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# Bulkippt CLI

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BulkipptCLI offers a command line interface alternative to using the Bulkippt gem (https://github.com/jboursiquot/bulkippt) in your application. If you just need to import your bookmarks from a CSV into your kippt.com account with a single one-liner from your shell, this is your tool.

## Installation
    $ gem install bulkippt-cli

## Usage

Upon installation, the bulkippt command should be available to you in the terminal. Running the command without any arguments will list the available tasks you can perform. The built-in help can also assist you with invocation parameters like so:

    $ bulkippt help submit

To invoke the submit task (in test mode): 

    $ bulkippt submit ~/path/to/my/bookmarks.csv -u kippt_username -t kippt_token

The above command will submit the bookmarks you've listed in your CSV using your kippt.com username and token passed in through the -u and -t flags. See developers.kippt.com for that information.

Your bookmarks CSV is expected to have the following columns: url, title, description.

The result of running the command successfully will be something like this:

    I, [2012-11-14T01:40:55.938107 #66997]  INFO -- : SUCCESS: Kippt http://www.kippt.com
    I, [2012-11-14T01:40:55.938230 #66997]  INFO -- : SUCCESS: Pinboard http://pinboard.in
    I, [2012-11-14T01:40:55.938288 #66997]  INFO -- : SUCCESS: Delicious http://delicious.com
    3 bookmarks submitted

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes with tests (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request