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Test Coverage
# chai-passport-strategy

Helpers for testing [Passport](https://www.passportjs.org/) strategies with the
[Chai](https://www.chaijs.com/) assertion library.

## Install

    $ npm install chai-passport-strategy

## Usage

#### Use Plugin

Use this plugin as you would all other Chai plugins:

var chai = require('chai');


#### Implement Test Cases

Once used, the `chai.passport.use` helper function will be available to set up
a test case which places a Passport strategy under test.

The helper returns a wrapper on which callbacks are registered to be executed
when the strategy invokes its final action function.  The callbacks correspond
to Passport's strategy API: `success()`, `fail()`, `redirect()`, `pass()`, and
`error()`.  If the strategy invokes an action that doesn't have a registered
callback, the test helper will automatically throw an exception.

For example, a [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/) test case that tests a strategy
which implements bearer token authentication:

it('should authenticate request with token in header', function(done) {
  chai.passport.use(new Strategy(function(token, cb) {
      return cb(null, { id: '248289761001' }, { scope: [ 'profile', 'email' ] });
    .request(function(req) {
      req.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM';
    .success(function(user, info) {
      expect(user).to.deep.equal({ id: '248289761001' });
      expect(info).to.deep.equal({ scope: [ 'profile', 'email' ] });

## License

[The MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Jared Hanson <[https://www.jaredhanson.me/](https://www.jaredhanson.me/)>