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7 hrs
Test Coverage
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: The Microsoft Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import { bold, black, green, purple, red, yellow, darkGray, greenBg, redBg } from './colorize';

export var didFailure: boolean = false;

export function logger(text: string): string | boolean {
    text = text.replace(/\n$/, '');

    let message = formatTestHeader(text);

    if (!message) {
        message = formatTestDescription(text);

    if (!message) {
        message = formatTestError(text);

    if (!message) {
        message = formatSnapshotMessage(text);

    if (!message) {
        message = formatTestSummary(text);

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'unknown') {
        return message || text;

    /* eslint-disable no-console */
    console.log(message || text);
    return true;

function formatTestHeader(text: string): string {
    const filepath = text.replace(/^(PASS|FAIL)/, '').trim();
    const [testFilename, ...testPathParts] = filepath.split('/').reverse();
    const testPath = testPathParts.reverse().join('/');

    if (text.startsWith('PASS')) {
        return `${bold(greenBg(black(' PASS ')))} ${darkGray(`${testPath}/`)}${bold(testFilename)}`;

    if (text.startsWith('FAIL')) {
        didFailure = true;
        return `${bold(redBg(black(' FAIL ')))} ${darkGray(`${testPath}/`)}${bold(testFilename)}`;

    return '';

function formatTestDescription(text: string): string {
    if (text.includes('✓')) {
        return `  ${green('✓')} ${darkGray(text.replace(/✓/, '').trim())}`;

    if (text.includes('✕')) {
        return `  ${red('✕')} ${darkGray(text.replace(/✕/, '').trim())}`;

    if (text.includes('○')) {
        return `  ${yellow('○')} ${darkGray(text.replace(/○/, '').trim())}`;

    if (text.includes('✎')) {
        return `  ${purple('✎')} ${darkGray(text.replace(/✎/, '').trim())}`;

    return '';

function formatTestError(text: string): string {
    return text.includes('●') ? red(text) : '';

function formatSnapshotMessage(text: string): string {
    if (text.endsWith('updated.') || text.endsWith('written.') || text.endsWith('removed.')) {
        return bold(green(text));

    if (text.endsWith('obsolete.')) {
        return bold(yellow(text));

    if (text.endsWith('failed.')) {
        return bold(red(text));

    if (text === 'Snapshot Summary') {
        return bold(text);

    if (text.includes('written from')) {
        return formatSnapshotSummary(text, 'written', green);

    if (text.includes('updated from')) {
        return formatSnapshotSummary(text, 'updated', green);

    if (text.includes('removed from')) {
        // Use custom messaging for removed snapshot files
        if (text.includes('file')) {
            const [numSnapshots, numTestSuites] = /(\d)+/.exec(text)!;
            return ` ${bold(
                green(`› ${numSnapshots} snapshot ${Number(numSnapshots) > 1 ? 'files' : 'file'} removed`)
            )} from ${numTestSuites} ${Number(numTestSuites) > 1 ? 'test suites' : 'test suite'}.`;

        return formatSnapshotSummary(text, 'removed', green);

    if (text.includes('obsolete from')) {
        return `${formatSnapshotSummary(text, 'obsolete', yellow)} ${darkGray(
            'To remove them all, re-run jest with `JEST_RUNNER_UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true`.'

    if (text.includes('↳')) {
        const filepath = text.replace(/↳/, '').trim();
        const [testFilename, ...testPathParts] = filepath.split('/').reverse();
        const testPath = testPathParts.reverse().join('/');
        return `   ↳ ${darkGray(`${testPath}/`)}${bold(testFilename)}`;

    if (text.includes('failed from')) {
        return `${formatSnapshotSummary(text, 'failed', red)} ${darkGray(
            'Inspect your code changes or re-run jest with `JEST_RUNNER_UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true` to update them.'

    return '';

function formatSnapshotSummary(
    text: string,
    status: 'written' | 'updated' | 'failed' | 'removed' | 'obsolete',
    colorFunc: (text: string) => string
): string {
    const [numSnapshots, numTestSuites] = /(\d)+/.exec(text)!;
    return ` ${bold(
        colorFunc(`› ${numSnapshots} ${Number(numSnapshots) > 1 ? 'snapshots' : 'snapshot'} ${status}`)
    )} from ${numTestSuites} ${Number(numTestSuites) > 1 ? 'test suites' : 'test suite'}.`;

function formatTestSummary(text: string): string {
    if (!text.includes('\n')) {
        return '';

    const summary = [];

    for (let line of text.split('\n')) {
        if (line.includes('Ran all test suites.')) {

        if (line.includes('Test Suites:')) {
            line = line.replace('Test Suites:', bold('Test Suites:'));

        if (line.includes('Tests:')) {
            line = line.replace('Tests:', bold('Tests:'));

        if (line.includes('Snapshots:')) {
            line = line.replace('Snapshots:', bold('Snapshots:'));

        if (line.includes('Time:')) {
            line = line.replace('Time:', bold('Time:'));

        if (line.includes('passed')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) passed/, bold(green('$<num> passed')));

        if (line.includes('updated')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) updated/, bold(green('$<num> updated')));

        if (line.includes('written')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) written/, bold(green('$<num> written')));

        if (line.includes('removed')) {
            // Use custom messaging for removed snapshot files
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) (?<fileText>file|files) removed/, bold(green('$<num> $<fileText> removed')));
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) removed/, bold(green('$<num> removed')));

        if (line.includes('todo')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) todo/, bold(purple('$<num> todo')));

        if (line.includes('skipped')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) skipped/, bold(yellow('$<num> skipped')));

        if (line.includes('obsolete')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) obsolete/, bold(yellow('$<num> obsolete')));

        if (line.includes('failed')) {
            line = line.replace(/(?<num>\d+) failed/, bold(red('$<num> failed')));


    return summary.join('\n');