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# Subordinate [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jasontruluck/subordinate.png?branch=add-travis-ci)](https://travis-ci.org/jasontruluck/subordinate) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/jasontruluck/subordinate.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/jasontruluck/subordinate) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/jasontruluck/subordinate/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/jasontruluck/subordinate)

Subordinate is a api wrapper for the Jenkins API. It is not exhaustive at the moment and is being built out.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'subordinate'

And then execute:

    $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install subordinate

## Documentation


## Configuration

Configuration allows for specifying your Jenkins instances variables

`domain` - The domain of your Jenkins server i.e. example.com

`subdomain` - The subdomain of your Jenkins server i.e. jenkins

`port` - The port of your Jenkins server i.e. 8080

`ssl` - If you would like to use ssl [Boolean]

Within an initializer `config/initializer/subordinate.rb`

Subordinate.configure do |c|
  c.subdomain = "subdomain"
  c.domain    = "domain"
  c.port      = 1234
  c.ssl       = false

## Examples

### Setting up a new client

client = Subordinate::Client.new(:username => "username", :api_token =>"token")
client = Subordinate.new(:username => "username", :api_token =>"token")

You can also pass configuration keys such as `domain`, `subdomain`, `port` etc. as well.

### [Jobs](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/Subordinate/Client/Job)

Currently offers the ability to build, delete, enable/disable jobs


### [Builds](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/Subordinate/Client/Build)

Currently can retrieve information, console output, and timestamps

client.build("Job-Name", 1)

### [Views](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/master/Subordinate/Client/View)

Currently can retrieve all views, information about a single view, add jobs to a view, and remove jobs from a view




Currently can safe restart, restart, and quiet down



Retrieve the users on the Jenkins server


### [Build Queue](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/master/Subordinate/Client/Queue)

Retrieves the current build queue for the Jenkins server


### [Build Executor](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/master/Subordinate/Client/Executor)

Retrieves the build executors status and information from the Jenkins server


### [Load Statistics](http://rdoc.info/github/jasontruluck/subordinate/master/Subordinate/Client/Load)

Retrieves the load statistics from the Jenkins server


### Using Depth query parameter

For methods that allow you to specify a depth simply pass the depth you want via an option

client.job("My-awesome-job", {:depth => 1})

The default depth is 0 for all methods.

### Using Tree query parameters

`tree` parameters are more efficient than using depth with exclude. They are available ot any methods that except them via options as well

client.root({:tree => "jobs[name],views[name,jobs[name]]"})

A note from Jenkins: for array-type properties (such as jobs in this example), the name must be given in the original plural, not in the singular as the element would appear in XML (<job>). This will be more natural for e.g. json?tree=jobs[name] anyway: the JSON writer does not do plural-to-singular mangling because arrays are represented explicitly.

Please see the [docs](https://ci.jenkins-ci.org/api/) for more info on tree parameters

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request