* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kwasm.format.text.whitespace
import kwasm.format.ParseContext
import kwasm.format.ParseException
import kwasm.format.shiftColumnBy
import kwasm.format.shiftLineNumberBy
import kwasm.format.text.token.RawToken
* Comments are effectively whitespace when it comes time to interpret the code.
* From [the docs](
* ```
* comment ::= linecomment | bockcomment
* linecomment ::= ‘;;’ linechar∗ (U+0A | eof)
* linechar ::= c:char (if c ≠ U+0A)
* blockcomment ::= ‘(;’ blockchar∗ ‘;)’
* blockchar ::= c:char (if c ≠ ‘;’ ∧ c ≠ ‘(’)
* ‘;’ (if the next character is not ‘)’)
* ‘(’ (if the next character is not ‘;’)
* blockcomment
* ```
object Comment {
/** Strips all comments from the [source] code. */
// TODO: may need to use codepoints, rather than chars?
fun stripComments(source: CharSequence, context: ParseContext? = null): StripResult {
// Place to store the actual source-lines.
val lines = mutableListOf<RawToken>()
// Accumulator for the current source-line's contents.
val lineBuilder = StringBuilder()
var currentContext = context
var currentLineStartColumn = 1
var currentIndex = 0
while (currentIndex < source.length) {
val indexAfterComments = indexAfterComments(source, currentIndex, currentContext)
if (indexAfterComments == currentIndex) {
// No comments found at the current index. We need to inch-along.
if (source[currentIndex] == '\n') {
// It's a line break. Let's stash the current line's tokens, clear out the
// builder, increment our currentContext's lineNumber, and reset the column
// counters.
val line = lineBuilder.toString()
lines.add(RawToken(line, currentContext?.copy(column = currentLineStartColumn)))
currentContext = currentContext.shiftLineNumberBy(1)
currentLineStartColumn = 1
} else {
// Not a comment, and not a line break, so we need to append to our lineBuilder.
// Do the inching-along part.
} else {
// There was a comment at the currentIndex. Let's update the current context by
// shifting for the nubmer of newlines between the beginning and end of the comment
// as well as the column index of the end of the comment.
if (lineBuilder.isNotEmpty()) {
val line = lineBuilder.toString()
lines.add(RawToken(line, currentContext?.copy(column = currentLineStartColumn)))
currentLineStartColumn = source.columnNumberFor(indexAfterComments)
currentContext = currentContext
.shiftLineNumberBy(source.newlinesBetween(currentIndex, indexAfterComments))
currentIndex = indexAfterComments
if (lineBuilder.isNotEmpty()) {
val line = lineBuilder.toString()
lines.add(RawToken(line, currentContext?.copy(column = currentLineStartColumn)))
return StripResult(lines)
private fun CharSequence.newlinesBetween(start: Int, end: Int): Int {
var count = 0
(start until end).forEach {
if (this[it] == '\n') count++
return count
private fun CharSequence.columnNumberFor(index: Int): Int {
var columnCount = 1
var currentIndex = index
while (currentIndex > 0 && this[currentIndex - 1] != '\n') {
return columnCount
/** Finds the index of the first character after any comments at the start of the sequence. */
private fun indexAfterComments(
sequence: CharSequence,
startIndex: Int,
context: ParseContext? = null
): Int {
val lineCommentFind = LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN.get().find(sequence, startIndex)
if (lineCommentFind != null && lineCommentFind.range.first == startIndex) {
// Look for any comments immediately after the line comment.
return indexAfterComments(
lineCommentFind.range.last + 1,
val indexAfterBlockComment = indexAfterBlockComment(sequence, startIndex, context)
// Didnt find any block comments starting at startIndex, so return.
if (indexAfterBlockComment == startIndex) return startIndex
// Make sure this comment isn't immediately followed by another.
return indexAfterComments(
private val LINE_COMMENT_PATTERN = object : ThreadLocal<Regex>() {
override fun initialValue(): Regex = ";;[^\n]*".toRegex(RegexOption.MULTILINE)
private fun indexAfterBlockComment(
sequence: CharSequence,
startIndex: Int,
context: ParseContext? = null
): Int {
// Not enough space for a block comment.
if (sequence.length - startIndex < 4) return startIndex
// The first two chars aren't opening a block comment.
if (sequence[startIndex] != '(' || sequence[startIndex + 1] != ';') return startIndex
val blockCommentOpeners = arrayListOf(Unit)
var currentIndex = startIndex + 2
while (currentIndex < sequence.length && blockCommentOpeners.isNotEmpty()) {
val c = sequence[currentIndex]
currentIndex += when (c) {
'(' -> {
if (sequence.hasOneMore(currentIndex) && sequence[currentIndex + 1] == ';') {
blockCommentOpeners += Unit
} else 1
';' -> {
if (sequence.hasOneMore(currentIndex) && sequence[currentIndex + 1] == ')') {
blockCommentOpeners.removeAt(blockCommentOpeners.size - 1)
} else 1
else -> 1
return currentIndex.takeIf { blockCommentOpeners.isEmpty() }
?: throw ParseException("Expected end of block comment", context)
private fun CharSequence.hasOneMore(afterIndex: Int): Boolean = length - afterIndex > 1
/** Represents all of the raw tokens found after stripping all comments from the source. */
data class StripResult(val tokens: List<RawToken>)