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## react-native-reader


An iOS/Android lightning fast component that renders any web url into clean native views to display content.

Main Feature:

- This provides a Safari reader mode like feel that display's content cleanly (For Reading)

How to use:

- Just pass in a Url into the component and your good to go.

If you need to use this in a web browser theres a react version [react-reader-view](https://github.com/A11yWatch/react-reader)

## Installation Instructions

$ npm install react-native-reader

## Example

![iOS and Android reader being used inside react-native on a bitcoin website](https://i.imgur.com/WeROrao.gif)

import ReaderView from "react-native-reader";

<ReaderView url="https://www.nytimes.com" title="The Earth is Flat" />;

## Available Props

| prop                  | default   | type                                                                                   | description                                                                                                     |
| --------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| url                   | ""        | string                                                                                 | Required: A web url source                                                                                      |
| html                  | ""        | string                                                                                 | Optional: A html string to render instead (`url` is still required to get reading material)                     |
| lazy                  | false     | boolean                                                                                | Optional: Lazily set view for reading. - if set to true make sure to call `parseHtml` via refs                  |
| renderLoader          | null      | Component                                                                              | Optional: A custom component to render while your content is being loaded                                       |
| title                 | ""        | string                                                                                 | Optional: A title to enforce for the content. Helps when a website has multiple h1 tags or (dirty html)         |
| titleStyle            | undefined | object                                                                                 | Optional: Controls the styling of the title component of the reader.                                            |
| containerStyle        | undefined | object                                                                                 | Optional: Controls the styling of the outer wrapper of the reader.                                              |
| contentContainerStyle | undefined | object                                                                                 | Optional: Controls the content styling of the scrollview wrapper of the reader.                                 |
| loaderContainerStyle  | undefined | object                                                                                 | Optional: Controls the styling of the container for the spinner that appears when content is loading            |
| indicatorProps        | undefined | object                                                                                 | Optional: Exposes all [ActivityIndicator](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/activityindicator) props |
| onError               | null      | function                                                                               | Optional: A function that fires the error if a url is not valid                                                 |
| errorPage             | ""        | string                                                                                 | Optional: html string to render if page errors                                                                  |
| config                | undefined | [Config](https://github.com/A11yWatch/clean-html-js/blob/master/src/clean-html.ts#L23) | Optional: configure html element determination                                                                  |

This package also exposes every prop for react-native-htmlview. For the list of all available props check out [Other Props](https://github.com/jsdf/react-native-htmlview)