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# Icinga2 API Client

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A Ruby gem to interact easily with the Icinga2 API.

Largely copied (and adapted) from [gdi/ruby-nagios-api-client](https://github.com/gdi/ruby-nagios-api-client).

## Install

gem install icinga2-api-client

## Usage

require 'yaml'
require 'icinga2/api'

client = Icinga2::API::Client.new('https://icinga.example.net:5665',
  version: 'v1',
  username: 'admin',
  password: 'pass',
  verify_ssl: false

# Get all hosts. It returns a list of Icinga2::API:Host objects
puts YAML.dump client.hosts.all.map(&:to_s)

# Find host by name. It returns a Icinga2::API:Host object
puts YAML.dump client.hosts.find('my.host.net').to_s

# Get all services for host. It returns a list of Icinga2::API:Service objects
puts YAML.dump client.hosts.find('my.host.net').services.all.map(&:to_s)

# Find service by name. It returns a Icinga2::API:Service object
puts YAML.dump client.hosts.find('my.host.net').services.find('ssh').to_s

# Create a schedule downtime
# The duration param seems to be mandatory, even with 'fixed' param set to `true` (which is the default value).
duration   = 1.hour
start_time = DateTime.now
end_time   = start_time + duration

ssh_downtime =
          author:     'admin',
          comment:    'ok',
          start_time: start_time.to_i, # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i
          end_time:   end_time.to_i,   # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i
          duration:   duration.to_i    # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i

http_downtime =
          author:     'admin',
          comment:    'ok',
          start_time: start_time.to_i, # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i
          end_time:   end_time.to_i,   # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i
          duration:   duration.to_i    # Icinga wants timestamps so call to_i

# Get all downtimes across all services. It returns a list of Icinga2::API:Downtime objects
all_downtimes =

# Get all downtimes for one service. It returns a list of Icinga2::API:Downtime objects
all_ssh_downtimes =

all_http_downtimes =

# Cancel a downtime

## Contributors

A big thank to [them](https://github.com/jbox-web/icinga2-api-client/graphs/contributors) for their contribution!

And a big thank to [gdi/ruby-nagios-api-client](https://github.com/gdi/ruby-nagios-api-client) for the inspiration.

## Contribute

You can contribute to this plugin in many ways such as :
* Helping with documentation
* Contributing code (features or bugfixes)
* Reporting a bug
* Submitting translations