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Test Coverage
  "names": {
    "en": "Mind Blown",
    "fr": "Caboche-Kaboum",
    "de": "Knallkopf",
    "it": "Sbalorditesta",
    "es": "Cabeza Sorpresa"
  "index_number": 720,
  "priority": 0,
  "critical_hit": 0,
  "makes_contact": false,
  "affected_by_protect": true,
  "affected_by_magic_coat": false,
  "affected_by_snatch": false,
  "affected_by_mirror_move": true,
  "affected_by_kings_rock": true,
  "contests": [

  "type": "Fire",
  "category": "special",
  "power": 150,
  "accuracy": 100,
  "pp": 5,
  "max_pp": 8,
  "target": "target_adjacent_single",
  "pokedex_entries": {
    "Ultra Sun": {
      "en": "The user attacks everything around it by causing its own head to explode. This also damages the user.",
      "de": "Der Anwender greift alle Pokémon in der Umgebung an, indem er seinen Kopf explodieren lässt. Dabei verletzt er sich auch selbst."
    "Ultra Moon": {
      "en": "The user attacks everything around it by causing its own head to explode. This also damages the user.",
      "de": "Der Anwender greift alle Pokémon in der Umgebung an, indem er seinen Kopf explodieren lässt. Dabei verletzt er sich auch selbst."