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Test Coverage
; Configuration for Flake8 with plugins:
;  flake8-bugbear,
;  flake8-commas,
;  flake8-docstrings,
;  flake8-print,
;  flake8-pytest,
;  flake8-pytest-mark
;  flake8-import-order

;[M502] test definition not marked with test_type
;[N802] function name 'setUpTestData' should be lowercase
;[F405] xyz may be undefined, or defined from star imports
;[T001] print found.
;[D100] Missing docstring in public module
;[D101] Missing docstring in public class (e.g. Models' Meta)
;[D102] Missing docstring in public method
;[D104] Missing docstring in public package
;[D105] Missing docstring in magic method
;[D107] Missing docstring in __init__
;[E402] module level import not at top of file
;[W503] line break before binary operator (incompatibility between flake8 and black)
;[E203] whitespace before ':'
; this should be not excluded in more mature version
; [D103] Missing docstring in public function

;Violation families (can be excluded or selected)
;B - flake8-bugbear
;C - complexity
;D - flake8-docstrings
;F - ?
;N - ?
;T - flake8-print
;M - flake8-pytest-mark

ignore =C, T003, M502, N802, F405, T001, D100, D101, D104, D105, D107, E203

#select = B

# Do not expect extensive documentation in tests
per-file-ignores =
  ./tests/*: D100,D101,D102,D103

exclude =
;enable docstrings for tests eventually

max-line-length = 130

;Set the maximum allowed McCabe complexity value for a block of code.
max-complexity = 10

;Select the formatter used to display errors to the user.
format = pylint

;display source code lines that violate rules
show_source = False

;count violations by type
statistics = False

;total count of violations
count = True

;import style order for flake8-import-order plugin
import-order-style = pep8