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# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative '../directed_edge_set'
require_relative '../matching'
require_relative 'matching_algorithm'

module GraphMatching
  module Algorithm
    # `MCMGeneral` implements Maximum Cardinality Matching in
    # general graphs (as opposed to bipartite).
    class MCMGeneral < MatchingAlgorithm
      # An LFlag represents a flag on an edge during Gabow's `l` function.
      class LFlag
        attr_reader :edge
        def initialize(edge)
          @edge = edge

      def initialize(graph)

      def match
        return Matching.new if g.empty?
        raise DisconnectedGraph unless g.connected?


      # `e` constructs a maximum matching on a graph.  It starts a
      # search for an augmenting path to each unmatched vertex u.
      # It scans edges of the graph, deciding to assign new labels
      # or to augment the matching.
      def e(g)
        first = []
        label = []
        mate = []

        # E0. [Initialize.] Read the graph into adjacency lists,
        # numbering the vertices 1 to V and the edges V + 1 to
        # V + 2W. Create a dummy vertex 0 For 0 <= i <= V, set
        # LABEL(u) <- -1, MATE(i) <- 0 (all vertices are nonouter
        # and unmatched) Set u <- 0

        label.fill(-1, 0, g.size + 1)
        mate.fill(0, 0, g.size + 1)
        u = 0

        # El. [Find unmatched vertex ] Set u = u + 1. If u > V,
        # halt; MATE contains a maximum matching Otherwise, if vertex
        # u is matched, repeat step E1 Otherwise (u is unmatched, so
        # assign a start label and begin a new search)
        # set LABEL(u) = FIRST(u) = 0

        loop do
          u += 1
          break if u > g.size
          if mate[u] != 0
            next # repeat E1
            label[u] = first[u] = 0

          # E2 [Choose an edge ] Choose an edge xy, where x is an outer
          # vertex. (An edge vw may be chosen twice in a search--once
          # with x = v, and once with x = w.) If no such edge exists,
          # go to E7. (Edges xy can be chosen in an arbitrary order. A
          # possible choice method is "breadth-first": an outer vertex
          # x = x1 is chosen, and edges (x1,y) are chosen in succeeding
          # executions of E2, when all such edges have been chosen, the
          # vertex x2 that was labeled immediately after x1 is chosen,
          # and the process is repeated for x = x2. This breadth-first
          # method requires that Algorithm E maintain a list of outer
          # vertices, x1, x2, ...)

          searching = true
          visited_nodes = Set.new
          visited_edges = DirectedEdgeSet.new(g.size)
          q = OrderedSet[u]
          while searching && !q.empty?
            x = q.deq
            adjacent = g.adjacent_vertex_set(x)
            discovered = adjacent - visited_edges.adjacent_vertices(x)

            discovered.each do |y|
              visited_edges.add(x, y)

              # E3. [Augment the matching.] If y is unmatched and y != u,
              # set MATE(y) = x, call R(x, y): then go to E7 (R
              # completes the augment along path (y)*P(x))

              if mate[y] == 0 && y != u
                mate[y] = x
                r(x, y, label, mate)
                searching = false # go to E7

              # E4. [Assign edge labels.] If y is outer, call L, then go to
              # E2 (L assigns edge label n(xy) to nonouter vertices in P(x)
              # and P(y))

              elsif outer?(label[y])
                l(x, y, first, label, mate, q, visited_nodes)

              # E5. [Assign a vertex label.] Set v <- MATE(y). If v is
              # nonouter, set LABEL(v) <- x, FIRST(v) <- y, and go to E2
              # E6. [Get next edge.] Go to E2 (y is nonouter and MATE(y) is
              # outer, so edge xy adds nothing).

                v = mate[y]
                if label[v] == -1 # nonouter
                  label[v] = x
                  first[v] = y
                unless visited_nodes.include?(v)

          # E7. [Stop the search] Set LABEL(O) <- -1. For all outer
          # vertices i set LABEL(i) <- LABEL(MATE(i)) <- -1 Then go
          # to E1 (now all vertexes are nonouter for the next search).

          label[0] = -1
          label.each_with_index do |obj, ix|
            if ix > 0 && outer?(obj)
              label[ix] = label[mate[ix]] = -1


      def edge_label?(label_value)

      # L assigns the edge label n(xy) to nonouter vertices. Edge xy
      # joins outer vertices x, y. L sets join to the first nonouter
      # vertex in both P(x) and P(y). Then it labels all nonouter
      # vertices preceding join in P(x) or P(y).
      def l(x, y, first, label, mate, q, visited_nodes)
        # L0. [Initialize.] Set r <- FIRST(x), s <= FIRST(y).
        # If r = s, return (no vertices can be labeled).
        # Otherwise flag r and s. (Steps L1-L2 find join by advancing
        # alternately along paths P(x) and P(y). Flags are assigned
        # to nonouter vertices r in these paths. This is done by
        # setting LABEL(r) to a negative edge number, LABEL(r) <- -n(xy).
        # This way, each invocation of L uses a distinct flag value.)

        r = first[x]
        s = first[y]

        if r == s
          return # no vertices can be labeled
          label[r] = LFlag.new(n(x, y))

        # L1. [Switch paths ] If s != 0, interchange r and s, r <-> s
        # (r is a flagged nonouter vertex, alternately in P(x) and P(y)).

        finding_join = true
        while finding_join
          if s != 0
            temp = r
            r = s
            s = temp

          # L2. [Next nonouter vertex.] Set r <- FIRST(LABEL(MATE(r)))
          # (r is set to the next nonouter vertex in P(x) or P(y)). If
          # r is not flagged, flag r and go to L1 Otherwise set
          # join <- r and go to L3.

          r = first[label[mate[r]]]
          if label[r].is_a?(LFlag)
            join = r
            finding_join = false
            label[r] = LFlag.new(n(x, y))

        # L3. [Label vertices in P(x), P(y).] (All nonouter vertexes
        # between x and join, or y and join, will be assigned edge
        # labels. See Figure 4(a).) Set v <- FIRST(x) and do L4. Then
        # set v <- FIRST(y) and do L4. Then go to L5.

        [first[x], first[y]].each do |v|
          # L4 [Label v] If v != join, set LABEL(v) <- n(xy), FIRST(v) <- join,
          # v <- FIRST(LABEL(MATE(v))) and repeat step L4
          # Otherwise continue as specified in L3.

          until v == join
            label[v] = n(x, y)
            unless visited_nodes.include?(v)
            first[v] = join
            v = first[label[mate[v]]]

        # L5 [Update FIRST] For each outer vertex i, if FIRST(i) is
        # outer, set FIRST(i) <- join. (Join is now the first nonouter
        # vertex in P(i))

        label.each_with_index do |l, i|
          if i > 0 && outer?(l) && outer?(label[first[i]])
            first[i] = join

        # L6. [Done] Return

      # Gabow (1976) describes a function `n` which returns the number
      # of the edge from `x` to `y`.  Because we are using RGL, and
      # not implementing our own adjacency lists, we can simply return
      # an RGL::Edge::UnDirectedEdge.
      def n(x, y)
        RGL::Edge::UnDirectedEdge.new(x, y)

      def outer?(label_value)
        !label_value.is_a?(Integer) || label_value >= 0

      # R(v, w) rematches edges in the augmenting path. Vertex v is
      # outer. Part of path (w) * P(v) is in the augmenting path. It
      # gets re-matched by R(v, w) (Although R sets MATE(v) <- w, it
      # does not set MATE(w) <- v. This is done in step E3 or another
      # call to R.) R is a recursive routine.
      def r(v, w, label, mate)
        # R1. [Match v to w ] Set t <- MATE(v), MATE(v) <- w.
        # If MATE(t) != v, return (the path is completely re-matched)

        t = mate[v]
        mate[v] = w
        return if mate[t] != v

        # R2. [Rematch a path.] If v has a vertex label, set
        # MATE(t) <- LABEL(v), call R(LABEL(v), t) recursively, and
        # then return.

        if vertex_label?(label[v])
          mate[t] = label[v]
          r(label[v], t, label, mate)

        # R3. [Rematch two paths.] (Vertex v has an edge label)
        # Set x, y to vertices so LABEL(v) = n(xy), call R(x, y)
        # recursively, call R(y, x) recursively, and then return.

        elsif edge_label?(label[v])
          x, y = label[v].to_a
          r(x, y, label, mate)
          r(y, x, label, mate)
          raise "Vertex #{v} has an unexpected label type"

      def vertex_label?(label_value)
        label_value.is_a?(Integer) && label_value > 0