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## ![logo](https://raw.github.com/jbox-web/redmine_pusher_notifications/gh-pages/images/pusher_logo.png) Redmine Pusher Notifications Plugin

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### A Redmine plugin which makes notifying your Redmine instance, easy ;)

This plugin is designed to integrate the [Pusher Notification System](http://pusher.com) in Redmine to display nice notifications in Growl style.

It aims to serve as a central point to store Pusher configuration.

It relies on the  [acts_as_notifiable_redmine](https://github.com/jbox-web/acts_as_notifiable_redmine) gem so plugins developpers can access to the DSL provided to register their own channels and events (see the doc below).

The [acts_as_notifiable_redmine](https://github.com/jbox-web/acts_as_notifiable_redmine) also provides a method to send **asynchronous** notifications via Pusher.

It also relies on [gritter](https://github.com/RobinBrouwer/gritter) gem to display notifications so plugins developpers also have access to its functionalities in their controllers like [```gflash```](https://github.com/RobinBrouwer/gritter#gflash) **synchronous** notifications ;).

You can take a look to the [```pusher```](https://github.com/jbox-web/redmine_pusher_notifications/blob/devel/app/controllers/pusher_controller.rb) controller which implements the both methods.


## Requirements

* Ruby 1.9.x or 2.0.x
* a working [Redmine](http://www.redmine.org/) installation
* a free account on [Pusher](http://pusher.com)
* [acts_as_notifiable_redmine](https://github.com/jbox-web/acts_as_notifiable_redmine) gem
* [gritter](https://github.com/RobinBrouwer/gritter) gem

## Installation

## Before install the plugin, stop Redmine!

root$ su - redmine
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT/plugins
redmine$ git clone https://github.com/jbox-web/redmine_bootstrap_kit.git
redmine$ git clone https://github.com/jbox-web/redmine_pusher_notifications.git
redmine$ cd redmine_pusher_notifications/
redmine$ git checkout v1.0.2
redmine$ cd REDMINE_ROOT
redmine$ bundle install

## After install the plugin, start Redmine!

## Configuration

Go to the plugin settings page within Redmine interface to configure your Pusher account informations. That's all!

## Usage

If you want to integrate Pusher async notifications in your plugin, or just Gitter with ```gflash``` you may need to register your own channels and events in your ```init.rb``` file : each channel can have many events. It may also have an optional ```target``` parameter which can be a string or a Proc.

## This must be OUTSIDE of the Redmine::Plugin.register block

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.register_channel :channel_test do
  target Proc.new { User.current.login }
  event  :event1, :sticky => true
  event  :event2, :sticky => false
  event  :event3

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.register_channel :broadcast do
  target 'broadcast'
  event  :event1, :sticky => true
  event  :event2, :sticky => false
  event  :event3

Then to send notifications you have 2 options :
* **asynchronous** notifications via Pusher
* **synchronous** notifications sent by the controller

For **asynchronous** notifications :

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.send_notification([channel.token], event.name, {:title => 'Hello!', :message => 'This is a test message !'})

**Note :** The logic to determine wether or not to send a notification is let to the developer. You can easily do this with callbacks :

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :watchers
  after_create :send_notification


    def send_notification
      channels = []
      watchers.each do |watcher|
        token = '<channel_name>-' + watcher.login
      ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.send_notification(channels, <event_name>, {:title => 'Hello!', :message => 'This is a test message !'})

For **synchronous** notifications :

In a controller :

def test
  data = {}
  data[:message] = 'Hello!'
  data[:sticky] = true
  data[:image] = "<img class=\"gritter-image\" src=\"/plugin_assets/redmine_pusher_notifications/images/ok.png\">"
  gflash :now, :success => { :value => data[:message], :sticky => data[:sticky], :image => data[:image] }

In a JS partial :

$(document).ready(function() {
  <%= gflash :js => true %>

In a HTML partial :

<%= link_to 'Test me!', test_path, :remote => true %>

For more details, take a look at [gritter](https://github.com/RobinBrouwer/gritter#gflash).

## Contribute

You can contribute to this plugin in many ways such as :
* Helping with documentation
* Contributing code (features or bugfixes)
* Reporting a bug
* Submitting translations