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> Rest API to get upcoming departures per [KVB](https://www.kvb.koeln/) train station

> Implemented in Go with hexagonal architecture and tracing via OpenTelemetry and Jaeger

KVB API provides one endpoint allowing you to get the upcoming departures for a provided station name


KVB API tries to find the best matching station name for your request, so it doesn't need to be the exact name

## Example


GET `http://localhost:8080/v1/departures/stations/bensberg`


  "departures": [
      "line": "1",
      "destination": "Weiden West",
      "arrivalInMinutes": 17
      "line": "1",
      "destination": "Junkersdorf",
      "arrivalInMinutes": 44

## Build

The binary will be stored at `dist/kvb-api`

make build

## Build Docker Image

The binary will be stored at `dist/kvb-api`

make build-docker

## Usage

### Without Tracing

Start the KVB API **without tracing** by running:


To run with Docker, adapt the `docker-compose.yaml` and run:

docker-compose up

### With OpenTelemetry

Start the KVB API **with OpenTelemetry tracing** by running:

make run-with-tracing

To run with Docker, adapt the `docker-compose.yaml` and run:

docker-compose up

Make sure an OpenTelemetry collector is running on the provided URL.

## Development

### Hexagonal Architecture

- Adapters are stored in `adapters`
- Ports are stored in `ports`
- Business logic data structures are stored in `domains`
- Functions offered by the business logic are stored in `services`