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# select2.org


This is the repository for the documentation for Select2.  It is built with the flat-file CMS [Grav](http://getgrav.org), using their [RTFM skeleton](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-skeleton-rtfm-site#rtfm-skeleton).

## Local installation

### Step 1 - Install Grav

This application uses the [Grav](https://learn.getgrav.org/) CMS.  This repository does not contain a full Grav installation - rather, it just contains the contents of Grav's `user` directory, which is where all of our content, themes, and assets live.  This was done as per the [recommendation on Grav's blog](https://getgrav.org/blog/developing-with-github-part-2), to make it easier to deploy changes to the live server.

To install this website on your computer, first [install grav core](https://getgrav.org/downloads) in a project folder called `select2-docs` under your webserver's document root folder. Then, find the `user` folder inside of your project folder.  Delete the contents of the `user` folder and clone this repository directly into the user folder.

When you're done it might look something like this:

└── select2-docs/
   ├── assets/
   ├── ...
   ├── user/
       ├── .git
       ├── accounts/
       ├── assets/
       ├── config/
       └── ...
   └── ...


### Step 2

Grav needs your webserver to be able to write to certain directories.  In OSX with XAMPP installed, this won't work by default.  To deal with this:

Add default webserver user `daemon` to OSX's `staff` group (which already has the necessary permissions for writing to files/directories):

`sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a daemon -t user staff`

### Step 3

Visit the local installation in your browser!  For example, http://localhost/select2-docs.

## Credits

Favicons were generated with https://realfavicongenerator.net/