

6 hrs
Test Coverage

 * This File is part of the Thapp\Image\Color package
 * (c) iwyg <>
 * For full copyright and license information, please refer to the LICENSE file
 * that was distributed with this package.

namespace Thapp\Image\Color;

 * @class Parser
 * @package Thapp\Image\Color
 * @version $Id$
 * @author iwyg <>
final class Parser
     * toRgb
     * @param mixed $color
     * @return array
    public static function toRgb($color)
        $colors = static::parse($color);

        if (array_key_exists(ColorInterface::CHANNEL_KEY, $colors)) {
            return static::fourCToRgb($colors);

        return static::mapRgb($colors);

     * toGreyscale
     * @param mixed $color
     * @return array
    public static function toGrayscale($color)
        $colors = $c = static::parse($color);

        if (array_key_exists(ColorInterface::CHANNEL_KEY, $colors)) {
            $rgb = static::fourCToRgb($colors);
            $colors = [$rgb[0], 1.0];

        $alpha = array_pop($colors);

        if (1 !== count($colors = array_unique(array_values($colors)))) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                sprintf('Invalid color set %s for grayscale conversion.', json_encode(array_values($c)))

        return [(int)$colors[0], (float)$alpha];

     * @see Parse::toCmyk()
    public static function to4c($color)
        return static::toCmyk($color);

     * toCmyk
     * @param mixed $color
     * @return void
    public static function toCmyk($color)
        $colors = static::parse($color);

        if (!array_key_exists(ColorInterface::CHANNEL_KEY, $colors)) {
            $r = ($colors[ColorInterface::CHANNEL_RED] / 255);
            $g = ($colors[ColorInterface::CHANNEL_GREEN] / 255);
            $b = ($colors[ColorInterface::CHANNEL_BLUE] / 255);
            $k = (float)(1 - max($r, $g, $b));

            // transform the alpha values to saturation of 4c colors.
            $a = $colors[ColorInterface::CHANNEL_ALPHA];

            $colors = [
                1.0 === $k ? 0 : round((100 * $a) * ((1 - $r - $k) / (1 - $k)), 2),
                1.0 === $k ? 0 : round((100 * $a) * ((1 - $g - $k) / (1 - $k)), 2),
                1.0 === $k ? 0 : round((100 * $a) * ((1 - $b - $k) / (1 - $k)), 2),
                $key = round($a * ($k * 100), 2)

        return static::map4c($colors);

     * hexToRgb
     * @param string $hex
     * @return array
    public static function hexToRgb($hex)
        if (!static::isHex($color = ltrim($hex, '#'))) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException;

        if (3 === ($len = strlen($color))) {
            list($r, $g, $b) = str_split($color);
            $rgb = [hexdec($r.$r), hexdec($g.$g), hexdec($b.$b)];
        } elseif (6 === $len) {
            list($r, $g, $b) = str_split($color, 2);
            $rgb = [hexdec($r), hexdec($g), hexdec($b)];

        return $rgb;

     * rgbToHex
     * @param int $r
     * @param int $g
     * @param int $b
     * @return string
    public static function rgbToHex($r, $g, $b)
        return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $r, $g, $b);

     * isHex
     * @param string $color
     * @return boolean
    public static function isHex($color)
        return (boolean)preg_match('#^([[:xdigit:]]{6}|[[:xdigit:]]{3})$#', ltrim($color, '#'));

     * normalize
     * @param string $hex
     * @return string
    public static function normalizeHex($hex)
        if (3 === strlen($color = ltrim($hex, '#'))) {
            list ($r, $g, $b) = str_split($color);

            return '#'.$r.$r.$g.$g.$b.$b;

        return '#'.substr($color, 0, 6);

     * cmykToRgb
     * @param float $c
     * @param float $m
     * @param float $y
     * @param float $k
     * @return array
    public static function cmykToRgb($c, $m, $y, $k)
        $k = 1 - $k / 100;
        return [
            min(255, max(0, (int)round(255 * (1 - $c / 100) * $k))),
            min(255, max(0, (int)round(255 * (1 - $m / 100) * $k))),
            min(255, max(0, (int)round(255 * (1 - $y / 100) * $k))),

     * parse
     * @param mixed $color
     * @return void
    private static function parse($color)
        if (is_array($color)) {

            if (0 === ($count = count($color)) || 4 < $count) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid argument value %s.', json_encode($color)));

            if (3 > $count) {
                list($g, $a) = array_pad(array_values($color), 2, 1.0);
                $color = [$g, $g, $g, $a];
            } elseif (4 === $count && Cmyk::keys() === array_keys($color)) {
                return $color;

            return array_combine(Rgb::keys(), array_pad(array_values($color), 4, 1.0));

        // case integer:
        // E.g. returned by imageallocatecolor
        if (is_int($color)) {
            return array_combine(Rgb::keys(), [
                ($color >> 16) & 0xFF,
                ($color >> 8) & 0xFF,
                $color & 0xFF,
                1 - round(((($color & 0x7F000000) >> 24) / 127), 2)
        } elseif (!is_string($color)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported argument value of type %s.', gettype($color)));

        // case hex:
        if (static::isHex($color)) {
            return array_combine(Rgb::keys(), array_pad(static::hexToRgb($color), 4, 1.0));

        // case matches rgb():
        if (preg_match('#^s?rgba?\((.*)\)$#', strtolower($color), $matches)) {
            if (3 > count($parts = preg_split('~,\s?~', $matches[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid rgb definition "%s".', $color));

            $colors = array_map(function ($val) {
                return (float)$val;//is_string($val) && 0 !== substr_count($val, '.') ? (float)$val : (int)$val;
            }, array_pad($parts, 4, 1.0));

            return array_combine(Rgb::keys(), $colors);

        // case cmyk()
        if (0 === strpos($color, 'cmyk(')) {
            $cmyk = array_map(function ($val) {
                $ret = is_string($val) ? trim($val, ' %') : (string)$val;
                return is_numeric($ret) ? (float)$ret : $ret;
            }, array_pad(explode(',', substr($color, 5, -1)), 4, null));

            if (!ctype_digit(implode('', $cmyk))) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid cmyk definition "%s".', $color));

            return array_combine(Cmyk::keys(), $cmyk);

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid color definition "%s".', (string)$color));

    private static function fourCToRgb(array $cmyk)
        list ($c, $m, $y, $k) = array_values($cmyk);

        return static::cmykToRgb($c, $m, $y, $k);

    private static function mapRgb(array $colors, $alpha = null)
        $alpha = array_pop($colors);

        $colors = array_map(function ($color) {
            return (int)$color;
        }, array_values($colors));
        $colors[] = null !== $alpha ? (float)$alpha : null;

        return $colors;

    private static function map4c(array $colors)
        return array_map(function ($color) {
            return (float)$color;
        }, array_values($colors));

    private function __construct()