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# Change Log

Further change logs can be found on the [releases](https://github.com/jpex-js/jpex/releases) page

### 4.0.0

- global dependencies such as `Window` and `Document` are now automatically resolved (unless you register your own dependency of the same name)
- you can now control dependency resolution with config flags `nodeModules` and `globals`
- you can also specify whether dependencies should be optional-by-default with an `optional` flag
- dependencies are no longer determined by reading the factory function. Either use `TS` inference, or explicitly pass an array of deps
- changed format of `.factory` `.service` and `.resolve`
- you can now pass an `opts` parameter when registering a factory i.e. `.factory<A>(fn, { lifecycle: 'none' })`
- you can now pass an `opts` parameter when resolving i.e. `.resolve<A>({ optional: true })`
- `resolveWith` now has a nicer syntax for ts inference: `.resolveWith<Foo, Dep1, Dep2>([ 'val1', 'val2' ])`. The original syntax i.e. `.resolveWith({ dep1: 'val1' })` is still valid.
- removed the built-in dependency `$options`. You can no longer do `.resolve({ foo: 'someValue' })`
- removed the built-in dependency `$resolve`
- `precedence` option lets you determine if a factory should overwrite an existing factory or not
- Support for IE11 has been dropped by default. If you want a fully ES5-compatible version, you can import `jpex/dist/es5.js`
- You can now alias 2 types i.e. `jpex.alias<From, To>()`

#### Breaking Changes

- if you attempt to resolve a global like `Window` without registering it first, rather than throw an error, you will now get the global variable
- You can no longer do `jpex.factory('foo', (depA, depB) => { ... })` as we no longer parse the function and extract the dependencies.
- rather than calling `.factory<A>(fn).lifecycle.application()` you must now do `.factory<A>(fn, { lifecycle: 'application' })`
- clearCache now takes an arity of names, i.e. `clearCache('a', 'b', 'c')` whereas previous it took an array
- you can no longer mix ts and js modes i.e. you cannot do `.factory<A>([ 'b' ], fn)`
- `Lifecycle` is now a type rather than an enum
- wrapping a name in `__` will no longer make it optional, you must explicitly pass the optional flag
- `$options` and `$resolve` functionality have been removed
- If you want to support IE11 you will need to import `jpex/dist/es5.js` or create an alias for it

### 3.5.1

- building with webpack was giving warnings about `require` being used which meant it couldn't make optimizations

### 3.5.0

- add some deprecation warnings for pre-4.0.0 changes

### 3.4.0

- clearCache now supports type inference
- you can now pass `publicPath: true` and it will use the `name` property of your app's `package.json` as the public path
- built in deps `$options` `$namedParameters` and `$resolve` now have corresponding type exports `Options` `NamedParameters` and `Resolve`

### 3.3.3

- array dependencies were being incorrectly flattened

### 3.3.1

- publicPath relative imports was checking the incorrect path property

### 3.3.0

- add `jpex.extend` option: `inherit` (defaults to `true`). Determines if the extended container should inherit factories

### 3.2.3

- publicPath should be operate on relative `.` imports

### 3.2.2

- publicPath option was not working correctly for complex relative imports

### 3.2.1

- support `useResolve` taking a dependency array

## 3.2.0

- add `jpex.raw` function for extracting a factory function
- add publicPath babel config option
- add support for react-jpex's `useResolve` method

## 3.1.0

- global types like `Window` and `Document` can now be used to register dependencies

## 3.0.1

- encase now caches the wrapped function for better performance
- alias is now bidirectional, so it determines which is the alias and which is the original
- default lifecycle should be inherited from the parent
- removed decorators in favour of self-invoking factories. Decorators were not intended to reach v3. You can decorate a factory from a parent container by doing `jpex.factory('foo', [ 'foo' ], (foo) => { /* decorate here */ })`

## 3.0.0

- Complete rewrite of the entire library
- Typescript support
- Jpex is no longer a class emulator as native classes have reached a pretty stable level. It should now be considered as purely a container IOC tool
- Things like `jpex.$resolve` and `jpex.$encase` have been renamed to `jpex.resolve` and `jpex.encase`. This is the tip of the iceberg in terms of changes. Jpex is no longer a constructor and can't be instantiated. `jpex.extend` no longer accepts class-related properties, etc.
- Set factory dependencies via chaining i.e. `jpex.factory('foo', fn).dependencies('bah', 'baz')`
- Available plugin hooks are exported i.e. `import jpex, { Hook } from 'jpex'`
- Alias option lets you create a dependency that returns another dependency
- Plugin functionality has been removed as 90% of its use was for intercepting class lifecycle steps
- `resolve` now only returns a single dependency and doesn't accept named parameters. For named params you must call `resolveWith`
- Type inference can now be used to register and resolve dependencies i.e. `jpex.factory<IThing>((log: ILog) => { ... })` and `jpex.resolve<IThing>()` `jpex.encase((thing: IThing) => () => { ... })` etc.
- ^ requires a babel plugin to work, which can be imported from `jpex/babel-plugin`
- You can get a concrete name of an inferred dependency using `infer`: `const name = jpex.infer<IThing>()`

## 2.1.0

- if an option in the `properties` config is null, jpex will no longer throw an error
- Passing `$options` into a `Jpex as a Service` service now works
- `Jpex.register.service().bindToInstance()` allows you to bind dependencies to a service instance
- `Jpex.$encase` method allos you to wrap a function with a number of dependencies

## 2.0.0

### Features

- Can now pass in a `config` option when extending a class. Any properties of the config option will be used as default values for that class and its descendants.
- The default lifecycle for factories registered against a class can now be configured using the `defaultLifecycle` option.
- Methods option has been added (which replaces the _prototype_ option from v1).
- Properties option has been added, allowing you to predefine getters, setters, and watchers on any instance properties.
- the `bindToInstance` option can now accept a nested property name, i.e. `bindToInstance : 'foo.bah'`
- Node-specific code has been isolated so the core _jpex_ module can be included in any webpack/browserify build. (_see depcrecation of jpex-web below_)
- Added a pre-compiled build of Jpex at `jpex/dist/jpex.js` and `jpex/dist/jpex.min.js`
- Default factories (`$timeout`, `$promise`, etc.) have been separated from the core module. They now must be installed separately from the **jpex-defaults**, **jpex-node**, and **jpex-web** packages.
- The `$resolve` method is now available as a static method on every class, so dependencies can be resolved with `Class.$resolve(name)`. This allows for **Jpex** to be used as a container rather than forcing the class instantiation pattern.
- `$resolve` can be called with an array of dependencies to resolve instead of just one.
- Cached factories (i.e. with a `class` or `application` lifecycle) can be cleared with `Class.$clearCache()`.
- Added `decorators` that allow a factory to be altered before being resolved. Can be registered like normal factories i.e. `Class.register.decorator(name, fn)`
- A complete plugin API has been created that allows plugins to hook into a number of lifecycle events.

### Breaking Changes

- The `prototype` option has been replaced with `methods`
- The **jpex-web** version of Jpex has been deprecated. Instead, Jpex can be `required`'d with _webpack/browserify_, or a web-safe js file can be found at `jpex/dist/jpex.js/`
- Internal variables have been renamed. e.g. `Class._factories` is now `Class.$$factories`.
- Default factories (`$timeout`, `$promise`, etc.) have been separated from the core module. They now must be installed separately from the **jpex-defaults**, **jpex-node**, and **jpex-web** packages.
- After deprecating its use in v1.3.0, the `singleton` option has been removed from factory registration. `Class.register.factory(name, fn, true/false)` should now be written as `Class.register.factory(name, fn).lifecycle.application()`
- Following depcrecation in v1.4.0, the static methods `Typeof` and `Copy` have been removed.
- Factory registration methods have been renamed to camelCase: `Jpex.Register.Factory` becomes `Jpex.register.factory`, for example.
- `Interfaces` have been completely removed from the module. This was an experimental feature that in the end was more overhead than it was worth.
- A number of spurious factory types have been removed: _enum, errorType, file, folder, interface, nodeModule_ - although the _nodeModule_ factory type is still available via the **jpex-node** package as `Class.register.node_module`.
- Ancestoral dependencies have been removed so depending on `["^someParentFactory"]` will no longer work. The equivalent can now be achieved with _decorators_.

## 1.4.1

### Bugs

- `$copy.extend` no longer combines arrays, but instead replaces the previous array value.
- `$timeout $immediate $interval $tick` bug fixed when attaching to a class instance.
- Added a `clear()` method to the timer factories that clear the respective timeouts.

## 1.4.0

### Features

- $typeof factory is available which returns the type of an object.
- $copy factory allows you create a deep or shallow copy of an object, or combine multiple objects.
- $itypeof and $icopy interfaces
- The static methods Jpex.Typeof and Jpex.Copy have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- $resolve factory which allows lazy loading of dependencies.

### Breaking Changes

- Calling `Class()` is now the same as calling `new Class()` so calls like `Class.call(obj)===obj` will no longer work.

## 1.3.1

### Bugs

- Fixed issues where `require`-based functions were not requiring from the correct location.

## 1.3.0

### Features

- Interfaces functionality added
- Registering a factory returns an object with additional option methods (currently only contains the _interface()_ method)
- It is now possible to specify the life cycle of a factory or service using the `.lifecycle.x()` syntax. Possible options are `application`, `class`, `instance`, `none`
- Due to the introduction of life cycles, the _singleton_ parameter has been deprecated.

### Breaking Changes

- All $ factories now have interfaces (i.e. _$ipromise_). If you have overwritten a default factory that is used by another default factory, it will need to include the interface in order to work. i.e. _$fs_ used to depend on _$promise_ but it now depends on $ipromise.

## 1.2.0

### Features

- Added detailed documentation
- $error factory and $errorFactory factory
- ErrorType Factory i.e. `jpex.Register.ErrorType('Custom')`
- Ancestoral dependencies i.e. `['^$errorFactory']`
- Deprecated jpex-fs as it is now included in the standard jpex build