import asyncio
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import itertools
import re
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from more_itertools import chunked, consume, iter_except, unique_everseen
from .colors import random_color
from .misc import maybe_awaitable
from .queue import SimpleQueue
_Trigger = collections.namedtuple('_Trigger', 'emoji pattern blocking fallback')
def trigger(emoji, pattern=None, *, blocking=False, fallback=None):
"""Add a function that will be called with a certain reaction.
If pattern is a string, it will be used as a regex pattern for messages to trigger that functions.
If fallback is a string, it will be used as a regex pattern like pattern.
But this will only be used if the bot can't add reactions.
If blocking is True, reactions will be ignored for the duration of the execution.
def decorator(func):
func.__trigger__ = _Trigger(emoji=emoji, pattern=pattern, blocking=blocking, fallback=fallback)
return func
return decorator
paginated = functools.partial(commands.bot_has_permissions, embed_links=True)
# Remove the predicate from the check
_validate_context = paginated()(lambda: 0).__commands_checks__[0]
class _TriggerCooldown(commands.CooldownMapping):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(commands.Cooldown(rate=5, per=2, type=commands.BucketType.user))
def _bucket_key(self, tup):
return tup
def is_rate_limited(self, message_id, user_id):
bucket = self.get_bucket((message_id, user_id))
return bucket.update_rate_limit() is not None
_trigger_cooldown = _TriggerCooldown()
class _Callback(collections.namedtuple('_Callback', 'func blocking')):
"""Wrapper class to store the resolved descriptor and the blocking attribute."""
__slots__ = ()
def __doc__(self):
return self.func.__doc__
class InteractiveSession:
"""Base class for all interactive sessions.
Subclasses must implement the 'default' method. If necessary, they can override 'start'.
A page should either return a discord.Embed, or None to indicate the page was invalid somehow.
e.g. the page number given was out of bounds, or there were side effects associated with it.
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
self._bot = ctx.bot
self._channel = ctx.channel
self._users = {ctx.author.id}
self._message = None
self._blocking = False
self._current = None
self._queue = SimpleQueue()
self._using_reactions = False
def __init_subclass__(cls, stop_emoji='\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}', stop_pattern=None, stop_fallback='exit', **kwargs):
cls._reaction_map = callbacks = collections.OrderedDict()
cls._message_callbacks = message_callbacks = []
cls._message_fallbacks = message_fallbacks = []
known_patterns = set()
def trigger_iterator():
name_members = itertools.chain.from_iterable(b.__dict__.items() for b in cls.__mro__)
for name, member in unique_everseen(name_members, key=lambda p: p[0]):
trigger = getattr(member, '__trigger__', None)
if not trigger:
resolved = getattr(cls, name)
callback = _Callback(resolved, trigger.blocking)
yield trigger.emoji, trigger.pattern, trigger.fallback, callback
if stop_emoji or stop_pattern or stop_fallback:
yield stop_emoji, stop_pattern, stop_fallback, _Callback(cls.stop, False)
for emoji, pattern, fallback, callback in trigger_iterator():
if emoji not in callbacks:
callbacks[emoji] = callback
if pattern and pattern not in known_patterns:
message_callbacks.append((pattern, callback))
if fallback and fallback not in known_patterns:
message_fallbacks.append((fallback, callback))
def using_reactions(self):
"""Returns True if reactions are being used for the current session, False otherwise.
This can return False if the session is not running.
return self._using_reactions
def check(self, reaction, _):
"""Extra checks for reactions."""
return reaction.emoji in self._reaction_map
async def add_reactions(self):
"""Adds the reactions to the message."""
for emoji in self._reaction_map:
await self._message.add_reaction(emoji)
def default(self):
"""Returns the first embed to start the controller."""
raise NotImplementedError
async def start(self):
"""First thing that gets called."""
self._current = embed = await maybe_awaitable(self.default)
self._message = await self._channel.send(embed=embed)
async def stop(self):
"""Stops running the controller."""
await self._queue.put(None)
async def cleanup(self, *, delete_after):
"""Cleans up anything else after stopping."""
method = self._message.delete if delete_after else self._message.clear_reactions()
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
await method()
async def run(self, *, timeout=120, delete_after=True):
"""Runs the interactive loop."""
self._using_reactions = self._channel.permissions_for(self.ctx.me).add_reactions
await self.start()
if not self._message:
raise RuntimeError('start() must be self._message.')
message = self._message
triggers = self._message_callbacks.copy()
task = None
listeners = []
def listen(func):
return self._bot.listen()(func)
if self._using_reactions:
task = self._bot.loop.create_task(self.add_reactions())
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if (
not self._blocking
and reaction.message.id == message.id
and user.id in self._users
and self.check(reaction, user)
and not _trigger_cooldown.is_rate_limited(message.id, user.id)
callback, self._blocking = self._reaction_map[reaction.emoji]
cleanup = functools.partial(message.remove_reaction, reaction.emoji, user)
await self._queue.put((callback, cleanup))
if triggers:
async def on_message(msg):
if (
or msg.channel != self._channel
or msg.author.id not in self._users
patterns, callbacks = zip(*triggers)
selectors = map(re.fullmatch, patterns, itertools.repeat(msg.content))
callback = next(itertools.compress(callbacks, selectors), None)
if not callback:
if _trigger_cooldown.is_rate_limited(message.id, msg.author.id):
callback, self._blocking = callback
await self._queue.put((callback, msg.delete))
while True:
# Would async_timeout be better here?
job = await asyncio.wait_for(self._queue.get(), timeout=timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
if job is None:
callback, after = job
result = await maybe_awaitable(callback, self)
with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException):
await after()
self._blocking = False
if result is None:
self._current = result
await message.edit(embed=result)
except discord.NotFound:
self._using_reactions = False
for listener in listeners:
if not (task is None or task.done()):
consume(iter_except(self._queue.get_nowait, asyncio.QueueEmpty))
await self.cleanup(delete_after=delete_after)
interact = run
def reaction_help(self):
return '\n'.join(itertools.starmap('{0} => {1.__doc__}'.format, self._reaction_map.items()))
class Paginator(InteractiveSession):
"""A paginator takes an iterable of entries and paginates them."""
def __init__(self, ctx, entries, *, per_page=15, title=discord.Embed.Empty, color=None):
self._pages = tuple(chunked(entries, per_page))
self._index = 0
if not color:
color = random_color()
self.title = title
self.color = color
def single_page(self):
"""Returns whether there's just a single page or not."""
return len(self._pages) == 1
def small(self):
"""Returns whether there are five pages or less or not."""
return len(self._pages) <= 5
def total(self):
"""Returns the total number of entries in the list."""
return sum(map(len, self._pages))
async def start(self):
"""Starts paginating."""
await super().start()
if self.single_page:
# If there's only one page, paginating is unnecessary
await self.stop()
async def cleanup(self, *, delete_after):
if not self.single_page:
await super().cleanup(delete_after=delete_after)
async def add_reactions(self):
if self.single_page:
fast_forwards = {'\U000023ed', '\U000023ee'}
small = self.small
for emoji in self._reaction_map:
if not (small and emoji in fast_forwards):
await self._message.add_reaction(emoji)
def create_embed(self, page):
"""Creates an embed given a slice of entries."""
return (discord.Embed(title=self.title, description='\n'.join(page), color=self.color)
.set_footer(text=f'Page {self._index + 1}/{len(self._pages)} ({self.total} total)'))
def page_at(self, index):
"""Returns the embed that would be created at a certain page. None if the index is out of bounds."""
if not 0 <= index < len(self._pages):
return None
self._index = index
return self.create_embed(self._pages[index])
def default(self):
"""First page."""
return self.page_at(0)
@trigger('\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', fallback=r'\<')
def previous(self):
"""Previous page."""
return self.page_at(self._index - 1)
@trigger('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', fallback=r'\>')
def next(self):
"""Next page."""
return self.page_at(self._index + 1)
def last(self):
"""Last page."""
return self.page_at(len(self._pages) - 1)
def _goto_embed(self):
ctx = self.ctx
description = (
f'Please enter a number from 1 to {len(self._pages)}.\n\n'
'To cancel, click \N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS} again.'
return (discord.Embed(description=description, color=self.color)
.set_author(name=f'What page do you want to go, {ctx.author.display_name}?'))
def _goto_parse_input(self, content):
index = int(content)
except ValueError:
return None
return self.page_at(index - 1)
@trigger('\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}', blocking=True)
async def goto(self):
"""Go to a certain page."""
ctx = self.ctx
return_result = None
user_message = None
def check(m):
nonlocal return_result, user_message
if not (m.channel.id == self._channel.id and m.author.id == ctx.author.id):
return False
result = self._goto_parse_input(m.content)
if not result:
return False
return_result = result
user_message = m
return True
def remove_check(reaction, user):
return (reaction.message.id == self._message.id
and user.id == ctx.author.id
and reaction.emoji == '\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}')
to_wait = [
self._bot.wait_for('message', check=check),
self._bot.wait_for('reaction_remove', check=remove_check),
embed = self._goto_embed()
delete_always = await self._channel.send(embed=embed)
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(to_wait, loop=self._bot.loop, timeout=60, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for fut in pending:
if not done:
return None
result = done.pop().result()
if isinstance(result, discord.Message):
return return_result
return None
for m in [delete_always, user_message]:
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
await m.delete()
class FieldPaginator(Paginator):
"""Similar to Paginator, but uses the fields instead of the description."""
def __init__(self, ctx, entries, *, inline=True, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ctx, entries, **kwargs)
self.inline = inline
if len(self._pages) > 25:
raise ValueError('Too many fields per page! The maximum is 25!')
def create_embed(self, page):
embed = (discord.Embed(title=self.title, color=self.color)
.set_footer(text=f'Page: {self._index + 1} / {len(self._pages)} ({self.total} total)'))
add_field = functools.partial(embed.add_field, inline=self.inline)
for name, value in page:
add_field(name=name, value=value)
return embed