import datetime
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import random
import re
import sys
import traceback
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from more_itertools import last
from utils.examples import _parameter_examples, _split_params
from utils.formats import human_join
from utils.misc import emoji_url
# Thank you, Milky. Much love.
_handlers = []
def _handler(*exceptions):
def decorator(func):
_handlers.append((exceptions, func))
return func
return decorator
# BotMissingPermissions
'embed_links': 'embeds',
'attach_files': 'upload stuffs',
with open('data/bot_missing_perms.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
_missing_perm_actions = json.load(f)
def _format_bot_missing_perms(ctx, missing_perms):
action = _missing_perm_actions.get(str(ctx.command))
if not action:
actions = (
_DEFAULT_MISSING_PERMS_ACTIONS.get(p, p.replace('_', ' '))
for p in missing_perms
action = human_join(actions, final='or')
nice_perms = (
perm.replace('_', ' ').replace('guild', 'server').title()
for perm in missing_perms
return (
f"Hey hey, I don't have permissions to {action}. "
f'Please check if I have {human_join(nice_perms)}.'
def bot_missing_perms(ctx, error):
return ctx.send(_format_bot_missing_perms(ctx, error.missing_perms))
# MissingRequiredArgument
def _random_slice(seq):
return seq[:random.randint(0, len(seq))]
def _format_missing_required_arg(ctx, param):
required, optional = _split_params(ctx.command)
missing = list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda p: p != param, required))
names = human_join(f'`{}`' for p in missing)
example = ' '.join(_parameter_examples(missing + _random_slice(optional), ctx))
# TODO: Specify the args more descriptively.
return (
f"Hey hey, you're missing {names}.\n\n"
f'Usage: `{ctx.clean_prefix}{ctx.command.signature}`\n'
f'Example: {ctx.message.clean_content} **{example}** \n'
def missing_required_arg(ctx, error):
return ctx.send(_format_missing_required_arg(ctx, error.param))
# BadArgument
_reverse_quotes = {cq: oq for oq, cq in commands.view._quotes.items()}
_clean_content = commands.clean_content(fix_channel_mentions=True, escape_markdown=True)
def _get_bad_argument(ctx, param):
content = ctx.message.content
view = ctx.view
if param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and not ctx.command.rest_is_raw:
return content[view.previous:], view.previous
# Anything past view.index can't (or shouldn't) be checked for validity, so we can safely discard it.
content = ctx.message.content[:ctx.view.index]
bad_quote = content[-1]
bad_open_quote = _reverse_quotes.get(bad_quote)
if not bad_open_quote or content[-2:-1] in ['\\', '']:
bad_content = content.rsplit(None, 1)[-1]
return bad_content, view.index - len(bad_content)
# We need to look for the last "quoted" word.
quote_pattern = rf'{bad_open_quote}((?:[^{bad_quote}\\]|\\.)*){bad_quote}'
last_match = last(re.finditer(quote_pattern, content))
# I swear if last_match is None...
assert last_match, f'last_match is None with content {content}'
return last_match[1], last_match.start()
async def _format_bad_argument(ctx, param, error):
_, end_content_at = _get_bad_argument(ctx, param)
content = ctx.message.content[:end_content_at]
content = await _clean_content.convert(ctx, content)
required, optional = map(iter, _split_params(ctx.command))
next(itertools.dropwhile(lambda p: p != param, itertools.chain(required, optional)), None)
example = f'**{next(_parameter_examples([param], ctx))}**'
other_examples = ' '.join(_parameter_examples(itertools.chain(required, _random_slice(list(optional))), ctx))
if other_examples:
example = example + ' ' + other_examples
return (
f'Usage: `{ctx.clean_prefix}{ctx.command.signature}`\n'
f'Example: {content}{example}'
async def _bad_argument(ctx, error):
params = list(ctx.command.params.values())
index = min(len(ctx.args) + len(ctx.kwargs), len(params) - 1)
param = params[index]
error = error or error.__cause__
if isinstance(error.__cause__, ValueError):
cause = str(error.__cause__)
if cause.startswith((
'invalid literal for int()', # int
'could not convert string to float' # float
match =": '(.*)'", cause)
error = f'"{match[1]}" is not a number.'
message = await _format_bad_argument(ctx, param, error)
await ctx.send(message)
# BadUnionArgument
def _format_converter(converter):
if converter == int:
return 'number'
return converter.__name__.lower()
def _format_converters(converters):
if all(inspect.isclass(c) and issubclass(c, for c in converters):
return 'channel'
return human_join(map(_format_converter, converters), final='or')
async def _bad_union_argument(ctx, error):
bad_argument, _ = _get_bad_argument(ctx, error.param)
error_message = f'"{bad_argument}" is not a {_format_converters(error.converters)}.'
message = await _format_bad_argument(ctx, error.param, error_message)
await ctx.send(message)
# NoPrivateMessage
def bad_argument(ctx, _):
return ctx.send('This command cannot be used in private messages.')
# CommandInvokeError
async def command_invoke_error(ctx, error):
print(f'In {ctx.command.qualified_name}:', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr)
# CommandOnCooldown
def command_on_cooldown(ctx, error):
seconds = round(error.retry_after, 2)
hours, remainder = divmod(int(seconds), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return ctx.send(f'Slow down, mate! This command is on cooldown.\n**{hours} hours, {minutes} minutes and {seconds} seconds remaining.**')
# Error Webhook
_ignored_exceptions = (
async def _send_error_webhook(ctx, error):
if not isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):['failed'] += 1
webhook =
if not webhook:
error = getattr(error, 'original', error)
if isinstance(error, _ignored_exceptions) or getattr(error, '__ignore__', False):
e = (discord.Embed(colour=0xcc3366)
.set_author(name=f'Error in command {ctx.command}', icon_url=ERROR_ICON_URL)
.add_field(name='Author', value=f'{}\n(ID: {})', inline=False)
.add_field(name='Channel', value=f'{}\n(ID: {})')
if ctx.guild:
e.add_field(name='Guild', value=f'{ctx.guild}\n(ID: {})')
exc = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, chain=False))
e.description = f'```py\n{exc}\n```'
e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
await webhook.send(embed=e)
# Error handler
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
await _send_error_webhook(ctx, error)
if not ctx.__bypass_local_error__ and hasattr(ctx.command, 'on_error'):
for exc_type, handler in _handlers:
if isinstance(error, exc_type):
await handler(ctx, error)
def setup(bot):