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# Global

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### get(key) 

Get a one or more value for a key or array of keys from AsyncStorage


**key**: `String | Array`, A key or array of keys

**Returns**: `Promise`

### save(key, value) 

Save a key value pair or a series of key value pairs to AsyncStorage.


**key**: `String | Array`, The key or an array of key/value pairs

**value**: `Any`, The value to save

**Returns**: `Promise`

### update(key, value) 

Updates the value in the store for a given key in AsyncStorage. If the value is a string it will be replaced. If the value is an object it will be deep merged.


**key**: `String`, The key

**value**: `Value`, The value to update with

**Returns**: `Promise`

### delete(key) 

Delete the value for a given key in AsyncStorage.


**key**: `String | Array`, The key or an array of keys to be deleted

**Returns**: `Promise`

### keys() 

Get all keys in AsyncStorage.

**Returns**: `Promise`, A promise which when it resolves gets passed the saved keys in AsyncStorage.

### push(key, value) 

Push a value onto an array stored in AsyncStorage by key or create a new array in AsyncStorage for a key if it's not yet defined.


**key**: `String`, They key

**value**: `Any`, The value to push onto the array

**Returns**: `Promise`

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**License:** MIT 

**Overview:** A minimalistic wrapper around React Native's AsyncStorage.