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Test Coverage
# grunt-lcov-merge 
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> Grunt plugin to merge lcov files from multiple test runs, for use with a tool like [coveralls](coveralls.io).

## Getting Started
This plugin works with any grunt `>=0.4.0`

To install, add grunt-lcov-merge to your package.json. The easiest way to do that is

npm install grunt-lcov-merge --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, you'll need to enable it in your Gruntfile by adding


You can then run with
grunt lcovMerge

## Options
#### emitters
Type: `Array`
Default: `['file']`

What emitters to send the merged data to. Supported emitters are 'file', which sends the merged data to a file, and 'event', which sends it out to the 'coverage' event and can be listened to with 

grunt.event.on('coverage', function(lcov, done) {});

#### outputFile
Type: `String`
Default `coverage/lcov-merge.info`

If a file emitter is specified, this is the output file to pipe data to.

### Example
    jshint: {
        src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'tasks/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js'],
        options: {
            jshintrc: true
    mocha_istanbul: {
      coverage: {
          src: 'test/**/*.spec.js',
          options: {
              coverageFolder: 'build/coverage',
              reportFormats: ['lcov'],

    lcovMerge: {
      options: {
          emitters: ['event', 'file'],
          outputFile: 'mergeLcov.info'
      src: ['build/coverage/*.info', 'build/coverage/**/*.info']

  grunt.event.on('coverage', function(lcov, done) {
    // See below


Note that grunt-lcov-merge allows for source files to be specified via any [file format](http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks#files).

## Event emitter
One of the most useful ways to consume this plugin is to use the coverage event to send the lcov data to a service like coveralls:

grunt.event.on('coverage', function(lcov, done) {
    require('coveralls').handleInput(lcov, function(err) {
        if (err) {
          return done(err);

Using the coveralls module means that Travis-CI can automatically send your merged LCOV to coveralls.

## Version History
* 0.1.0 - Initial version
* 0.1.1 - Trim down the number of files in the distribution
* 0.1.2 - Update dependencies, work around coveralls issue.
* 0.1.3 - Documentation updates
* 1.0.0 - Official release
* 1.1.0 - Support Grunt >=1.0
* 1.2.0 - Update dependencies
* 1.2.1 - Fix incorrect npm version
* 1.2.2 - Fix issues with test code on travis
* 1.2.3 - ACTUALLY Fix issues with test code on travis (aren't immutable versions fun??)