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## ![logo](https://raw.github.com/jbox-web/redmine_jenkins/gh-pages/images/jenkins_logo.png) Redmine Jenkins Plugin

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### A Redmine plugin which makes building your Jenkins projects easy ;)

This plugin allows straightforward management of Jenkins projects within Redmine.

## Installation

Assuming that you have Redmine installed :

## Before install the plugin, stop Redmine!

# Switch user
root# su - redmine

# First git clone Bootstrap Kit
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT/plugins
redmine$ git clone https://github.com/jbox-web/redmine_bootstrap_kit.git
redmine$ cd redmine_bootstrap_kit/
redmine$ git checkout 0.2.3

# Then Redmine Jenkins plugin
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT/plugins
redmine$ git clone https://github.com/jbox-web/redmine_jenkins.git
redmine$ cd redmine_jenkins/
redmine$ git checkout 1.0.1

# Install gems and migrate database
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT/
redmine$ bundle install --without development test
redmine$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production NAME=redmine_jenkins

## After install the plugin, start Redmine!

## Troubleshooting

> I got a problem, when using apache2, passenger and git-gems, like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6648870/is-not-checked-out-bundle-install-does-not-fix-help

# in case you are running apache2 with passenger, try this:
redmine$ bundle install --deployment

## Contribute

You can contribute to this plugin in many ways such as :
* Helping with documentation
* Contributing code (features or bugfixes)
* Reporting a bug
* Submitting translations