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# linear-converter

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Flexible linear converter

## Table of contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Basic usage](#basic-usage)
- [Conversion inversion](#conversion-inversion)
- [Conversions composition](#conversions-composition)
- [Custom conversions](#custom-conversions)
- [Coefficients](#coefficients)
- [Conversion equivalence](#conversion-equivalence)
- [Arbitrary precision](#arbitrary-precision)
- [Currying](#currying)
- [See more](#see-more)
- [Related projects](#related-projects)

## Installation

### npm

    npm i linear-converter

### Bower

    bower install linear-converter

To use it in the browser, include the following on your site:

<script src="bower_components/linear-converter/dist/linear-converter.min.js"></script>

## Basic usage

*linear-converter* uses the [arbitrary-precision](https://github.com/javiercejudo/arbitrary-precision)
package to support arbitrary precision.
See [all available adapters](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/keyword/arbitrary-precision-adapter).

var Decimal = require('arbitrary-precision')(require('floating-adapter'));
var lc = require('linear-converter')(Decimal);

// 0°C and 100°C are 32°F and 212°F
var celsiusToFahrenheit = [[0, 100], [32, 212]];

lc.convert(celsiusToFahrenheit, 25); // => new Decimal('77')

// also accepts Decimals
lc.convert(celsiusToFahrenheit, new Decimal('25'));

Ready-to-use conversions can be found in the [linear-presets](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-presets) package.

For a quick interactive intro, see [CodePen example](http://codepen.io/javiercejudo/pen/PwvePd?editors=101).


- [linear-converter-to-go](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-converter-to-go): opinionated, zero-configuration version with floating point precision and built-in conversion presets.
- [linear-conversion](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-conversion): if you prefer the object-oriented paradigm.
- [linear-converter-cli](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-converter-cli): for CLI use.

## Conversion inversion

var fahrenheitToCelsius = lc.invertConversion(celsiusToFahrenheit);

lc.convert(fahrenheitToCelsius, 77); // => 25 (as decimal)

## Conversions composition

var kelvinToCelsius = [[273.15, 373.15], [0, 100]];
var kelvinToFahrenheit = lc.composeConversions(kelvinToCelsius, celsiusToFahrenheit);

lc.convert(kelvinToFahrenheit, 293.15); // => 68 (as decimal)

## Custom conversions

Custom conversions are achieved by passing an array with 2 scales, each
of those an array with 2 values. For example, **[[0, 1], [0, 2]]** means that 0 and
1 in the first scale map to 0 and 2 in the second scale respectively; in short,
it multiplies by 2. Any linear conversion can be described that way:

// f(x) = ax + b
lc.convert([[0, 1], [b, a+b]], x); // => ax + b (as Decimal)
lc.convert([[1/a, -b/a], [b+1, 0]], x); // => ax + b (as Decimal)

For an arbitrary f(_x_) = _ax + b_, any [[_x<sub>1</sub>_, _x<sub>2</sub>_], [f(_x<sub>1</sub>_), f(_x<sub>2</sub>_)]] is a valid conversion.

More examples:

// degrees to radians
lc.convert([[0, 180], [0, Math.PI]], 240); // => 4 * Math.PI / 3 (as Decimal)

// f(x) = 3x
lc.convert([[0, 1/3], [0, 1]], 5); // => 15 (as Decimal)

// f(x) = -2x - 46
lc.convert([[0, 1], [-46, -48]], -23); // => 0 (as Decimal)

## Coefficients

// f(x) = 2x + 1
lc.getCoefficientA([[0, 1], [1, 3]]); // => 2 (as Decimal)
lc.getCoefficientB([[0, 1], [1, 3]]); // => 1 (as Decimal)

// f(x) = ax + b
lc.getCoefficientA([[x1, x2], [f(x1), f(x2)]]); // => a (as Decimal)
lc.getCoefficientB([[x1, x2], [f(x1), f(x2)]]); // => b (as Decimal)

## Conversion equivalence

// f(x) = -3x + 6
  [[1, 5], [3, -9]],
  [[-1, 100], [9, -294]]
); // => true

  [[0, 1], [0, 2]], // f(x) = 2x
  [[0, 1], [0, 3]]  // f(x) = 3x
); // => false

## Arbitrary precision

Arbitrary precision support is provided via the [arbitrary-precision](https://github.com/javiercejudo/arbitrary-precision) package.
See [all available adapters](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/keyword/arbitrary-precision-adapter).

// without arbitrary precision (very lightweight)
var Decimal = require('arbitrary-precision')(require('floating-adapter'));
var lc = require('linear-converter')(Decimal);

lc.getCoefficientA([[0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.3]]); // => 1.9999999999999998 (as Decimal)

// with arbitrary precision
var Decimal = require('arbitrary-precision')(require('bigjs-adapter'));
var lc = require('linear-converter')(Decimal);

lc.getCoefficientA([[0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.3]]); // => 2 (as Decimal)

See [CodePen example](http://codepen.io/javiercejudo/pen/WvEWdQ?editors=101).

## Currying

var convert = require('lodash.curry')(lc.convert);

convert(celsiusToFahrenheit, 25); // => 77 (as Decimal)

var cToF = convert(celsiusToFahrenheit);

cToF(25); // => 77 (as Decimal)

See [CodePen example](http://codepen.io/javiercejudo/pen/wKKbLV?editors=101).

## See more

- [spec](test/node/spec.js)
- [all conversion presets](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-presets#presets)

## Related projects

- [linear-conversion](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-conversion): linear conversion class for linear-converter.
- [linear-converter-cli](https://github.com/javiercejudo/linear-converter-cli): CLI for linear-converter.
- [rescale](https://github.com/javiercejudo/rescale): rescales a point given two scales.
- [scale](https://github.com/javiercejudo/scale): scales normalised data.
- [normalise](https://github.com/javiercejudo/normalise): normalise data to [0, 1].
- [rescale-util](https://github.com/javiercejudo/rescale-util): rescale utilities.