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 * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package kwasm.format.binary.instruction

import kwasm.ast.FloatLiteral
import kwasm.ast.IntegerLiteral
import kwasm.ast.instruction.Instruction
import kwasm.ast.instruction.NumericConstantInstruction
import kwasm.ast.instruction.NumericInstruction
import kwasm.format.binary.BinaryParser
import kwasm.format.binary.value.readDouble
import kwasm.format.binary.value.readFloat
import kwasm.format.binary.value.readInt
import kwasm.format.binary.value.readLong
import kwasm.format.binary.value.readUInt

internal val NUMERIC_OPCODE_RANGE = 0x41.toUByte().toInt()..0xC4.toUByte().toInt()

 * From
 * [the docs](https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/instructions.html#numeric-instructions)
 * :
 * All variants of numeric instructions are represented by separate byte codes.
 * The `const` instructions are followed by the respective literal.
 * ```
 *      instr   ::= 0x41 n:i32  =>  i32.const n
 *                  0x42 n:i64  =>  i64.const n
 *                  0x43 z:f32  =>  f32.const z
 *                  0x44 z:f64  =>  f64.const z
 * ```
 * All other numeric instructions are plain opcodes without any immediates.
 * ```
 *      instr   ::= 0x45    => i32.eqz
 *                  0x46    => i32.eq
 *                  0x47    => i32.ne
 *                  0x48    => i32.lt_s
 *                  0x49    => i32.lt_u
 *                  0x4A    => i32.gt_s
 *                  0x4B    => i32.gt_u
 *                  0x4C    => i32.le_s
 *                  0x4D    => i32.le_u
 *                  0x4E    => i32.ge_s
 *                  0x4F    => i32.ge_u
 *                  0x50    => i64.eqz
 *                  0x51    => i64.eq
 *                  0x52    => i64.ne
 *                  0x53    => i64.lt_s
 *                  0x54    => i64.lt_u
 *                  0x55    => i64.gt_s
 *                  0x56    => i64.gt_u
 *                  0x57    => i64.le_s
 *                  0x58    => i64.le_u
 *                  0x59    => i64.ge_s
 *                  0x5A    => i64.ge_u
 *                  0x5B    => f32.eq
 *                  0x5C    => f32.ne
 *                  0x5D    => f32.lt
 *                  0x5E    => f32.gt
 *                  0x5F    => f32.le
 *                  0x60    => f32.ge
 *                  0x61    => f64.eq
 *                  0x62    => f64.ne
 *                  0x63    => f64.lt
 *                  0x64    => f64.gt
 *                  0x65    => f64.le
 *                  0x66    => f64.ge
 *                  0x67    => i32.clz
 *                  0x68    => i32.ctz
 *                  0x69    => i32.popcnt
 *                  0x6A    => i32.add
 *                  0x6B    => i32.sub
 *                  0x6C    => i32.mul
 *                  0x6D    => i32.div_s
 *                  0x6E    => i32.div_u
 *                  0x6F    => i32.rem_s
 *                  0x70    => i32.rem_u
 *                  0x71    => i32.and
 *                  0x72    => i32.or
 *                  0x73    => i32.xor
 *                  0x74    => i32.shl
 *                  0x75    => i32.shr_s
 *                  0x76    => i32.shr_u
 *                  0x77    => i32.rotl
 *                  0x78    => i32.rotr
 *                  0x79    => i64.clz
 *                  0x7A    => i64.ctz
 *                  0x7B    => i64.popcnt
 *                  0x7C    => i64.add
 *                  0x7D    => i64.sub
 *                  0x7E    => i64.mul
 *                  0x7F    => i64.div_s
 *                  0x80    => i64.div_u
 *                  0x81    => i64.rem_s
 *                  0x82    => i64.rem_u
 *                  0x83    => i64.and
 *                  0x84    => i64.or
 *                  0x85    => i64.xor
 *                  0x86    => i64.shl
 *                  0x87    => i64.shr_s
 *                  0x88    => i64.shr_u
 *                  0x89    => i64.rotl
 *                  0x8A    => i64.rotr
 *                  0x8B    => f32.abs
 *                  0x8C    => f32.neg
 *                  0x8D    => f32.ceil
 *                  0x8E    => f32.floor
 *                  0x8F    => f32.trunc
 *                  0x90    => f32.nearest
 *                  0x91    => f32.sqrt
 *                  0x92    => f32.add
 *                  0x93    => f32.sub
 *                  0x94    => f32.mul
 *                  0x95    => f32.div
 *                  0x96    => f32.min
 *                  0x97    => f32.max
 *                  0x98    => f32.copysign
 *                  0x99    => f64.abs
 *                  0x9A    => f64.neg
 *                  0x9B    => f64.ceil
 *                  0x9C    => f64.floor
 *                  0x9D    => f64.trunc
 *                  0x9E    => f64.nearest
 *                  0x9F    => f64.sqrt
 *                  0xA0    => f64.add
 *                  0xA1    => f64.sub
 *                  0xA2    => f64.mul
 *                  0xA3    => f64.div
 *                  0xA4    => f64.min
 *                  0xA5    => f64.max
 *                  0xA6    => f64.copysign
 *                  0xA7    => i32.wrap_i64
 *                  0xA8    => i32.trunc_f32_s
 *                  0xA9    => i32.trunc_f32_u
 *                  0xAA    => i32.trunc_f64_s
 *                  0xAB    => i32.trunc_f64_u
 *                  0xAC    => i64.extend_i32_s
 *                  0xAD    => i64.extend_i32_u
 *                  0xAE    => i64.trunc_f32_s
 *                  0xAF    => i64.trunc_f32_u
 *                  0xB0    => i64.trunc_f64_s
 *                  0xB1    => i64.trunc_f64_u
 *                  0xB2    => f32.convert_i32_s
 *                  0xB3    => f32.convert_i32_u
 *                  0xB4    => f32.convert_i64_s
 *                  0xB5    => f32.convert_i64_u
 *                  0xB6    => f32.demote_f64
 *                  0xB7    => f64.convert_i32_s
 *                  0xB8    => f64.convert_i32_u
 *                  0xB9    => f64.convert_i64_s
 *                  0xBA    => f64.convert_i64_u
 *                  0xBB    => f64.promote_f32
 *                  0xBC    => i32.reinterpret_f32
 *                  0xBD    => i64.reinterpret_f64
 *                  0xBE    => f32.reinterpret_i32
 *                  0xBF    => f64.reinterpret_i64
 *                  0xC0    => i32.extend8_s
 *                  0xC1    => i32.extend16_s
 *                  0xC2    => i64.extend8_s
 *                  0xC3    => i64.extend16_s
 *                  0xC4    => i64.extend32_s
 * ```
 * The saturating truncation instructions all have a one byte prefix, whereas the actual opcode is encoded by a variable-length unsigned integer.
 * ```
 *      instr   ::=     0xFC 0:u32  => i32.trunc_sat_f32_s
 *                      0xFC 1:u32  => i32.trunc_sat_f32_u
 *                      0xFC 2:u32  => i32.trunc_sat_f64_s
 *                      0xFC 3:u32  => i32.trunc_sat_f64_u
 *                      0xFC 4:u32  => i64.trunc_sat_f32_s
 *                      0xFC 5:u32  => i64.trunc_sat_f32_u
 *                      0xFC 6:u32  => i64.trunc_sat_f64_s
 *                      0xFC 7:u32  => i64.trunc_sat_f64_u
 * ```
fun BinaryParser.readNumericInstruction(opcode: Int): Instruction {
    return when (opcode) {
        0x41 -> NumericConstantInstruction.I32(IntegerLiteral.S32(readInt()))
        0x42 -> NumericConstantInstruction.I64(IntegerLiteral.S64(readLong()))
        0x43 -> NumericConstantInstruction.F32(FloatLiteral.SinglePrecision(readFloat()))
        0x44 -> NumericConstantInstruction.F64(FloatLiteral.DoublePrecision(readDouble()))
        0x45 -> NumericInstruction.I32EqualsZero
        0x46 -> NumericInstruction.I32Equals
        0x47 -> NumericInstruction.I32NotEquals
        0x48 -> NumericInstruction.I32LessThanSigned
        0x49 -> NumericInstruction.I32LessThanUnsigned
        0x4A -> NumericInstruction.I32GreaterThanSigned
        0x4B -> NumericInstruction.I32GreaterThanUnsigned
        0x4C -> NumericInstruction.I32LessThanEqualToSigned
        0x4D -> NumericInstruction.I32LessThanEqualToUnsigned
        0x4E -> NumericInstruction.I32GreaterThanEqualToSigned
        0x4F -> NumericInstruction.I32GreaterThanEqualToUnsigned
        0x50 -> NumericInstruction.I64EqualsZero
        0x51 -> NumericInstruction.I64Equals
        0x52 -> NumericInstruction.I64NotEquals
        0x53 -> NumericInstruction.I64LessThanSigned
        0x54 -> NumericInstruction.I64LessThanUnsigned
        0x55 -> NumericInstruction.I64GreaterThanSigned
        0x56 -> NumericInstruction.I64GreaterThanUnsigned
        0x57 -> NumericInstruction.I64LessThanEqualToSigned
        0x58 -> NumericInstruction.I64LessThanEqualToUnsigned
        0x59 -> NumericInstruction.I64GreaterThanEqualToSigned
        0x5A -> NumericInstruction.I64GreaterThanEqualToUnsigned
        0x5B -> NumericInstruction.F32Equals
        0x5C -> NumericInstruction.F32NotEquals
        0x5D -> NumericInstruction.F32LessThan
        0x5E -> NumericInstruction.F32GreaterThan
        0x5F -> NumericInstruction.F32LessThanEqualTo
        0x60 -> NumericInstruction.F32GreaterThanEqualTo
        0x61 -> NumericInstruction.F64Equals
        0x62 -> NumericInstruction.F64NotEquals
        0x63 -> NumericInstruction.F64LessThan
        0x64 -> NumericInstruction.F64GreaterThan
        0x65 -> NumericInstruction.F64LessThanEqualTo
        0x66 -> NumericInstruction.F64GreaterThanEqualTo
        0x67 -> NumericInstruction.I32CountLeadingZeroes
        0x68 -> NumericInstruction.I32CountTrailingZeroes
        0x69 -> NumericInstruction.I32CountNonZeroBits
        0x6A -> NumericInstruction.I32Add
        0x6B -> NumericInstruction.I32Subtract
        0x6C -> NumericInstruction.I32Multiply
        0x6D -> NumericInstruction.I32DivideSigned
        0x6E -> NumericInstruction.I32DivideUnsigned
        0x6F -> NumericInstruction.I32RemainderSigned
        0x70 -> NumericInstruction.I32RemainderUnsigned
        0x71 -> NumericInstruction.I32BitwiseAnd
        0x72 -> NumericInstruction.I32BitwiseOr
        0x73 -> NumericInstruction.I32BitwiseXor
        0x74 -> NumericInstruction.I32ShiftLeft
        0x75 -> NumericInstruction.I32ShiftRightSigned
        0x76 -> NumericInstruction.I32ShiftRightUnsigned
        0x77 -> NumericInstruction.I32RotateLeft
        0x78 -> NumericInstruction.I32RotateRight
        0x79 -> NumericInstruction.I64CountLeadingZeroes
        0x7A -> NumericInstruction.I64CountTrailingZeroes
        0x7B -> NumericInstruction.I64CountNonZeroBits
        0x7C -> NumericInstruction.I64Add
        0x7D -> NumericInstruction.I64Subtract
        0x7E -> NumericInstruction.I64Multiply
        0x7F -> NumericInstruction.I64DivideSigned
        0x80 -> NumericInstruction.I64DivideUnsigned
        0x81 -> NumericInstruction.I64RemainderSigned
        0x82 -> NumericInstruction.I64RemainderUnsigned
        0x83 -> NumericInstruction.I64BitwiseAnd
        0x84 -> NumericInstruction.I64BitwiseOr
        0x85 -> NumericInstruction.I64BitwiseXor
        0x86 -> NumericInstruction.I64ShiftLeft
        0x87 -> NumericInstruction.I64ShiftRightSigned
        0x88 -> NumericInstruction.I64ShiftRightUnsigned
        0x89 -> NumericInstruction.I64RotateLeft
        0x8A -> NumericInstruction.I64RotateRight
        0x8B -> NumericInstruction.F32AbsoluteValue
        0x8C -> NumericInstruction.F32Negative
        0x8D -> NumericInstruction.F32Ceiling
        0x8E -> NumericInstruction.F32Floor
        0x8F -> NumericInstruction.F32Truncate
        0x90 -> NumericInstruction.F32Nearest
        0x91 -> NumericInstruction.F32SquareRoot
        0x92 -> NumericInstruction.F32Add
        0x93 -> NumericInstruction.F32Subtract
        0x94 -> NumericInstruction.F32Multiply
        0x95 -> NumericInstruction.F32Divide
        0x96 -> NumericInstruction.F32Min
        0x97 -> NumericInstruction.F32Max
        0x98 -> NumericInstruction.F32CopySign
        0x99 -> NumericInstruction.F64AbsoluteValue
        0x9A -> NumericInstruction.F64Negative
        0x9B -> NumericInstruction.F64Ceiling
        0x9C -> NumericInstruction.F64Floor
        0x9D -> NumericInstruction.F64Truncate
        0x9E -> NumericInstruction.F64Nearest
        0x9F -> NumericInstruction.F64SquareRoot
        0xA0 -> NumericInstruction.F64Add
        0xA1 -> NumericInstruction.F64Subtract
        0xA2 -> NumericInstruction.F64Multiply
        0xA3 -> NumericInstruction.F64Divide
        0xA4 -> NumericInstruction.F64Min
        0xA5 -> NumericInstruction.F64Max
        0xA6 -> NumericInstruction.F64CopySign
        0xA7 -> NumericInstruction.I32WrapI64
        0xA8 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateF32Signed
        0xA9 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateF32Unsigned
        0xAA -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateF64Signed
        0xAB -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateF64Unsigned
        0xAC -> NumericInstruction.I64ExtendI32Signed
        0xAD -> NumericInstruction.I64ExtendI32Unsigned
        0xAE -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateF32Signed
        0xAF -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateF32Unsigned
        0xB0 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateF64Signed
        0xB1 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateF64Unsigned
        0xB2 -> NumericInstruction.F32ConvertI32Signed
        0xB3 -> NumericInstruction.F32ConvertI32Unsigned
        0xB4 -> NumericInstruction.F32ConvertI64Signed
        0xB5 -> NumericInstruction.F32ConvertI64Unsigned
        0xB6 -> NumericInstruction.F32DemoteF64
        0xB7 -> NumericInstruction.F64ConvertI32Signed
        0xB8 -> NumericInstruction.F64ConvertI32Unsigned
        0xB9 -> NumericInstruction.F64ConvertI64Signed
        0xBA -> NumericInstruction.F64ConvertI64Unsigned
        0xBB -> NumericInstruction.F64PromoteF32
        0xBC -> NumericInstruction.I32ReinterpretF32
        0xBD -> NumericInstruction.I64ReinterpretF64
        0xBE -> NumericInstruction.F32ReinterpretI32
        0xBF -> NumericInstruction.F64ReinterpretI64
        0xC0 -> NumericInstruction.I32Extend8Signed
        0xC1 -> NumericInstruction.I32Extend16Signed
        0xC2 -> NumericInstruction.I64Extend8Signed
        0xC3 -> NumericInstruction.I64Extend16Signed
        0xC4 -> NumericInstruction.I64Extend32Signed
        0xFC -> {
            when (readUInt()) {
                0 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateSaturatedF32Signed
                1 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateSaturatedF32Unsigned
                2 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateSaturatedF64Signed
                3 -> NumericInstruction.I32TruncateSaturatedF64Unsigned
                4 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateSaturatedF32Signed
                5 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateSaturatedF32Unsigned
                6 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateSaturatedF64Signed
                7 -> NumericInstruction.I64TruncateSaturatedF64Unsigned
                else -> throwException(
                    "Invalid mutex value for saturated truncation instruction",
        else -> throwException("Unknown numeric instruction", -1)