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import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/angular';

import { IonTableComponent } from '../projects/ion/src/lib/table/table.component';
import { SafeAny } from '../projects/ion/src/lib/utils/safe-any';
import {
} from '../projects/ion/src/public-api';

export default {
  title: 'Ion/Data Display/Table',
  component: IonTableComponent,
} as Meta;

const Template: Story<IonTableComponent<unknown>> = (
  args: IonTableComponent<unknown>
) => ({
  component: IonTableComponent,
  props: args,
  moduleMetadata: {
    imports: [IonTableModule],

const data = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Meteora', deleted: false, year: 2003 },
  { id: 2, name: 'One More Light', deleted: false, year: 2017 },
    id: 3,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    deleted: true,
    year: 2000,
    icon: 'star-solid',
    status: 'warning',
    id: 4,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2007,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 5,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2010,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 6,
    name: 'Living Things',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2012,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 7,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2014,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 8,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    deleted: true,
    year: 2000,
    icon: 'star-solid',
    status: 'warning',
    id: 9,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2007,
    id: 10,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2010,
    id: 11,
    name: 'Living Things',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2012,
    id: 12,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2014,

const dataWithLink = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Meteora',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2003,
    id: 2,
    name: 'One More Light',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2017,
    id: 3,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    deleted: true,
    year: 2000,
    id: 4,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2007,
    id: 5,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2010,
    id: 6,
    name: 'Living Things',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2012,
    id: 7,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2014,
    id: 8,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    deleted: true,
    year: 2000,
    id: 9,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2007,
    id: 10,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2010,
    id: 11,
    name: 'Living Things',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2012,
    id: 12,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    deleted: false,
    year: 2014,

const columns = [
    key: 'id',
    label: 'Código',
    sort: true,
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Name',
    sort: true,

const dataWithColumnBoolean = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Meteora', available: true },
  { id: 2, name: 'One More Light', available: false },
    id: 3,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    available: true,
    icon: 'star-solid',
    status: 'warning',
    id: 4,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    available: false,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 5,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    available: true,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 6,
    name: 'Living Things',
    available: false,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 7,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    available: false,
    icon: 'union',
    status: 'info',
    id: 8,
    name: 'Hybrid Theory',
    available: false,
    icon: 'star-solid',
    status: 'warning',
    id: 9,
    name: 'Minutes to Midnight',
    available: true,
    id: 10,
    name: 'A Thousand Suns',
    available: true,
    id: 11,
    name: 'Living Things',
    available: false,
    id: 12,
    name: 'The Hunting Party',
    available: true,

const columnsWithBooleanDefault = [
    key: 'id',
    label: 'Código',
    sort: true,
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Nome',
    sort: true,
    key: 'available',
    label: 'Disponível',
    sort: true,
    type: ColumnType.BOOLEAN,

const columnsWithBooleanCustom = [
    key: 'id',
    label: 'Código',
    sort: true,
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Nome',
    sort: true,
    key: 'available',
    label: 'Disponível',
    sort: true,
    type: ColumnType.BOOLEAN,
    booleanText: {
      truthy: 'disponível',
      falsy: 'indisponível',

const columnsWithLink = [
    key: 'id',
    label: 'Código',
    sort: true,
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Name',
    sort: true,
    key: 'link',
    label: 'URL',
    sort: true,
    type: 'link',
    link: {
      label: (row): string => row.name,
      icon: 'access2',
      iconKey: 'icon',
      bold: true,
      disabled: (): boolean => false,

const actions = [
    label: 'Excluir',
    icon: 'trash',
    show: (row: SafeAny): boolean => {
      return !row.deleted;
    call: (row: SafeAny): void => {
      row.name += ' DELETED';
    confirm: {
      title: 'Você realmente deseja deletar?',
    label: 'Editar',
    icon: 'pencil',

const actionsWithLabel = [
    label: 'Excluir',
    icon: 'trash',
    show: (row: SafeAny): boolean => {
      return !row.deleted;
    call: (row: SafeAny): void => {
      row.name += ' DELETED';
    confirm: {
      title: 'Você realmente deseja deletar?',
    showLabel: true,
    rightSideIcon: false,
    label: 'Editar',
    icon: 'pencil',
    showLabel: true,
    rightSideIcon: false,

const mockTooltip = {
  ionTooltipTitle: 'Eu sou um tooltip',
  ionTooltipPosition: TooltipPosition.DEFAULT,
  ionTooltipTrigger: TooltipTrigger.DEFAULT,
  ionTooltipColorScheme: 'dark',
  ionTooltipShowDelay: 1000,
  ionTooltipArrowPointAtCenter: true,

const columnsWithTooltip = [
    key: 'id',
    label: 'Código',
    sort: true,
    configTooltip: { ...mockTooltip },
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Nome',
    sort: false,
    configTooltip: { ...mockTooltip },

export const Basic = Template.bind({});
Basic.args = {
  config: {

export const NoData = Template.bind({});
NoData.args = {
  config: {
    data: [],

export const WithActions = Template.bind({});
WithActions.args = {
  config: {

export const WithActionsWithLabel = Template.bind({});
WithActionsWithLabel.args = {
  config: {
    actions: actionsWithLabel,

export const WithCheck = Template.bind({});
WithCheck.args = {
  config: {
    check: true,

export const CustomWidthCell = Template.bind({});
const customWidth = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(columns));
customWidth[1].width = 90;
CustomWidthCell.args = {
  config: {
    columns: customWidth,

export const ColumnWithBoolean = Template.bind({});
ColumnWithBoolean.args = {
  config: {
    data: dataWithColumnBoolean,
    columns: columnsWithBooleanDefault,

export const ColumnWithBooleanCustom = Template.bind({});
ColumnWithBooleanCustom.args = {
  config: {
    data: dataWithColumnBoolean,
    columns: columnsWithBooleanCustom,

export const WithTagByColumn = Template.bind({});
WithTagByColumn.args = {
  config: {
    columns: [
        key: 'year',
        label: 'Year',
        sort: true,
        type: 'tag',
        tag: {
          icon: 'check',
          status: 'success',

export const ColumnHeaderWithTooltip = Template.bind({});
ColumnHeaderWithTooltip.args = {
  config: {
    columns: columnsWithTooltip,

export const WithTagByRow = Template.bind({});
const customDataWithIcon = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));

WithTagByRow.args = {
  config: {
    data: customDataWithIcon,
    columns: [
        key: 'year',
        label: 'Year',
        sort: true,
        type: 'tag',
        tag: {
          iconKey: 'icon',
          statusKey: 'status',

export const WithPagination = Template.bind({});
WithPagination.args = {
  config: {
    data: [...data, ...data, ...data, ...data],
    pagination: {
      total: 46,
      itemsPerPage: 2,

export const CustomItemsPerPage = Template.bind({});
CustomItemsPerPage.args = {
  config: {
    data: [
    pagination: {
      total: 3000,
      itemsPerPage: 7,

export const ActionWithDanger = Template.bind({});
ActionWithDanger.args = {
  config: {
    actions: [{ ...actions[0], danger: true }],
    pagination: { total: 2, itemsPerPage: 2 },

export const PopConfirmDynamicDescription = Template.bind({});
PopConfirmDynamicDescription.args = {
  config: {
    actions: [
        confirm: {
          description: undefined,
          dynamicDescription: (row: SafeAny): string => {
            return `Você estará excluindo o disco ${row.name} da sua base de dados!`;
    pagination: { total: 2, itemsPerPage: 2 },

export const TableCustomRow = Template.bind({});
TableCustomRow.args = {
  config: {

TableCustomRow.parameters = {
  docs: {
    description: {
      story: `Passos para customizar a linha da tabela.
    1. No HTML do seu componente, crie um ng-template com a diretiva 'let-row' e realize as customizações desejadas.
    A diretiva 'let-row' permite acessar os dados da linha através da identificação do objeto passado na configuração
    da tabela. Veja o exemplo abaixo:

    <ng-template #customTemplate let-row>
      <td>{{ row.name }}</td>
      <td><ion-icon [type]="row.active ? 'check' : 'close'"></ion-icon></td>
          style="cursor: pointer"

    2. No arquivo .ts do seu componente, utilize o decorator '@ViewChild' para obter a referência do template customizado
    criado no arquivo HTML.

    export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      @ViewChild("customTemplate", { static: true })
      customTemplate: TemplateRef<HTMLElement>;


    3. Passe a referência do template customizado para o atributo customRowTemplate da configuração da tabela.

    export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

      ngOnInit(): void {
        this.config = {
          customRowTemplate:  this.customTemplate,

export const TableWithLinkInCell = Template.bind({});
TableWithLinkInCell.args = {
  config: {
    data: dataWithLink,
    columns: columnsWithLink,