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# Example config file

# Global options
verbose = false
debug = false # Useful for debugging

# Server options
host = ""
port = 9292
path = "/"
pid_file = "/tmp/minicron.pid"
timezone = "UTC"
  name = "minicron.session"
  domain = ""
  path = "/"
  ttl = 86400
  secret = "change_me"
  type = "sqlite" # [mysql, postgresql, sqlite]
  # The options below are for mysql and postgresql only
  # host = ""
  # database = "minicron"
  # username = "minicron"
  # password = "password"

# Alerting options
  enabled = false
  # from = "from@example.com" # "Your Name <from@example.com>" syntax is also supported
  # to = "to@example.com"
    address = "localhost" # "smtp.gmail.com" for gmail
    port = 25 # 587 for gmail
    # domain = "your.domain.name"
    # user_name = "username@email.com"
    # password = "password"
    # authentication = "plain"
    enable_starttls_auto = true

  enabled = false
  # from = "+442222222222"
  # to = "+443333333333"
    # account_sid = "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"
    # auth_token = "YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"

  enabled = false
  # service_key = "YOUR_PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_KEY"

  enabled = false
  # secret_access_key = "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
  # access_key_id = "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
  # region = "AWS_REGION"
  # topic_arn = "YOUR_SNS_TOPIC_ARN"

  enabled = false
  #webhook_url = "YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"
  #channel = "#YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL"