"names": {
"fr": "Barbicha",
"de": "Welsar",
"it": "Whiscash",
"en": "Whiscash"
"national_id": 340,
"types": [
"abilities": [
"name": "Oblivious"
"name": "Hydration",
"hidden": true
"gender_ratios": {
"male": 50.0,
"female": 50.0
"catch_rate": 75,
"egg_groups": [
"Water 2"
"hatch_time": [
"height_us": "2'11\"",
"height_eu": "0.9 m",
"weight_us": "52.0 lbs.",
"weight_eu": "23.6 kg",
"base_exp_yield": 164,
"leveling_rate": "Medium Fast",
"ev_yield": {
"hp": 2,
"atk": 0,
"def": 0,
"sp_atk": 0,
"sp_def": 0,
"speed": 0
"color": "Blue",
"base_friendship": 70,
"base_stats": {
"hp": 110,
"atk": 78,
"def": 73,
"sp_atk": 76,
"sp_def": 71,
"speed": 60
"evolution_from": "Barboach",
"alola_id": 94,
"categories": {
"en": "Whiskers Pokémon",
"de": "Barthaar"
"kanto_id": null,
"johto_id": null,
"hoenn_id": 133,
"sinnoh_id": 81,
"unova_id": null,
"kalos_id": 41,
"mega_evolutions": [
"evolutions": [
"variations": [
"pokedex_entries": {
"Ruby": {
"en": "Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.",
"de": "Welsar legt viel Wert auf sein Territorium. Ein einzelnes Pokémon dieser Art nennt einen Teich sein Eigen. Wenn sich ein Feind nähert, schlägt es um sich und verursacht ein gewaltiges Erdbeben."
"Sapphire": {
"en": "If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.",
"de": "Wenn Welsar auf einen wilden Beutezug geht, erzeugt es ein Beben mit einem Radius von 5 Kilometern. Dieses Pokémon kann wirkliche Erdbeben voraussehen."
"Emerald": {
"en": "Mysteriously, it can foretell earthquakes. In the daytime, it sleeps in mud at the bottom of a pond. When it awakens, it continually feeds throughout the night.",
"de": "Es kann eigenartigerweise Erdbeben vorhersehen. Tagsüber schläft es im Schlamm auf dem Grund eines Teiches und nachts isst es permanent."
"FireRed": {
"en": "It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it.",
"de": "Sein Nest baut es am Grund von Sümpfen. Es frisst alles, wenn es nur lebendig ist. Welsar frisst einfach alles."
"LeafGreen": {
"en": "It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it.",
"de": "Sein Nest baut es am Grund von Sümpfen. Es frisst alles, wenn es nur lebendig ist. Welsar frisst einfach alles."
"Diamond": {
"en": "It is very territorial. It repels foes by setting off tremors that extend over a three-mile radius.",
"de": "Es verteidigt sein Revier, indem es Erschütterungen auslöst, die noch in 5 km Entfernung zu spüren sind."
"Pearl": {
"en": "As a result of causing tremors by thrashing about, it developed the ability to foretell real earthquakes.",
"de": "Da es Erschütterungen auslöst, hat es die Fähigkeit entwickelt, Beben vorhersagen zu können."
"Platinum": {
"en": "It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.",
"de": "Es bewacht sein Territorium. Nähert sich ein Gegner, greift es mit heftigen Erschütterungen an."
"HeartGold": {
"en": "It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.",
"de": "Es verteidigt sein Revier, indem es Erschütterungen auslöst, die noch in 5 km Entfernung zu spüren sind."
"SoulSilver": {
"en": "It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.",
"de": "Es verteidigt sein Revier, indem es Erschütterungen auslöst, die noch in 5 km Entfernung zu spüren sind."
"Black": {
"en": "It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.",
"de": "Es bewacht sein Territorium. Nähert sich ein Gegner, greift es mit heftigen Erschütterungen an."
"White": {
"en": "It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.",
"de": "Es bewacht sein Territorium. Nähert sich ein Gegner, greift es mit heftigen Erschütterungen an."
"Black 2": {
"en": "It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.",
"de": "Es bewacht sein Territorium. Nähert sich ein Gegner, greift es mit heftigen Erschütterungen an."
"White 2": {
"en": "It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.",
"de": "Es bewacht sein Territorium. Nähert sich ein Gegner, greift es mit heftigen Erschütterungen an."
"X": {
"en": "It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.",
"de": "Sein Revier hat es im Sumpfland. Nähert sich ein Feind, zappelt es wie wild und erzeugt so Erdbeben."
"Y": {
"en": "It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it.",
"de": "Sein Nest baut es am Grund von Sümpfen. Es frisst alles, wenn es nur lebendig ist. Welsar frisst einfach alles."
"Omega Ruby": {
"en": "Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.",
"de": "Welsar legt viel Wert auf sein Territorium. Ein einzelnes Pokémon dieser Art nennt einen Teich sein Eigen. Wenn sich ein Feind nähert, schlägt es um sich und verursacht ein gewaltiges Beben."
"Alpha Sapphire": {
"en": "If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.",
"de": "Wenn Welsar auf einen wilden Beutezug geht, erzeugt es ein Beben mit einem Radius von 5 km. Dieses Pokémon kann wirkliche Erdbeben voraussehen."
"Sun": {
"en": "A glutton that devours anything that moves, it quietly lurks at the bottom of swamps, lying in wait for prey.",
"de": "Es frisst einfach alles, was ihm vor die Kiemen kommt. Normalerweise verharrt es im Schlamm und wartet auf Beute."
"Moon": {
"en": "Sighting Whiscash leaping from the water is believed to herald an earthquake.",
"de": "Man glaubt, der Anblick eines über die Wasseroberfläche springenden Welsar-Schwarms sei ein Vorbote für ein Erdbeben."
"Ultra Sun": {
"en": "Whiscash shakes the ground at high intensities to intimidate its opponents. It swallows its prey whole—along with mud from the swamp floor.",
"de": "Es schüchtert seine Gegner ein, indem es den Boden beben lässt. Seine Beute verschluckt es mitsamt dem Schlamm, in dem sie sich aufhält."
"Ultra Moon": {
"en": "Its vision is not that good. It senses vibrations in the water with its whiskers to determine the location of its prey.",
"de": "Seine Sehkraft ist schlecht. Es nimmt mit seinen Barthaaren Schwingungen im Wasser wahr und spürt so seine Beute auf."
"pokeathlon_stats": {
"speed": [
"power": [
"stamina": [
"skill": [
"jump": [
"ultra_alola_id": 56,
"move_learnsets": [
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 11
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 16
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 21
"move": "Rest",
"level": 26
"move": "Snore",
"level": 26
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 36
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 46
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 56
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Dive",
"tm": "HM8"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 11
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 16
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 21
"move": "Rest",
"level": 26
"move": "Snore",
"level": 26
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 36
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 46
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 56
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Dive",
"tm": "HM8"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 11
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 16
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 21
"move": "Rest",
"level": 26
"move": "Snore",
"level": 26
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 36
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 46
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 56
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Dive",
"tm": "HM8"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"games": [
"learnset": [
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"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Zen Headbutt",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 10
"move": "Mud Bomb",
"level": 14
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 18
"move": "Water Pulse",
"level": 22
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 26
"move": "Rest",
"level": 33
"move": "Snore",
"level": 33
"move": "Aqua Tail",
"level": 39
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 45
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 51
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 57
"move": "Flail",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Hydro Pump",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Take Down",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
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"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"move": "Endure",
"tm": "TM58"
"move": "Giga Impact",
"tm": "TM68"
"move": "Stone Edge",
"tm": "TM71"
"move": "Captivate",
"tm": "TM78"
"move": "Rock Slide",
"tm": "TM80"
"move": "Sleep Talk",
"tm": "TM82"
"move": "Natural Gift",
"tm": "TM83"
"move": "Swagger",
"tm": "TM87"
"move": "Substitute",
"tm": "TM90"
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Zen Headbutt",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 10
"move": "Mud Bomb",
"level": 14
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 18
"move": "Water Pulse",
"level": 22
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 26
"move": "Rest",
"level": 33
"move": "Snore",
"level": 33
"move": "Aqua Tail",
"level": 39
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 45
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 51
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 57
"move": "Flail",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Hydro Pump",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Take Down",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"move": "Endure",
"tm": "TM58"
"move": "Giga Impact",
"tm": "TM68"
"move": "Stone Edge",
"tm": "TM71"
"move": "Captivate",
"tm": "TM78"
"move": "Rock Slide",
"tm": "TM80"
"move": "Sleep Talk",
"tm": "TM82"
"move": "Natural Gift",
"tm": "TM83"
"move": "Swagger",
"tm": "TM87"
"move": "Substitute",
"tm": "TM90"
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Zen Headbutt",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 10
"move": "Mud Bomb",
"level": 14
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 18
"move": "Water Pulse",
"level": 22
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 26
"move": "Rest",
"level": 33
"move": "Snore",
"level": 33
"move": "Aqua Tail",
"level": 39
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 45
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 51
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 57
"move": "Dragon Dance",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Flail",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Hydro Pump",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Take Down",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Whirlpool",
"tm": "HM5"
"move": "Rock Smash",
"tm": "HM6"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM7"
"move": "Water Pulse",
"tm": "TM3"
"move": "Toxic",
"tm": "TM6"
"move": "Hail",
"tm": "TM7"
"move": "Hidden Power",
"tm": "TM10"
"move": "Ice Beam",
"tm": "TM13"
"move": "Blizzard",
"tm": "TM14"
"move": "Hyper Beam",
"tm": "TM15"
"move": "Protect",
"tm": "TM17"
"move": "Rain Dance",
"tm": "TM18"
"move": "Frustration",
"tm": "TM21"
"move": "Earthquake",
"tm": "TM26"
"move": "Return",
"tm": "TM27"
"move": "Double Team",
"tm": "TM32"
"move": "Sandstorm",
"tm": "TM37"
"move": "Rock Tomb",
"tm": "TM39"
"move": "Facade",
"tm": "TM42"
"move": "Secret Power",
"tm": "TM43"
"move": "Rest",
"tm": "TM44"
"move": "Attract",
"tm": "TM45"
"move": "Endure",
"tm": "TM58"
"move": "Giga Impact",
"tm": "TM68"
"move": "Stone Edge",
"tm": "TM71"
"move": "Captivate",
"tm": "TM78"
"move": "Rock Slide",
"tm": "TM80"
"move": "Sleep Talk",
"tm": "TM82"
"move": "Natural Gift",
"tm": "TM83"
"move": "Swagger",
"tm": "TM87"
"move": "Substitute",
"tm": "TM90"
"games": [
"learnset": [
"move": "Mud-Slap",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Tickle",
"level": 1
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 1
"move": "Zen Headbutt",
"level": 1
"move": "Mud Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Sport",
"level": 6
"move": "Water Gun",
"level": 10
"move": "Mud Bomb",
"level": 14
"move": "Amnesia",
"level": 18
"move": "Water Pulse",
"level": 22
"move": "Magnitude",
"level": 26
"move": "Rest",
"level": 33
"move": "Snore",
"level": 33
"move": "Aqua Tail",
"level": 39
"move": "Earthquake",
"level": 45
"move": "Future Sight",
"level": 51
"move": "Fissure",
"level": 57
"move": "Dragon Dance",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Earth Power",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Flail",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Hydro Pump",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Mud Shot",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Muddy Water",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Spark",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Take Down",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Thrash",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Whirlpool",
"egg_move": true
"move": "Surf",
"tm": "HM3"
"move": "Strength",
"tm": "HM4"
"move": "Waterfall",
"tm": "HM5"
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"tm": "HM6"
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"level": 1
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"level": 1
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"level": 18
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"level": 22
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"level": 33
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"level": 33
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"level": 39
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"level": 45
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"level": 51
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"level": 57
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"level": 57
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