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Test Coverage
'use strict'

fs = require('fs')

# @function get_files
# @param dir [String] path to folder to search
# @param files_ [Array] existing list of found files
# @return [Array] all the files found in that directory
get_files = (dir, files_) ->
  files_ ?= []
  files = fs.readdirSync(dir)

  for filename in files
    do (filename) ->
      name = dir + '/' + filename
      # if the current file is a directory, recurse into it to find mor files
      if fs.statSync(name).isDirectory()
        get_files name, files_
      # otherwise just add the file to the list
        files_.push name

  #eventually return the full list of files
  return files_

# @function generate_compiled_file
# @param path [String] path to the coffeescript file to read
# @return [String] html script block containing the referenced file
generate_compiled_file = (path) ->
  file = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')

  return "<script>#{file}</script>"

# @method Lovelace.scripts
# @return [String] the complete scripts for all components
module.exports = ->
  directory = @root_component_path
  script_files = get_files( directory ).filter (item) ->
    return item.indexOf('scripts.js') isnt -1

    .map (script_file) ->
      generate_compiled_file script_file