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package main

import (


type lbType int

const (
    // ALB is an Application Load Balancer that only speaks HTTP(S)
    ALB lbType = iota
    // NLB is a Network Load Balancer that only speaks TCP (and UDP?)
    // ELB is a classic LoadBalancer

type arguments struct {
    profile string

// tier is a set of one or more subnets. In an AWS account, we might have a:
// - public subnet
// - app subnet
// - private subnet
// - database subnet
// - etc
type tier struct {
    subnets        map[string]struct{}
    recommendation *recommendation

func (t *tier) add(subnet *string) {
    t.subnets[*subnet] = struct{}{}

func (t *tier) keys() []string {
    keys := make([]string, len(t.subnets))

    i := 0
    for k := range t.subnets {
        keys[i] = k


    return keys

// tiers is a holder for all of the tiers we've discovered. It also contains caches for comparisons.
type tiers struct {
    tiersBySubnet  map[string]*tier              // tiers keyed by subnet name
    tiers          []*tier                       // the list of tiers
    securityGroups map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup // security groups keyed by GroupId
    ingressesBySg  map[string]map[string]bool    // set of ingress CIDRs keyed by Security Group GroupId

// newTiers creates a new tiers struct ready for use
func newTiers(sgs map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup) *tiers {
    return &tiers{
        tiersBySubnet:  make(map[string]*tier),
        tiers:          make([]*tier, 0),
        securityGroups: sgs,
        ingressesBySg:  make(map[string]map[string]bool),

func (t *tiers) addTierFor(subnet *string) *tier {
    res := &tier{
        subnets:        make(map[string]struct{}),
        recommendation: newRecommendation(),
    t.associate(res, subnet)
    t.tiers = append(t.tiers, res)

    return res

func (t *tiers) associate(tier *tier, subnet *string) {
    t.tiersBySubnet[*subnet] = tier

func (t *tiers) find(subnet *string) *tier {
    if res, ok := t.tiersBySubnet[*subnet]; ok {
        return res

    return t.addTierFor(subnet)

func (t *tiers) findOrGetIngress(sg string) map[string]bool {
    if res, ok := t.ingressesBySg[sg]; ok {
        return res

    res := make(map[string]bool)

    for _, permission := range t.securityGroups[sg].IpPermissions {
        for _, cidr := range permission.IpRanges {
            res[*cidr.CidrIp] = true

    t.ingressesBySg[sg] = res

    return res

// hasSameIngress is an equality test between 2 security groups. Ingress CIDRs need to be
// identical. We don't consider set operations in terms of one ingress is a proper subset of
// another. Equality only at this time.
func (t *tiers) hasSameIngress(sg1, sg2 string) bool {
    ingress1 := t.findOrGetIngress(sg1)
    ingress2 := t.findOrGetIngress(sg2)

    return reflect.DeepEqual(ingress1, ingress2)

func (t *tiers) recommendations() []recommendation {
    result := make([]recommendation, 0)

    // TODO(jabley): this is little messy – fix data structures!
    for _, tier := range t.tiers {
        tier.recommendation.subnets = tier.keys()
        result = append(result, *tier.recommendation)

    return result

// recommendation is a summary of how we might restructure the ELBs in the account for a given tier.
type recommendation struct {
    subnets  []string       // the set of subnets that this recommendation covers
    albs     []*LB          // the non-nil ALBs that should live in the subnets
    albsBySg map[string]*LB // the ALBs keyed by Security Group GroupId
    nlbs     []*LB          // the non-nil NLBs that should live in the subnets
    nlbsBySg map[string]*LB // the NLBs keyed by Security Group GroupId
    elbs     []*LB          // the non-nil ELBs that should live in the subnets
    elbsBySg map[string]*LB // the ELBs keyed by Security Group GroupId

// newRecommendation creates a new recommendation instance ready for use
func newRecommendation() *recommendation {
    return &recommendation{
        albs:     make([]*LB, 0),
        albsBySg: make(map[string]*LB),
        nlbs:     make([]*LB, 0),
        nlbsBySg: make(map[string]*LB),
        elbs:     make([]*LB, 0),
        elbsBySg: make(map[string]*LB),

// associateALBWithSecurityGroups tracks that we consider this ALB to be suitable for the provided
// security groups.
func (r *recommendation) associateALBWithSecurityGroups(alb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    for i := range securityGroups {
        r.albsBySg[*securityGroups[i]] = alb

func (r *recommendation) ALBs() []*LB {
    return r.albs

// associateNLBWithSecurityGroups tracks that we consider this NLB to be suitable for the provided
// security groups.
func (r *recommendation) associateNLBWithSecurityGroups(nlb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    for i := range securityGroups {
        r.nlbsBySg[*securityGroups[i]] = nlb

func (r *recommendation) NLBs() []*LB {
    return r.nlbs

// associateELBWithSecurityGroups tracks that we consider this ELB to be suitable for the provided
// security groups.
func (r *recommendation) associateELBWithSecurityGroups(elb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    for i := range securityGroups {
        r.elbsBySg[*securityGroups[i]] = elb

func (r *recommendation) ELBs() []*LB {
    return r.elbs

func (r *recommendation) Subnets() []string {
    return r.subnets

// LB is an ALB or NLB that can replace one or more ELBs
type LB struct {
    elbs           []string            // the names of the ELBs that this LB can replace
    ports          map[int]struct{}    // the set of ports that this LB will listen on
    securityGroups map[string]struct{} // the set of Security Groups that this LB will allow

// newLB creates a new LB ready for use. It will expose the listener ports of the provided non-nil
// ELB, and the same Security Groups.
func newLB(elb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) *LB {
    res := &LB{
        elbs:           []string{},
        ports:          make(map[int]struct{}),
        securityGroups: make(map[string]struct{}),


    return res

// replaceELB adds the specified ELB to the set of ELBs that this LB can replace. It will expose
// the same listener ports and use the same Security Groups.
func (lb *LB) replaceELB(elb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) {
    lb.elbs = append(lb.elbs, *elb.LoadBalancerName)

func (lb *LB) addPorts(ports []int) {
    for i := range ports {
        if _, ok := lb.ports[ports[i]]; !ok {
            lb.ports[ports[i]] = struct{}{}

// hasPortCollision returns true if the specified ELB has any listening ports matching ports
// already assigned by this LB
func (lb *LB) hasPortCollision(elb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) bool {
    for i := range elb.ListenerDescriptions {
        if _, ok := lb.ports[int(*elb.ListenerDescriptions[i].Listener.LoadBalancerPort)]; ok {
            return true
    return false

func (lb *LB) addSecurityGroups(securityGroups []*string) {
    for i := range securityGroups {
        if _, ok := lb.securityGroups[*securityGroups[i]]; !ok {
            lb.securityGroups[*securityGroups[i]] = struct{}{}

// ELBs returns the non-nil array of ELB names that can be replaced by this LB
func (lb *LB) ELBs() []string {
    return lb.elbs

// Ports returns the non-nil array of ports that the ALB should listen on
func (lb *LB) Ports() []string {
    res := make([]int, 0)
    for k := range lb.ports {
        res = append(res, k)

    // We sort the ports in ascending order, because that seems like a reasonable expectation

    buf := make([]string, len(res))
    for i := range res {
        buf[i] = strconv.Itoa(res[i])
    return buf

// SecurityGroups returns the non-nil array of security groups names that the ALB should have attached
func (lb *LB) SecurityGroups() []string {
    res := make([]string, 0)

    for k := range lb.securityGroups {
        res = append(res, k)

    // We sort the security group names because that seems like a reasonable expectation

    return res

func listenerPorts(listeners []*elb.ListenerDescription) []int {
    result := make([]int, 0)

    for i := range listeners {
        result = append(result, int(*listeners[i].Listener.LoadBalancerPort))

    return result

func generateRecommendations(elbs []*elb.LoadBalancerDescription, sgs map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup) []recommendation {
    // for lb in elbs
    //   assign the tier
    //   assign the candidate type
    //     can it be an ALB
    //       does it only speak HTTP(S), or TCP on port 80/443
    //     can it be an NLB
    //       does it only speak TCP
    //     can it be a shared ELB
    //       does it speak both TCP and HTTP(S)
    //    find the type with the equivalent security group

    tiers := newTiers(sgs)

    for _, lb := range elbs {
        elbDrop(tiers, lb)

    return tiers.recommendations()

// elbReplacementStrategy captures the distinctions between replacing with an ALB, replacing with an NLB, or trying to
// consolidate ELBs into a single ELB.
type elbReplacementStrategy interface {
    add(lb *LB)
    associate(lb *LB, securityGroups []*string)
    isFirstOfThisType() bool
    loadBalancersBySecurityGroup() map[string]*LB
    supportsPortCollisions() bool

type replaceWithALB struct {
    recommendation *recommendation

func (r *replaceWithALB) add(alb *LB) {
    r.recommendation.albs = append(r.recommendation.albs, alb)

func (r *replaceWithALB) associate(alb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    r.recommendation.associateALBWithSecurityGroups(alb, securityGroups)

func (r *replaceWithALB) isFirstOfThisType() bool {
    return len(r.recommendation.albs) == 0

func (r *replaceWithALB) loadBalancersBySecurityGroup() map[string]*LB {
    return r.recommendation.albsBySg

func (r *replaceWithALB) supportsPortCollisions() bool {
    // ALBs can do port collisions - we can do host-based routing to select a backend
    return true

type replaceWithNLB struct {
    recommendation *recommendation

func (r *replaceWithNLB) add(nlb *LB) {
    r.recommendation.nlbs = append(r.recommendation.nlbs, nlb)

func (r *replaceWithNLB) associate(nlb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    r.recommendation.associateNLBWithSecurityGroups(nlb, securityGroups)

func (r *replaceWithNLB) isFirstOfThisType() bool {
    return len(r.recommendation.nlbs) == 0

func (r *replaceWithNLB) loadBalancersBySecurityGroup() map[string]*LB {
    return r.recommendation.nlbsBySg

func (r *replaceWithNLB) supportsPortCollisions() bool {
    // NLBs can't do port collisions - no routing options to decide on a backend?
    return false

type consolidateELBs struct {
    recommendation *recommendation

func (r *consolidateELBs) add(elb *LB) {
    r.recommendation.elbs = append(r.recommendation.elbs, elb)

func (r *consolidateELBs) associate(elb *LB, securityGroups []*string) {
    r.recommendation.associateELBWithSecurityGroups(elb, securityGroups)

func (r *consolidateELBs) isFirstOfThisType() bool {
    return len(r.recommendation.elbs) == 0

func (r *consolidateELBs) loadBalancersBySecurityGroup() map[string]*LB {
    return r.recommendation.elbsBySg

func (r *consolidateELBs) supportsPortCollisions() bool {
    // ELBs can't do port collisions - no routing options to decide on a backend?
    return false

// elbDrop is modelled after a penny fall machine that you might see at an arcade.
// 1. The first level assesses which subnets the ELB is in.
// 2. The second level decides which type of LB might replace the ELB
// 3. The third level looks at the security groups and see if an existing replacement has the same
//    security groups
func elbDrop(tiers *tiers, lb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) {
    recommendation := assignTier(tiers, lb)
    targetLB := inspectListeners(lb)
    switch targetLB {
    case ALB:
        addELBv2(lb, tiers, &replaceWithALB{recommendation})
    case NLB:
        addELBv2(lb, tiers, &replaceWithNLB{recommendation})
    case ELB:
        addELBv2(lb, tiers, &consolidateELBs{recommendation})
        panic("Uknown type of LB")

func addELBv2(lb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription, tiers *tiers, replacementStrategy elbReplacementStrategy) {

    if replacementStrategy.isFirstOfThisType() {
        res := newLB(lb)

        replacementStrategy.associate(res, lb.SecurityGroups)


    for _, lbSecurityGroup := range lb.SecurityGroups {
        // do we have an existing one with this security group?
        elbv2, ok := replacementStrategy.loadBalancersBySecurityGroup()[*lbSecurityGroup]
        if ok && (replacementStrategy.supportsPortCollisions() || !elbv2.hasPortCollision(lb)) {
            replacementStrategy.associate(elbv2, lb.SecurityGroups)

        // Have we already processed an SG which has the same ingress?
        for seenSg := range replacementStrategy.loadBalancersBySecurityGroup() {
            if tiers.hasSameIngress(seenSg, *lbSecurityGroup) {
                existing := replacementStrategy.loadBalancersBySecurityGroup()[seenSg]
                if replacementStrategy.supportsPortCollisions() || !existing.hasPortCollision(lb) {
                    replacementStrategy.associate(existing, lb.SecurityGroups)

    // Distinctly new SecurityGroup – a new ELBv2 then
    res := newLB(lb)
    replacementStrategy.associate(res, lb.SecurityGroups)

func inspectListeners(lb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) lbType {
    protocols := make(map[string]struct{})

    for _, ld := range lb.ListenerDescriptions {
        switch *ld.Listener.Protocol {
        case "HTTP", "HTTPS":
            protocols["HTTP"] = struct{}{}
        case "TCP":
            if *ld.Listener.LoadBalancerPort == 80 || *ld.Listener.LoadBalancerPort == 443 {
                protocols["HTTP"] = struct{}{}
            } else {
                protocols["TCP"] = struct{}{}

    switch len(protocols) {
    case 0:
        panic("No known protocols for this listener")
    case 1:
        if _, ok := protocols["HTTP"]; ok {
            return ALB
        return NLB
        return ELB

func assignTier(tiers *tiers, lb *elb.LoadBalancerDescription) *recommendation {
    var t *tier

    for _, s := range lb.Subnets {
        if t != nil {
            tiers.associate(t, s)
        } else {
            t = tiers.find(s)

    return t.recommendation

func main() {
    args := parseAndVerifyArgs()

    options := session.Options{
        SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,

    if args.profile != "" {
        options.Profile = args.profile

    start := time.Now()

    sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(options))

    // Do retries in case we hit the API too hard and get throttled for exceeding our allowed rate.
    elbSvc := elb.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithMaxRetries(3))
    ec2Svc := ec2.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithMaxRetries(3))

    input := &elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{}
    elbs := make([]*elb.LoadBalancerDescription, 0)

    err := elbSvc.DescribeLoadBalancersPages(input, func(page *elb.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        elbs = append(elbs, page.LoadBalancerDescriptions...)
        return !lastPage


    sgs := make(map[string]*ec2.SecurityGroup)

    for _, lb := range elbs {
        if lb.SecurityGroups == nil {

        for _, sg := range lb.SecurityGroups {
            if _, ok := sgs[*sg]; ok {
            result, err := ec2Svc.DescribeSecurityGroups(&ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput{
                GroupIds: []*string{
            sgs[*sg] = result.SecurityGroups[0]

    fmt.Printf("Read AWS account in %v, generating recommendations...\n\n", time.Since(start))

    recommendations := generateRecommendations(elbs, sgs)


func printRecommendations(recommendations []recommendation) {
    currentElbCount, albCount, nlbCount, elbCount := 0, 0, 0, 0
    for _, r := range recommendations {
        fmt.Printf("The subnets \"%s\" could contain the following load balancer(s):\n", strings.Join(r.Subnets(), ", "))

        sum := count(r.ALBs())
        currentElbCount += sum.elbs
        albCount += sum.lbs
        printRecommendationFor(r.ALBs(), "ALB")

        sum = count(r.NLBs())
        currentElbCount += sum.elbs
        nlbCount += sum.lbs
        printRecommendationFor(r.NLBs(), "NLB")

        sum = count(r.ELBs())
        currentElbCount += sum.elbs
        elbCount += sum.lbs
        printRecommendationFor(r.ELBs(), "ELB")

    fmt.Printf("So %d ELBs would become %d ALBs, %d NLBs and %d ELBs\n"+
        "with a potential saving of %0.0f%%\n", currentElbCount, albCount, nlbCount, elbCount,
        saving(currentElbCount, albCount, nlbCount, elbCount))

type sum struct {
    elbs, lbs int

func count(lbs []*LB) *sum {
    res := &sum{
        lbs: len(lbs),
    for i := range lbs {
        res.elbs += len(lbs[i].ELBs())
    return res

func saving(current, alb, nlb, elb int) float64 {
    return (float64(current) - ((float64(alb)+float64(nlb))*0.9 + float64(elb))) / float64(current) * 100

func printRecommendationFor(lbs []*LB, lbType string) {
    for _, lb := range lbs {
        var action string
        if len(lb.ELBs()) == 1 && lbType == "ELB" {
            action = "Retaining"
        } else {
            action = "Replacing"
        fmt.Printf("\n%s the following load balancers:\n- %s\n\n -> an %s with security groups:\n\t- %s\nexposing the ports:\n\t- %s\n",
            strings.Join(lb.ELBs(), "\n- "),
            strings.Join(lb.SecurityGroups(), "\n\t- "),
            strings.Join(lb.Ports(), "\n\t- "))

func parseAndVerifyArgs() *arguments {
    var (
        help bool

    res := &arguments{}

    flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "Display this help message")
    flag.StringVar(&res.profile, "profile", "", "The AWS profile name to use")

    flag.Usage = func() {
        basename := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
        fmt.Printf("Usage: %s\n", basename)
        fmt.Printf("A utility to examine ELB usage in an AWS account and recommend ways of consolidating ELBs into ALBs and NLBs")


    if help {

    return res

func panicOnAwsError(err error) {
    if err != nil {
        if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
            switch aerr.Code() {
        } else {
        panic("Oh noes!")