$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
require "s3utils/version"
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = "s3utils"
s.version = S3Utils::VERSION
s.authors = ["Jasmeet Chhabra"]
s.email = ["jasmeet@chhabra-inc.com"]
s.homepage = "https://github.com/jasmeetc/s3utils"
s.summary = %q{Simple tool for working with S3. Similar to s3cmd that comes with s3sync}
s.description = <<-DESC
Provides a s3cmd binary to perform simple commands on buckets and objects in s3.
See <a href="https://github.com/jasmeetc/s3utils"> Github S3utils page </a> for more.
Also, feel free to leave an issue on the github page, if you run into anything
s.files = Dir["bin/*", "lib/**/*"] + ["LICENSE", "README.md"]
s.executables = ["s3cmd"]
s.add_dependency "aws-sdk", "~> 1.6"
s.add_dependency "thor", "~>0.14"