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'use strict'

const hashPassword = require('../hashPassword')

 * @module Passport for waterline ORM
 * @description Passport model for waterline ORM
module.exports = {
  config: app => {
    return {
       * Callback to be run before creating a Passport.
       * @param {Object}   passport The soon-to-be-created Passport
       * @param {Function} next
      beforeCreate: (passport, next) => {
        hashPassword(app.config.passport.bcrypt, passport, next)

       * Callback to be run before updating a Passport.
       * @param {Object}   passport Values to be updated
       * @param {Function} next
      beforeUpdate: (passport, next) => {
        hashPassword(app.config.passport.bcrypt, passport, next)
  schema: app => {
    return {
      // Required field: Protocol
      // Defines the protocol to use for the passport. When employing the local
      // strategy, the protocol will be set to 'local'. When using a third-party
      // strategy, the protocol will be set to the standard used by the third-
      // party service (e.g. 'oauth', 'oauth2', 'openid').
      protocol: {
        type: 'alphanumeric',
        required: true

      // Local fields: Password, Access Token
      // When the local strategy is employed, a password will be used as the
      // means of authentication along with either a username or an email.
      password: {
        type: 'string',
        minLength: 8

      // Provider fields: Provider, identifer and tokens
      // "provider" is the name of the third-party auth service in all lowercase
      // (e.g. 'github', 'facebook') whereas "identifier" is a provider-specific
      // key, typically an ID. These two fields are used as the main means of
      // identifying a passport and tying it to a local user.
      // The "tokens" field is a JSON object used in the case of the OAuth stan-
      // dards. When using OAuth 1.0, a `token` as well as a `tokenSecret` will
      // be issued by the provider. In the case of OAuth 2.0, an `accessToken`
      // and a `refreshToken` will be issued.
      provider: {type: 'alphanumericdashed'},
      identifier: {type: 'string'},
      tokens: {type: 'string'},

      // Associations
      // Associate every passport with one, and only one, user. This requires an
      // adapter compatible with associations.
      // For more information on associations in Waterline, check out:
      // https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline
      user: {
        model: 'User',
        required: true