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## gitolite-rugged

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### A Ruby interface to manage the Gitolite Git backend system, easy ;)

This gem is designed to provide a Ruby interface to the [Gitolite](https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite) Git backend system via [libgit2/rugged](https://github.com/libgit2/rugged) gem.

It provides these functionalities :

* SSH Public Keys Management
* Repositories Management
* Gitolite Admin Repository Bootstrapping

## Requirements

* Ruby 2.7 or 3.0+
* a working [Gitolite](https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite) installation

## Installation

Install dependencies :

# On Debian/Ubuntu
root# apt-get install build-essential libssh2-1 libssh2-1-dev cmake libgpg-error-dev

# On Fedora/CentoS/RedHat
root# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
root# yum install libssh2 libssh2-devel cmake libgpg-error-devel

Then put this in your ```Gemfile``` :

gem 'gitolite-rugged', git: 'https://github.com/jbox-web/gitolite-rugged.git', tag: '1.5.0'

then `bundle install`.

## Usage

### Bootstrapping the gitolite-admin.git repository

You can have `gitolite-rugged` clone the repository for you on demand, however I would recommend cloning it manually.
See it as a basic check that your gitolite installation was correctly set up.

In both cases, use the following code to create an instance of the manager:

settings = { :public_key => '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', :private_key => '~/.ssh/id_rsa' }
admin = Gitolite::GitoliteAdmin.new('/home/myuser/gitolite-admin', settings)

For cloning and pushing to the gitolite-admin.git, you have to provide several options to `GitoliteAdmin` in the settings hash. The following keys are used.

Option               | Default                                   | Description |
---------------------| ------------------------------------------| ------------|
**:private_key**     | ```empty``` (this field is mandatory)     | Path to the file containing the private SSH key for ```:git_user```
**:public_key**      | ```empty``` (this field is mandatory)     | Path to the file containing the public SSH key for ```:git_user```
**:git_user**        | ```git```                                 | The git user to SSH to
**:hostname**        | ```localhost```                           | Hostname for clone url
**:author_name**     | ```gitolite-rugged gem```                 | The git author name to commit with
**:author_email**    | ```gitolite-rugged@localhost```           | The git author e-mail address to commit with
**:commit_msg**      | ```Commited by the gitolite-rugged gem``` | The commit message to use when updating the repo
**:config_dir**      | ```conf```                                | Config directory within gitolite repository
**:key_dir**         | ```keydir```                              | Public key directory within gitolite repository
**:config_file**     | ```gitolite.conf```                       | Config file to parse **(use only when you use the 'include' directive of gitolite)**
**:key_subdir**      | ```''``` (i.e., directly in keydir)       | Where to store gitolite-rugged known keys
**:lock\_file_path** | ```gitolite-admin.git/.lock```            | location of the transaction lockfile

### Managing Public Keys

To add a key, create a `SSHKey` object and use the `add_key(key)` method of GitoliteAdmin.

# From filesystem
key_from_file = SSHKey.from_file("/home/alice/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")

# From String, which requires us to add an owner manually
key_from_string = SSHKey.from_string('ssh-rsa AAAAB3N/* .... */JjZ5SgfIKab bob@localhost', 'bob')


Note that you can add a *location* using the syntax described in [the Gitolite documentation](https://gitolite.com/gitolite/basic-admin.html#multiple-keys-per-user).

To write out the changes to the keys to the filesystem and push them to gitolite, call `admin.save_and_apply`.
You can also manually call `admin.save` to commit the changes locally, but not push them.

### Managing Repositories

To add a new repository, we first create and configure it, and then add it to the memory representation of gitolite:

repo = Gitolite::Config::Repo.new('foobar')
repo.add_permission("RW+", "alice", "bob")

# Add the repo

To remove a repository called 'foobar', execute `config.rm_repo('foobar')`.

### Groups

As in the [Gitolite Config](https://gitolite.com/gitolite/conf#group-definitions) you can define groups as an alias to repos or users.

# Creating a group
devs = Gitolite::Config::Group.new('developers')
devs.add_users("alice", "bob")

# Adding a group to config

## See also

You can checkout the no longer maintain previous version of this lib : [jbox-gitolite](https://github.com/jbox-web/gitolite) (based on [gitlab-grit](https://github.com/gitlabhq/grit)).

## Contribute

You can contribute to this plugin in many ways such as :
* Helping with documentation
* Contributing code (features or bugfixes)
* Reporting a bug
* Submitting translations