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Test Coverage

.. testsetup::

    from ActionTree import execute
    from ActionTree.stock import CreateDirectory, CallSubprocess

    from stock_link import *

    link_report = execute(link)

Gantt chart

ActionTree uses `matplotlib`_ to visualize Gantt charts. Install all
required dependencies with ``pip install ActionTree[gantt]``.

.. _`matplotlib`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/matplotlib

You can draw a Gantt chart of the execution with :class:`.GanttChart`:

>>> from ActionTree import GanttChart

>>> chart = GanttChart(link_report)
>>> chart.write_to_png("link_gantt_chart.png")

.. figure:: artifacts/link_gantt_chart.png
    :align: center


Each action is represented by an horizontal line.
The left part, optional, is thin. It represents the time the action was ready to execute (all dependencies were done)
but waiting for a resource (typically a CPU core to execute on).
The right part is thicker and represents the actual execution of the action.
:ref:`Resources <resources>` and :ref:`timing <timing>` are explained in detail later in this user guide.

Actions are linked to their dependencies using thin doted lines.

Actions that failed are in red, and actions that were canceled due to a failure in their dependencies are in grey:

>>> compile_unexisting = CallSubprocess(["g++", "-c", "unexisting.cpp", "-o", "_build/unexisting.o"], label="g++ -c unexisting.cpp")
>>> compile_unexisting.add_dependency(make_build_dir)
>>> link.add_dependency(compile_unexisting)

>>> failed_link_report = execute(link, cpu_cores=1, keep_going=True, do_raise=False)
>>> failed_link_report.is_success
>>> chart = GanttChart(failed_link_report)
>>> chart.write_to_png("failed_link_gantt_chart.png")

.. figure:: artifacts/failed_link_gantt_chart.png
    :align: center


Dependency graph

ActionTree uses `graphviz`_ to visualize dependency graphs. Install all
required dependencies with ``pip install

.. _`graphviz`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/graphviz

You can draw a dependency graph with :class:`.DependencyGraph`:

>>> from ActionTree import DependencyGraph

>>> graph = DependencyGraph(link)
>>> graph.write_to_png("link_dependency_graph.png")

.. figure:: artifacts/link_dependency_graph.png
    :align: center
