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// @flow

const get = (field: string) => (obj: Object) => obj[field]
const pipe2 = (f: Function, g: Function) => (...args: Array<mixed>) =>

const not = (x: boolean): boolean => !x

export const identity = <T>(x: T): T => x

export const pipe = (...fns: Array<Function>) =>
  [...fns, identity].reduce(pipe2)

export const partial = (fn: Function, ...args: Array<mixed>) =>
  fn.bind(undefined, ...args)

export const asIsReviver = (transform: Function) => (
  k: string,
  v: mixed,
  path: Array<any> = []
) => transform(v, path)

export const always = <T>(x: T) => (): T => x

export const isNothing = (v: any): boolean => v == null || Number.isNaN(v)
export const isSomething = pipe2(isNothing, not)

export const assertSomethingIdentity = <T>(x: T, path: Array<any> = []): T => {
  if (isNothing(x)) {
    throw TypeError(
      `expected a value at "${path.join(
        ' → '
      )}" but got nothing (null, undefined or NaN)`

  return x

export const defaultTo = (d: mixed) => (v: mixed) => (isNothing(v) ? d : v)
export const objToArr = (obj: Object) => Object.keys(obj).map(k => [k, obj[k]])

export const reviverOrAsIs = pipe2(

export const isPlainObject = (x: mixed): boolean => typeof x === 'object' && !!x
export const isFunction = (x: mixed): boolean => typeof x === 'function'
export const emptyObject: Object = Object.freeze({})
export const emptyArray: Array<any> = Object.freeze([])

export const haveSameValues = (a: any, b: any): boolean =>
  a === b || Object.is(a, b)

export const haveSameType = (a: any, b: any): boolean =>
  a == null || b == null ? a === b : a.constructor === b.constructor

export const haveDifferentTypes = pipe2(haveSameType, not)

export const equals = (a: any, b: any): boolean =>
  isSomething(a) && a.equals ? a.equals(b) : haveSameValues(a, b)

export const unsupported = (message: string) => {
  throw Error(message)

export const metaOrTypeMapper = (_: Function) => (x: any) =>
  isPlainObject(x) ? x : _(x)

export const formatAjvError = (
  ajv: Object,
  schema: Object,
  value: any,
  path: Array<any> = []
) =>
    'Invalid JSON at "' + path.join(' → ') + '". According to the schema\n',
    JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2) + '\n',
    'the value (data path "' +
      ajv.errors.filter(e => e.dataPath !== '').map(error => error.dataPath) +
    JSON.stringify(value, null, 2) +
      ' ' +
      Object.prototype.toString.call(value) +
    .concat(ajv.errors.map(error => error.message))

const memDefaultCacheFn = () => new WeakMap()
export const memFactory = (
  memCacheRegistry: WeakMap<Function, any> = new WeakMap()
) => {
  const mem = (f: Function, cacheFn: Function = memDefaultCacheFn) => (
    a: mixed,
    ...args: Array<mixed>
  ) => {
    if (args.length > 0) {
      return f(a, ...args)

    if (!memCacheRegistry.has(f)) {
      memCacheRegistry.set(f, cacheFn())

    const cache = memCacheRegistry.get(f) || cacheFn()
    const key = a === undefined ? emptyObject : a

    if (!cache.has(key)) {
      cache.set(key, f(a, ...args))

    return cache.get(key)

  mem.cache = () => memCacheRegistry

  mem.clear = () => {
    memCacheRegistry = new WeakMap()

    return mem

  return mem

export const mem = memFactory()