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![Phish.in Logo](https://i.imgur.com/Zmj586L.jpg)

**Phish.in** is an open source archive of live Phish audience recordings.

**Ruby on Rails** and **PostgreSQL** are used on the backend. There's a [web frontend](https://phish.in) for browsing and playing audio content as well as a [public API](https://phish.in/api-docs) for accessing content programmatically.

All audio is provided in MP3 format; more formats and sources may be made available at a later time. Files are served directly from the web server and cached via CloudFlare CDN.

Join the [Discord](https://discord.gg/KZWFsNN) to discuss content and development.

## Developer Setup

1. Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)

2. Clone the repo to your local machine

4. Download the [Fixtures Pack](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p2yiuzwhr148wmya59tzv/PhishinDevFixtures.zip?rlkey=cwfhbpxcroyeilx293cf2dlau&st=gu9q276e&dl=0) and unzip it. This file contains a full database export (updated May 2024) minus users and API keys. It also includes MP3 audio and PNG waveform attachments for the last Baker's Dozen show, which should be browsable and playable via `localhost:3000/2017-08-06` once the local server is running. Additionally it includes MP3s/notes for 2018-12-28 for testing the `rails shows:import` task.

# Copy SQL dump into PG container and run it
docker cp /path/to/phishin.sql phishin_pg_1:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql
docker exec -u postgres phishin_pg_1 psql phishin postgres -f docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql

5. Create a folder named `content` in the local project folder. Place the `tracks` and `import` folders from the Fixtures Pack inside. Symlink the `tracks/audio_files` folder as `audio` in your public folder: `ln -s ./content/tracks/audio_files public/audio`. If you run Rails outside Docker, set `APP_CONTENT_PATH` in `.env` as the absolute path to your `content` folder.

6. If you want to run the Postgres database in Docker and develop the app natively (recommended), you can spin it up like this:

make services
bundle exec rails s

If you are on a Mac ARM and the `ruby-audio` gem fails to install, try the following:

brew install libsndfile
gem install ruby-audio -- --with-sndfile-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/libsndfile

Alternatively, if you prefer to develop completely in Docker, build and start the containers like this:

make up

7. Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:3000/2017-08-06`. You should be able to view and play the full show.

## Testing

To run the specs in Docker:

make spec

To run the specs natively:

make services
bundle exec rails db:setup RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rspec

## Importing Content

The content import process uses the [Phish.net API](https://docs.phish.net/) for setlists. You must first obtain an API key from them and assign it to the environment variable `PNET_API_KEY` in `.env`.

If running the Rails app natively, you may need to install `ffmpeg`.

To import a new show or replace an existing one, name the MP3s according to the import format (`I 01 Harry Hood.mp3`) and place them in a folder named by date (`2018-08-12`). Place this folder in `./content/import` and run the following command (`make bash` first if you use Docker):

bundle exec rails shows:import

Use the interactive CLI to finish the import process then go to `http://localhost:3000/<date>` to verify the import.

## Maintenance

You can create a new user via the Rails console (`bundle exec rails c`). See [Devise documentation](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise) for details on the authentication system.

## Contributions

Forked from [StreamPhish](https://github.com/jeffplang/streamphish/) by Jeff Lang.

Layout and graphic design by Mark Craig.

Logo design by Justin Craig-Kuhn.