import inspect
import os
import platform
import re
import discord
import psutil
from discord.ext import commands
from utils.colors import random_color
from utils.converter import BotCommand
from utils.paginator import Paginator
# Thanks, Milky
VERSION_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^## (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) - (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|Unreleased)$')
CHANGE_TYPE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^### (Added|Changed|Deprecated|Removed|Fixed|Security)$')
def _is_bulleted(line):
return line.startswith(('* ', '- '))
def _changelog_versions(lines):
version = change_type = release_date = None
changes = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
match = VERSION_HEADER_PATTERN.match(line)
if match:
if version:
yield version, {'release_date': release_date, 'changes': changes.copy()}
version = match[1]
release_date = match[2]
match = CHANGE_TYPE_PATTERN.match(line)
if match:
change_type = match[1]
if _is_bulleted(line):
changes.setdefault(change_type, []).append(line)
changes[change_type][-1] += ' ' + line.lstrip()
yield version, {'release_date': release_date, 'changes': changes.copy()}
def _load_changes():
with open('') as f:
return dict(_changelog_versions(f.readlines()))
_CHANGELOG = _load_changes()
def _format_line(line):
if _is_bulleted(line):
return '\u2022 ' + line[2:]
return line
def _format_changelog_without_embed(version):
changes = _CHANGELOG[version]
nl_join = '\n'.join
change_lines = '\n\n'.join(
f'{type_}\n{nl_join(map(_format_line, lines))}'
for type_, lines in changes['changes'].items()
return f'Version {version} \u2014 {changes["release_date"]}\n\n{change_lines}'
def _format_changelog_with_embed(version, url):
changes = _CHANGELOG[version]
nl_join = '\n'.join
change_lines = '\n\n'.join(
f'**__{type_}__**\n{nl_join(map(_format_line, lines))}'
for type_, lines in changes['changes'].items()
embed = discord.Embed(description=change_lines)
name = f'Version {version} \u2014 {changes["release_date"]}'
embed.set_author(name=name, url=url)
return embed
class Meta(commands.Cog):
"""Primary a class that provides some meta information about the bot."""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
def emojis(self):
async def _get_commits(repo):
cmd = r'git show -s HEAD~5..HEAD --format="[{}](' + repo + '/commit/%H) %s (%cr)"' # 10 commits
if == 'posix':
cmd = cmd.format(r'\`%h\`')
cmd = cmd.format(r'`%h`')
revision = os.popen(cmd).read().strip()
except OSError:
revision = 'Couldn\'t fetch commits. Either a memory error or a non-existant repository was provided.'
return revision
def _get_os_information(cpu, memory):
return inspect.cleandoc(f"""
**System information:**
:Architecture: -{platform.architecture()[0]}-
:System: -{platform.system()}-
:Node: -{platform.node()}-
:Release: -{platform.release()}-
:Version: -{platform.version()}-
:Machine: -{platform.version()}-
:Processor: -{platform.processor()}-
:CPU usage: -{cpu}-
:Memory usage: -{memory}-
async def _about(self, ctx):
"""Get some cool information about the bot."""
pages = []
process =
cpu = process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count()
memory = process.memory_info().rss / float(2 ** 20)
latency = round( * 1000, 2)
shards = len(
version = '.'.join(map(str,[:3]))
changelog = (
f'**{self.emojis.get("announcements")} Recent updates:**\n\n'
commits = await self._get_commits('itsVale/')
system = self._get_os_information(cpu, memory)
python = platform.python_version()
postgres = '.'.join(map(str, ctx.db.get_server_version()[:3]))
pages = [
f'[`Source Code`]({})\n'
f'[`Invite me with minimal perms`]({})\n'
f'[`Invite me with full perms (Required for certain commands to work)`]({})\n\n'
f'[__**Need help with something? Check out the support server!**__]({})'
f'{self.emojis.get("version")} Version: **{version}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("status")} Online for: **{}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("signal")} Latency: **{latency} ms**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("server")} Guilds: **{}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("cpu")} CPU usage: **{cpu:.2f}%**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("memory")} RAM usage: **{memory:.2f} Mb**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("shard")} Shards: **{shards}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("python")} Python version: **{python}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("discordpy")} version: **{discord.__version__}**\n'
f'{self.emojis.get("postgres")} PostgreSQL version: **{postgres}**\n'
f'**\N{WRITING HAND} Latest commits:**\n\n' + commits,
paginator = Paginator(ctx, pages, per_page=1, title=f'{self.emojis.get("statistics")} Stats for')
await paginator.interact()
@commands.command(name='source', aliases=['skid', 'steal'])
async def _source(self, ctx, *, command: BotCommand = None):
"""Displays the source code for a command.
If the source code has too many lines, it will send a GitHub URL instead.
if not command:
return await ctx.send(
paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix='```py')
source = command.callback.__code__
lines, firstlineno = inspect.getsourcelines(command.callback)
if len(lines) < 20:
for line in lines:
paginator.add_line(line.rstrip().replace('`', '\u200b'))
for page in paginator.pages:
await ctx.send(page)
lastline = firstlineno + len(lines) - 1
location = os.path.relpath(source.co_filename).replace('\\', '/')
url = f'<{}/tree/master/{location}#L{firstlineno}-L{lastline}>'
await ctx.send(url)
async def _stats(self, ctx):
"""Shows some usage statistics about this bot."""
content = (
f'__**Usage statistics:**__\n',
f'Commands invoked in total: **{"total")}**',
f'Commands invoked in this guild: **{}**',
f'Commands invoked in DMs: **{"in DMs")}**\n',
f'And here are the commands, which were invoked successfully in total: **{"succeeded")}**\n',
f'*Only applies to the period from since the bot was restarted for the last time until now.*',
if ctx.bot_has_embed_links():
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description='\n'.join(content), color=random_color()))
await ctx.send('\n'.join(content))
def setup(bot):