Use this command if someone is unable to google for stuff on his own."""
if not args:
return await ctx.send('This command requires arguments on what to google for.')
query = quote(' '.join(args))
await ctx.send(f'Someone who doesn\'t know how to google, huh? Let me show you how to do this. <{query}>')
async def _mock(self, ctx, *, text):
"""Who doesn't like the Spongebob mock meme?"""
# Quality code
await ctx.send(''.join([random.choice([char.upper(), char.lower()]) for char in text]))
def setup(bot):