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# Jasmine Core 1.3.0 Release Notes

## Summary
This version was a very incremental release that merged in some pull requests for bug fixes.

## Features

* HTML Runner exposes UI to not swallow Exceptions, instead raising as soon as thrown
* Migrated homepage content to Wiki
* Made a far more useful [tutorial page](http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine)
* Added a `toBeNaN` matcher

## Fixes

* Better detection of in-browser vs. not
* `afterEach` functions will run now even when there is a timeout
* `toBeCloseTo` matcher is more accurate
* More explicit matcher messages for spies
* Better equality comparisons for regular expressions
* Improvements to the Pretty Printer: controllable recursion depth, don't include inherited properties
* Fix where `for` was being used as a property on an object (failed on IE)