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1 wk
Test Coverage
# coding: utf8

# Copyright 2012-2018 Vincent Jacques <vincent@vincent-jacques.net>
# Copyright 2017 Nelo-T. Wallus <nelo@wallus.de>

import ctypes
import datetime
import multiprocessing
import os.path
import pickle
import sys
import threading

libc = ctypes.CDLL(None)
    stdout = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(libc, "stdout")
except ValueError:  # pragma no cover: specific to macOS
    stdout = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(libc, "__stdoutp")
    stderr = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(libc, "stderr")
except ValueError:  # pragma no cover: specific to macOS
    stderr = ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(libc, "__stderrp")

def execute(action, cpu_cores=None, keep_going=False, do_raise=True, hooks=None):
    Recursively execute an :class:`.Action`'s dependencies then the action.

    :param Action action: the action to execute.
    :param cpu_cores: number of CPU cores to use in parallel.
        Pass ``None`` (the default value) to let ActionTree choose.
        Pass :attr:`UNLIMITED` to execute an unlimited number of actions in parallel
        (make sure your system has the necessary resources).
        Note: CPU cores are managed like any other :class:`Resource`, and this parameter sets the availability
        of :obj:`CPU_CORE` for this execution.
    :type cpu_cores: int or None or :attr:`UNLIMITED`
    :param bool keep_going: if ``True``, then execution does not stop on first failure,
        but executes as many dependencies as possible.
    :param bool do_raise: if ``False``, then exceptions are not re-raised as :exc:`CompoundException`
        but only included in the :class:`.ExecutionReport`.
    :param Hooks hooks: its methods will be called when execution progresses.

    :raises CompoundException: when ``do_raise`` is ``True`` and dependencies raise exceptions.

    :rtype: ExecutionReport
    if cpu_cores is None:
        cpu_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    if hooks is None:
        hooks = Hooks()
    return _Execute(cpu_cores, keep_going, do_raise, hooks).run(action)

UNLIMITED = object()
"""The availability of an infinite :class:`Resource`."""

class Action(object):
    The main class of ActionTree.
    An action to be started after all its dependencies are finished.
    Pass it to :func:`.execute`.

    This is a base class for your custom actions.
    You must define a ``do_execute(self, dependency_statuses)`` method that performs the action.
    The ``dependency_statuses`` argument is a dictionary whose keys are ``self.dependencies`` and values are their
    :ref:`outputs` describes how its return values, the exceptions it may raise and what it may print is handled.

    Actions, return values and exceptions raised must be picklable.

    def __init__(self, label, dependencies=[], resources_required={}, accept_failed_dependencies=False):
        # @todo Add a parameter saying that the action can safely be executed in the parent process
        :param label: A string used to represent the action in :class:`GanttChart` and
            :class:`DependencyGraph`. Can be retrieved by :attr:`label`.
        :type label: str or None
        :param list(Action) dependencies:
            see :meth:`~.Action.add_dependency`
        :param resources_required:
            see :meth:`~.Action.require_resource`
        :type resources_required: dict(Resource, int)
        :param bool accept_failed_dependencies:
            if ``True``, then the action will execute even after some of its dependencies failed.
        self.__label = label
        self.__dependencies = list(dependencies)
        self.__resources_required = {CPU_CORE: 1}
        self.__accept_failed_dependencies = accept_failed_dependencies

    def label(self):
        The label passed to the constructor.
        return self.__label

    def add_dependency(self, dependency):
        Add a dependency to be executed before this action.
        Order of insertion of dependencies is not important.

        :param Action dependency:

        :raises DependencyCycleException: when adding the new dependency would create a cycle.
        if self in dependency.get_possible_execution_order():
            raise DependencyCycleException()

    def dependencies(self):
        The list of this action's direct dependencies.
        return list(self.__dependencies)

    def require_resource(self, resource, quantity=1):
        Set the quantity of a certain :class:`.Resource` required to run this action.

        Note that an action that requires more than a resource's availability *will* be executed anyway.
        It will just not be executed in parallel with any other action that requires the same resource.

        :param Resource resource:
        :param int quantity:
        self.__resources_required[resource] = quantity

    def resources_required(self):
        The list of this action's required resources and quantities required.

        :rtype: list(tuple(Resource, int))
        return list(self.__resources_required.items())

    def accept_failed_dependencies(self):
        ``True`` if the action will execute even if some of its dependencies failed.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.__accept_failed_dependencies

    def get_possible_execution_order(self, seen_actions=None):
        Return the list of all this action's dependencies (recursively),
        in an order that is suitable for linear execution.
        Note that this order is not unique.
        The order chosen is not specified.
        if seen_actions is None:
            seen_actions = set()
        actions = []
        if self not in seen_actions:
            for dependency in self.__dependencies:
                actions += dependency.get_possible_execution_order(seen_actions)
        return actions

# @todo Add a notion of ActionSet
# ActionSet.add_dependency would add the dep to its leaves
# Action.add_dependency would accept an ActionSet

class Resource(object):
    A resource that an :class:`Action` can require for its execution.
    You can use resources to protect stuff that must not be used by more than N actions at the same time,
    à la `semaphore <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaphore_(programming)>`_.
    Like semaphorees, with an availability of 1,
    they become `mutexes <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock_(computer_science)>`_.

    :ref:`resources` Describes how to use this class.

    def __init__(self, availability):
        :param availability: the number of instances available for this resource
        :type availability: int or :attr:`UNLIMITED`
        self.__availability = availability

    def _availability(self, cpu_cores):
        return self.__availability

class _CpuCoreResource(Resource):
    def _availability(self, cpu_cores):
        return cpu_cores

CPU_CORE = _CpuCoreResource(0)
A special :class:`.Resource` representing a processing unit.
You can pass it to :meth:`.Action.require_resource` if your action will execute on more than one core.

:type: Resource

class Hooks(object):
    Base class to derive from when defining your hooks.
    :func:`.execute` will call its methods when execution progresses.
    def action_pending(self, time, action):
        Called when an action is considered for execution, i.e. at the beginning of :func:`.execute`.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action was considered for execution.
        :param Action action: the action.

    def action_ready(self, time, action):
        Called when an action is ready to be executed, i.e. when all its dependencies have succeeded.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action was ready.
        :param Action action: the action.

    def action_canceled(self, time, action):
        Called when an action's execution is canceled, i.e. when some of its dependencies has failed.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action was canceled.
        :param Action action: the action.

    def action_started(self, time, action):
        Called when an action's execution starts.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action was started.
        :param Action action: the action.

    def action_printed(self, time, action, data):
        Called when an action prints something.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action printed the data.
        :param Action action: the action.
        :param str data: the data printed.

    def action_successful(self, time, action, return_value):
        Called when an action completes without error.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action completed.
        :param Action action: the action.
        :param return_value: the value returned by the action.

    def action_failed(self, time, action, exception):
        Called when an action completes with an exception.

        :param datetime.datetime time: the time at which the action completed.
        :param Action action: the action.
        :param exception: the exception raised by the action

class DependencyCycleException(Exception):
    Exception thrown by :meth:`.Action.add_dependency` when adding the new dependency would create a cycle.

    def __init__(self):
        super(DependencyCycleException, self).__init__("Dependency cycle")

class CompoundException(Exception):
    Exception thrown by :func:`.execute` when dependencies raise exceptions.

    def __init__(self, exceptions, execution_report):
        super(CompoundException, self).__init__(exceptions)
        self.__exceptions = exceptions
        self.__execution_report = execution_report

    def exceptions(self):
        The list of exceptions raised.
        return self.__exceptions

    def execution_report(self):
        The :class:`.ExecutionReport` of the failed execution.
        return self.__execution_report

class ExecutionReport(object):

    Execution report, returned by :func:`.execute`.

    class ActionStatus(object):
        Status of a single :class:`.Action`.

        def __init__(self, pending_time):
            self.__pending_time = pending_time
            self.__ready_time = None
            self.__cancel_time = None
            self.__start_time = None
            self.__success_time = None
            self.__return_value = None
            self.__failure_time = None
            self.__exception = None
            self.__output = None

        def _set_ready_time(self, ready_time):
            self.__ready_time = ready_time

        def _set_cancel_time(self, cancel_time):
            self.__cancel_time = cancel_time

        def _set_start_time(self, start_time):
            self.__start_time = start_time

        def _set_success(self, success_time, return_value):
            self.__success_time = success_time
            self.__return_value = return_value

        def _set_failure(self, failure_time, exception):
            self.__failure_time = failure_time
            self.__exception = exception

        def _add_output(self, output):
            self.__output = (self.__output or b"") + output

        def status(self):
            The status of the action:
            :attr:`SUCCESSFUL` if the action succeeded,
            :attr:`FAILED` if the action failed,
            and :attr:`CANCELED` if the action was canceled because some of its dependencies failed.
            if self.start_time:
                if self.success_time:
                    return SUCCESSFUL
                    assert self.failure_time
                    return FAILED
                assert self.cancel_time
                return CANCELED

        def pending_time(self):
            The time when this action was considered for execution.

            :rtype: datetime.datetime
            return self.__pending_time

        def ready_time(self):
            The time when this action was ready to execute.
            (``None`` if it was canceled before being ready).

            :rtype: datetime.datetime or None
            return self.__ready_time

        def cancel_time(self):
            The time when this action was canceled.
            (``None`` if it was started).

            :rtype: datetime.datetime or None
            return self.__cancel_time

        def start_time(self):
            The time at the beginning of the execution of this action.
            (``None`` if it was never started).

            :rtype: datetime.datetime or None
            return self.__start_time

        def success_time(self):
            The time at the successful end of the execution of this action.
            (``None`` if it was never started or if it failed).

            :rtype: datetime.datetime or None
            return self.__success_time

        def return_value(self):
            The value returned by this action
            (``None`` if it failed or was never started).
            return self.__return_value

        def failure_time(self):
            The time at the successful end of the execution of this action.
            (``None`` if it was never started or if it succeeded).

            :rtype: datetime.datetime or None
            return self.__failure_time

        def exception(self):
            The exception raised by this action
            (``None`` if it succeeded or was never started).
            return self.__exception

        def output(self):
            Everything printed (and flushed in time) by this action.
            (``None`` if it never started, ``""`` it if didn't print anything)

            :rtype: str or None
            return self.__output

    def __init__(self, root_action, actions, now):
        self._root_action = root_action
        self.__action_statuses = {action: self.ActionStatus(now) for action in actions}

    def is_success(self):
        ``True`` if the execution finished without error.

        :rtype: bool
        return all(
            action_status.status == SUCCESSFUL
            for action_status in self.__action_statuses.values()

    def get_action_status(self, action):
        Get the :class:`ActionStatus` of an action.

        :param Action action:

        :rtype: ActionStatus
        return self.__action_statuses[action]

    def get_actions_and_statuses(self):
        Get a list of actions and their statuses.

        :rtype: list(tuple(Action, ActionStatus))
        return list(self.__action_statuses.items())

"The :attr:`.ActionStatus.status` after a successful execution."

"The :attr:`.ActionStatus.status` after a failed execution where this action raised an exception."

"The :attr:`.ActionStatus.status` after a failed execution where a dependency raised an exception."



class DependencyGraph(object):
    A visual representation of the dependency graph, using `Graphviz <http://graphviz.org/>`__.

    def __init__(self, action):
        import graphviz
        self.__graphviz_graph = graphviz.Digraph("action", node_attr={"shape": "box"})
        nodes = {}
        for (i, action) in enumerate(action.get_possible_execution_order()):
            node = str(i)
            nodes[action] = node
            if action.label is None:
                self.__graphviz_graph.node(node, shape="point")
                self.__graphviz_graph.node(node, action.label)
            for dependency in action.dependencies:
                assert dependency in nodes  # Because we are iterating a possible execution order
                self.__graphviz_graph.edge(node, nodes[dependency])

    def write_to_png(self, filename):  # pragma no cover: too difficult
        Write the graph as a PNG image to the specified file.

        See also :meth:`get_graphviz_graph` if you want to draw the graph somewhere else.
        directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
        filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        g = self.get_graphviz_graph()
        g.format = "png"
        g.render(directory=directory, filename=filename, cleanup=True)

    def get_graphviz_graph(self):
        Return a :class:`graphviz.Digraph` of this dependency graph.

        See also :meth:`write_to_png` for the simplest use-case.
        return self.__graphviz_graph.copy()

class GanttChart(object):  # pragma no cover: too difficult
    A visual representation of the timing of an execution.

    def __init__(self, report):
        self.__actions = {
            id(action): self.__make_action(action, status)
            for (action, status) in report.get_actions_and_statuses()

        self.__ordinates = {}

        dependents = {}
        for (action, _) in report.get_actions_and_statuses():
            dependents.setdefault(action, set())
            for dependency in action.dependencies:
                dependents.setdefault(dependency, set()).add(action)

        def compute(action, ordinate):
            self.__ordinates[id(action)] = len(self.__actions) - ordinate
            for d in sorted(
                    lambda d: report.get_action_status(d).success_time or
                    report.get_action_status(d).failure_time or
                    report.get_action_status(d).cancel_time or
                    report.get_action_status(d).ready_time or
                if len(dependents[d]) == 1:
                    ordinate = compute(d, ordinate - 1)
            return ordinate

        last_ordinate = compute(report._root_action, len(self.__actions) - 1)
        assert last_ordinate == 0, last_ordinate

    class SuccessfulAction(object):
        def __init__(self, action, status):
            self.__label = action.label
            self.__id = id(action)
            self.__dependencies = set(id(d) for d in action.dependencies)
            self.__ready_time = status.ready_time
            self.__start_time = status.start_time
            self.__success_time = status.success_time

        def min_time(self):
            return self.__ready_time

        def max_time(self):
            return self.__success_time

        def draw(self, ax, ordinates, actions):
            ordinate = ordinates[self.__id]
            ax.plot([self.__ready_time, self.__start_time], [ordinate, ordinate], color="blue", lw=1)
                [self.__start_time, self.__success_time], [ordinate, ordinate],
                color="blue", lw=4, solid_capstyle="butt",
            # @todo Make sure the text is not outside the plot on the right
            if self.__label is not None:
                    xy=(self.__start_time, ordinate), xytext=(0, 3), textcoords="offset points",
            for d in self.__dependencies:
                ax.plot([actions[d].max_time, self.min_time], [ordinates[d], ordinate], "k:", lw=1)

    class FailedAction(object):
        def __init__(self, action, status):
            self.__label = action.label
            self.__id = id(action)
            self.__dependencies = set(id(d) for d in action.dependencies)
            self.__ready_time = status.ready_time
            self.__start_time = status.start_time
            self.__failure_time = status.failure_time

        def min_time(self):
            return self.__ready_time

        def max_time(self):
            return self.__failure_time

        def draw(self, ax, ordinates, actions):
            ordinate = ordinates[self.__id]
            ax.plot([self.__ready_time, self.__start_time], [ordinate, ordinate], color="red", lw=1)
                [self.__start_time, self.__failure_time], [ordinate, ordinate],
                color="red", lw=4, solid_capstyle="butt",
            if self.__label is not None:
                    xy=(self.__start_time, ordinate), xytext=(0, 3), textcoords="offset points",
            for d in self.__dependencies:
                ax.plot([actions[d].max_time, self.min_time], [ordinates[d], ordinate], "k:", lw=1)

    class CanceledAction(object):
        def __init__(self, action, status):
            self.__label = action.label
            self.__id = id(action)
            self.__dependencies = set(id(d) for d in action.dependencies)
            self.__ready_time = status.ready_time
            self.__cancel_time = status.cancel_time

        def min_time(self):
            return self.__cancel_time if self.__ready_time is None else self.__ready_time

        def max_time(self):
            return self.__cancel_time

        def draw(self, ax, ordinates, actions):
            ordinate = ordinates[self.__id]
            if self.__ready_time:
                ax.plot([self.__ready_time, self.__cancel_time], [ordinate, ordinate], color="grey", lw=1)
            if self.__label is not None:
                    xy=(self.__cancel_time, ordinate), xytext=(0, 3), textcoords="offset points",
            for d in self.__dependencies:
                ax.plot([actions[d].max_time, self.min_time], [ordinates[d], ordinate], "k:", lw=1)

    def __make_action(cls, action, status):
        if status.status == SUCCESSFUL:
            return cls.SuccessfulAction(action, status)
        elif status.status == FAILED:
            return cls.FailedAction(action, status)
        elif status.status == CANCELED:
            return cls.CanceledAction(action, status)

    def write_to_png(self, filename):
        Write the Gantt chart as a PNG image to the specified file.

        See also :meth:`get_mpl_figure` and :meth:`plot_on_mpl_axes` if you want to draw the report somewhere else.
        import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg

        figure = self.get_mpl_figure()
        canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(figure)

    def get_mpl_figure(self):
        Return a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` of this Gantt chart.

        See also :meth:`plot_on_mpl_axes` if you want to draw the Gantt chart on your own matplotlib figure.

        See also :meth:`write_to_png` for the simplest use-case.
        import matplotlib.figure

        fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)


        return fig

    def __nearest(v, values):
        for i, value in enumerate(values):
            if v < value:
        if i == 0:
            return values[0]
            if v - values[i - 1] <= values[i] - v:
                return values[i - 1]
                return values[i]

    __intervals = [
        1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60,
        2 * 60, 10 * 60, 30 * 60, 3600,
        2 * 3600, 3 * 3600, 6 * 3600, 12 * 3600, 24 * 3600,

    def plot_on_mpl_axes(self, ax):
        Plot this Gantt chart on the provided :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`.

        See also :meth:`write_to_png` and :meth:`get_mpl_figure` for the simpler use-cases.
        import matplotlib.dates

        for action in self.__actions.values():
            action.draw(ax, self.__ordinates, self.__actions)

        ax.set_ylim(0.5, len(self.__actions) + 1)

        min_time = min(a.min_time for a in self.__actions.values()).replace(microsecond=0)
        max_time = (
            max(a.max_time for a in self.__actions.values()).replace(microsecond=0) +
        duration = int((max_time - min_time).total_seconds())

        ax.set_xlabel("Local time")
        ax.set_xlim(min_time, max_time)
        ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator(maxticks=4, minticks=5))

        ax2 = ax.twiny()
        ax2.set_xlabel("Relative time")
        ax2.set_xlim(min_time, max_time)
        ticks = list(range(0, duration, self.__nearest(duration // 5, self.__intervals)))
        ax2.xaxis.set_ticks([min_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=s) for s in ticks])

class _Execute(object):
    def __init__(self, cpu_cores, keep_going, do_raise, hooks):
        self.cpu_cores = cpu_cores
        self.keep_going = keep_going
        self.do_raise = do_raise
        self.hooks = hooks

    def run(self, root_action):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        # Pre-process actions
        actions = root_action.get_possible_execution_order()
        self.actions_by_id = {id(action): action for action in actions}
        self.dependents = {action: set() for action in actions}
        for action in actions:
            for dependency in action.dependencies:

        # Misc stuff
        self.report = ExecutionReport(root_action, actions, now)
        for action in actions:
            self.hooks.action_pending(now, action)
        self.events = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.exceptions = []
        self.resources_used = {}

        # Actions by status
        self.pending = set(actions)
        self.ready = set()
        self.running = set()
        self.done = set()
        for action in actions:
            if not action.dependencies:
                self._prepare_action(action, now)

        # Execute
        while self.pending or self.ready or self.running:
            now = datetime.datetime.now()

        for w in multiprocessing.active_children():

        if self.do_raise and self.exceptions:
            raise CompoundException(self.exceptions, self.report)
            return self.report

    def _cancel_action(self, action, now):
        self.hooks.action_canceled(now, action)

        if action in self.pending:
            self._change_status(action, self.pending, self.done)
            self._change_status(action, self.ready, self.done)

        if not self.keep_going:
            for d in action.dependencies:
                if d in self.pending or d in self.ready:
                    self._cancel_action(d, now)
        self._triage_pending_dependents(action, True, now)

    def _triage_pending_dependents(self, action, failed, now):
        for dependent in self.pending & self.dependents[action]:
            if failed and not dependent.accept_failed_dependencies:
                self._cancel_action(dependent, now)
            elif all(d in self.done for d in dependent.dependencies):
                self._prepare_action(dependent, now)

    def _prepare_action(self, action, now):
        self.hooks.action_ready(now, action)

        self._change_status(action, self.pending, self.ready)

    def _progress(self, now):
        # @todo Should we tweak the scheduling?
        # We could prioritize the actions that use many resources,
        # hoping that this would avoid idle CPU cores at the end of the execution.
        # Scheduling is a hard problem, we may just want to keep the current, random, behavior.
        for action in set(self.ready):
            if self._allocate_resources(action):
                self._start_action(action, now)

    def _allocate_resources(self, action):
        for (resource, quantity) in action.resources_required:
            used = self.resources_used.setdefault(resource, 0)
            if used == 0:
                # Allow actions requiring more than available to run when they are alone requiring this resource
            availability = resource._availability(self.cpu_cores)
            if availability is UNLIMITED:
                # Don't check usage of unlimited resources
            if used + quantity > availability:
                return False
        for (resource, quantity) in action.resources_required:
            self.resources_used[resource] += quantity
        return True

    def _start_action(self, action, now):
        self.hooks.action_started(now, action)

        dependency_statuses = {d: self.report.get_action_status(d) for d in action.dependencies}
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
            kwargs=dict(action=action, action_id=id(action), dependency_statuses=dependency_statuses)
        self._change_status(action, self.ready, self.running)

    def _run_action(self, action, action_id, dependency_statuses):
        return_value = exception = None
        (pipe_r, pipe_w) = os.pipe()
        os.dup2(pipe_w, 1)
        os.dup2(pipe_w, 2)
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self._read_to_events, kwargs=dict(action_id=action_id, pipe_r=pipe_r))
        thread.daemon = True
            return_value = action.do_execute(dependency_statuses)
        except BaseException as e:
            exception = e
            self._check_picklability((exception, return_value))
        except BaseException:
            self.events.put((PICKLING_EXCEPTION, action_id, ()))
            end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
            if exception:
                self.events.put((FAILED, action_id, (end_time, exception)))
                self.events.put((SUCCESSFUL, action_id, (end_time, return_value)))

    def _read_to_events(self, action_id, pipe_r):
        while True:
            data = os.read(pipe_r, 1024)
            if len(data) == 0:
            self.events.put((PRINTED, action_id, (datetime.datetime.now(), data)))

    def _check_picklability(self, stuff):
        # Fail fast: don't put a non-picklable object in a multiprocessing.Queue

    def _handle_next_event(self):
        (event_kind, action_id, event_payload) = self.events.get()
        handlers = {
            SUCCESSFUL: self._handle_successful_event,
            PRINTED: self._handle_printed_event,
            FAILED: self._handle_failed_event,
            PICKLING_EXCEPTION: self._handle_pickling_exception_event,
        handlers[event_kind](self.actions_by_id[action_id], *event_payload)

    def _handle_successful_event(self, action, success_time, return_value):
        self.report.get_action_status(action)._set_success(success_time, return_value)
        self.hooks.action_successful(success_time, action, return_value)

        self._change_status(action, self.running, self.done)
        self._triage_pending_dependents(action, False, success_time)

    def _handle_printed_event(self, action, print_time, data):
        self.hooks.action_printed(print_time, action, data)

    def _handle_failed_event(self, action, failure_time, exception):
        self.report.get_action_status(action)._set_failure(failure_time, exception)
        self.hooks.action_failed(failure_time, action, exception)

        self._change_status(action, self.running, self.done)
        self._triage_pending_dependents(action, True, failure_time)

    def _handle_pickling_exception_event(self, action):
        raise pickle.PicklingError()

    def _change_status(self, action, orig, dest):

    def _deallocate_resources(self, action):
        for (resource, quantity) in action.resources_required:
            self.resources_used[resource] = max(0, self.resources_used[resource] - quantity)