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Test Coverage
; Pylava configuration file
; --------------------------
; If you are planning to contribute to this project, please first use pylava (`pip install pylava`) to lint your code.
; To do that, cd into the project directory and use the command `pylava`. No output at all from this command would be ideal.

; ----------------- General pylava configuration -----------------

skip = */.tox/*,*/.env/*,venv/*
ignore = F0401,C0111,E731

max_line_length = 150

max_line_length = 150
disable = R

builtins = _

; ---------------- Options for the specific files ----------------
; Most of them is basically just skipping unnecessary stuff.
; Or if it's necessary, then it's temporary and will be fixed in the future.

ignore = C901

ignore = E203

ignore = E221

ignore = C901

ignore = W0401,W0611

ignore = E203

ignore = C901

ignore = C901

ignore = C901

ignore = W0401,W0611

ignore = E0602