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# ember-cli-bodymovin

A little wrapper for [Bodymovin](https://github.com/bodymovin/bodymovin), an After Effects plugin for exporting animations to svg/canvas/html + js.

## Installation

`ember install ember-cli-bodymovin`

## Usage

Rendering your animation out of AE using the [bodymovin extension](https://github.com/bodymovin/bodymovin#installing-extension-finally-the-plugin-is-on-the-adobe-add-ons) will generate a `json` representation of your animation. COol.

All you need to do is drop your animation file into your app's public dir `public/animations/coolFileName.json` and it's ready to use.

##### Basic usage
`{{body-movin path='coolFileName'}}`

##### External Files

Sometimes you may need or want to host your animation `json` somewhere else. No problem, just set `external=true` and include the full path.

## Interacting with your animation
You can use any of the Bodymovin.js primitives in your Component/Controller. [Check them out](https://github.com/bodymovin/bodymovin#usage).

I'm providing a couple basic features that should help you get things going quickly. Please submit an issue if I'm missing something obvious!

#### Reverse
Reverse the play direction on click. This is useful for menu animations. It simply will flip the play direction on click.
{{ body-movin path='menu' clickAction='reverse' loop=false autoplay=false }}
![reverse preview](http://jklb-os.s3.amazonaws.com/bodymovin/reverse-preview.gif)

#### Play / Pause

Toggling the play state seems like a thing people would want to do. I think? Idk but here it is:
{{ body-movin path='reel' clickAction='playPause' }}

![playPause preview](http://jklb-os.s3.amazonaws.com/bodymovin/playPause-preview.gif)

#### Create your own
You have the power to create your own actions- just hook into the `click` event.

{{!-- templates/component/playPause-animation.hbs --}}

{{ body-movin path='reel' setup=(action setup) click=(action playPause) }}


// component/playPause-animation.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  animation: null,
  state: {
    playing: true

  actions: {
    setup(data) {
      this.set('animation', data);

    playPause() {
      let state = this.get('state');
      let animation = this.get('animation');

      if (state.playing) {
        this.set('state.playing', false);
      } else {
        this.set('state.playing', true);




## Options
You can override all the default stuff as you'd expect.

    clickAction="playPause" // playPause or reverse
    click=(action 'submit') // Handle in your component/controller
    setup=(action 'mySetup') // Handle in your component/controller

#### animation (String)
The file name OR url of your animation.

#### external (Boolean)
Set this to true if you're including an external source as your `path`.

#### renderType (String)
Set to 'svg' / 'canvas' / 'html' to set the renderer. If you leave it of, we'll default to our favorite- `SVG`.

#### rendererSettings (Object)
Some additional renderer settings for max control.
rendererSettings: {
  context: canvasContext, // the canvas context
  scaleMode: 'noScale',
  clearCanvas: false,
  progressiveLoad: false, // Boolean, only svg renderer, loads dom elements when needed. Might speed up initialization for large number of elements.
  hideOnTransparent: true //Boolean, only svg renderer, hides elements when opacity reaches 0 (defaults to true)

#### loop (String)
true / false / number

#### autoplay (Boolean)
true / false

# Contributing

Hook it up!

## Running

* `ember serve`
* Visit your app at [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200).

## Running Tests

* `npm test` (Runs `ember try:each` to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
* `ember test`
* `ember test --server`

## Building

* `ember build`

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [http://ember-cli.com/](http://ember-cli.com/).

[npm-badge-img]: https://badge.fury.io/js/ember-cli-bodymovin.svg
[npm-badge-link]: http://badge.fury.io/js/ember-cli-bodymovin
[ember-observer-badge]: http://emberobserver.com/badges/ember-cli-bodymovin.svg
[ember-observer-url]: http://emberobserver.com/addons/ember-cli-bodymovin
[codeclimate-badge]: https://codeclimate.com/github/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin/badges/gpa.svg
[codeclimate-url]: https://codeclimate.com/github/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin
[coverage-badge]: https://codeclimate.com/github/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin/badges/coverage.svg
[coverage-url]: https://codeclimate.com/github/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin/coverage
[circle-ci-badge]: https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/github/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin.svg
[circle-ci-url]: https://circleci.com/gh/jakeleboeuf/ember-cli-bodymovin
[npmcharts]: http://npmcharts.com/compare/ember-cli-bodymovin
[downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dw/ember-cli-bodymovin.svg