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Please make sure that you are familiar with and follow the Code of Conduct for
this project (found in the CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file).

Please fill out this template with all the relevant information so we can
understand what's going on and fix the issue.

I'll probably ask you to submit the fix (after giving some direction). If you've
never done that before, that's great! Check this free short video tutorial to
learn how: https://egghead.io/courses/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github

- `status-board` version:
- `node` version:
- `npm` (or `yarn`) version:

Relevant code or config



What you did:

What happened:

<!-- Please provide the full error message/screenshots/anything -->

Reproduction repository:

If possible, please create a repository that reproduces the issue with the
minimal amount of code possible.

Problem description:

Suggested solution: