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package cwlogger

import (


// The Config for the Logger.
type Config struct {
    // The Amazon CloudWatch Logs client created with the AWS SDK for Go.
    // Required.
    Client *cloudwatchlogs.CloudWatchLogs

    // The name of the log group to write logs into. Required.
    LogGroupName string

    // An optional function to report errors that couldn't be automatically
    // handled during a PutLogEvents API call and caused a log events to be
    // dropped.
    ErrorReporter func(err error)

    // An optional log group retention time in days. This value is only taken into
    // account when creating a log group that does not yet exist. Set to 0
    // (default) for no retention policy. Refer to the PutRetentionPolicy API
    // documentation for valid values.
    Retention int

// A Logger represents a single CloudWatch Logs log group.
type Logger struct {
    name          *string
    svc           *cloudwatchlogs.CloudWatchLogs
    streams       *logStreams
    prefix        string
    batcher       *batcher
    wg            sync.WaitGroup
    done          chan bool
    errorReporter func(err error)
    retention     int

// New creates a new Logger.
// Creates the log group if it doesn't yet exist, and one initial log stream for
// writing logs into.
// Returns an error if the configuration is invalid, or if either the creation
// of the log group or log stream fail.
func New(config *Config) (*Logger, error) {
    if config.Client == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("cwlogger: config missing required Client")

    if config.LogGroupName == "" {
        return nil, errors.New("cwlogger: config missing required LogGroupName")

    errorReporter := noopErrorReporter
    if config.ErrorReporter != nil {
        errorReporter = config.ErrorReporter

    lg := &Logger{
        errorReporter: errorReporter,
        name:          &config.LogGroupName,
        svc:           config.Client,
        retention:     config.Retention,
        prefix:        randomHex(32),
        batcher:       newBatcher(),
        done:          make(chan bool),

    lg.streams = newLogStreams(lg)

    if err := lg.createIfNotExists(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if err := lg.streams.new(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    go lg.worker()

    return lg, nil

// Log enqueues a log message to be written to a log stream.
// The log message must be less than 1,048,550 bytes, and the time must not be
// more than 2 hours in the future, 14 days in the past, or older than the
// retention period of the log group.
// This method is safe for concurrent access by multiple goroutines.
func (lg *Logger) Log(t time.Time, s string) {
    go func() {
        lg.batcher.input <- &cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent{
            Message:   &s,
            Timestamp: aws.Int64(t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)),

// Close drains all enqueued log messages and writes them to CloudWatch Logs.
// This method blocks until all pending log messages are written.
// The Logger is not meant to be used anymore after this method is called.
// Doing so will result in a panic. Create a new Logger if you wish to write
// more logs.
func (lg *Logger) Close() {
    lg.wg.Wait()       // wait for all log entries to be accepted
    lg.batcher.flush() // wait for all log entries to be batched
    <-lg.done          // wait for all batches to be processed
    lg.streams.flush() // wait for all batches to be sent to CloudWatch Logs

func (lg *Logger) worker() {
    for batch := range lg.batcher.output {
    lg.done <- true

func (lg *Logger) createIfNotExists() error {
    _, err := lg.svc.CreateLogGroup(&cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogGroupInput{
        LogGroupName: lg.name,
    if err != nil {
        if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
            if awsErr.Code() == cloudwatchlogs.ErrCodeResourceAlreadyExistsException {
                return nil
    if lg.retention != 0 {
        _, err = lg.svc.PutRetentionPolicy(&cloudwatchlogs.PutRetentionPolicyInput{
            LogGroupName:    lg.name,
            RetentionInDays: aws.Int64(int64(lg.retention)),
    return err

type writeError struct {
    batch  []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent
    stream *logStream
    err    error

type logStreams struct {
    logger  *Logger
    streams []*logStream
    writers map[*logStream]chan []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent
    writes  chan []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent
    errors  chan *writeError
    wg      sync.WaitGroup

func newLogStreams(lg *Logger) *logStreams {
    streams := &logStreams{
        logger:  lg,
        streams: []*logStream{},
        writers: make(map[*logStream]chan []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent),
        writes:  make(chan []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent),
        errors:  make(chan *writeError),
    go streams.coordinator()
    return streams

func (ls *logStreams) new() error {
    name := ls.logger.prefix + "." + strconv.Itoa(len(ls.streams))
    stream := &logStream{
        name:   &name,
        logger: ls.logger,

    err := stream.create()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    ls.streams = append(ls.streams, stream)
    ls.writers[stream] = make(chan []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent)
    go ls.writer(stream)

    return nil

func (ls *logStreams) write(b []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent) {
    go func() {
        ls.writes <- b

func (ls *logStreams) writer(stream *logStream) {
    for batch := range ls.writers[stream] {
        batch := batch // create new instance of batch for the goroutine
        err := stream.write(batch)
        if err != nil {
            go func() {
                ls.errors <- &writeError{
                    batch:  batch,
                    stream: stream,
                    err:    err,
        } else {

func (ls *logStreams) coordinator() {
    i := 0
    for {
        select {
        case batch := <-ls.writes:
            i = (i + 1) % len(ls.streams)
            stream := ls.streams[i]
            ls.writers[stream] <- batch
        case err := <-ls.errors:

func (ls *logStreams) handle(writeErr *writeError) {
    if isErrorCode(writeErr.err, errCodeThrottlingException) {
    if shouldRetry(writeErr.err) {
        go func() {
            ls.writes <- writeErr.batch
    } else {

func (ls *logStreams) flush() {

type logStream struct {
    name          *string
    logger        *Logger
    sequenceToken *string

func (ls *logStream) create() error {
    _, err := ls.logger.svc.CreateLogStream(&cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamInput{
        LogGroupName:  ls.logger.name,
        LogStreamName: ls.name,
    return err

func (ls *logStream) write(b []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent) error {
    req, _ := ls.logger.svc.PutLogEventsRequest(&cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput{
        LogGroupName:  ls.logger.name,
        LogStreamName: ls.name,
        LogEvents:     b,
        SequenceToken: ls.sequenceToken,

    resp, err := ls.logger.svc.Client.Config.HTTPClient.Do(req.HTTPRequest)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
        var data putLogEventsSuccessResponse
        if err := dec.Decode(&data); err != nil {
            return err
        ls.sequenceToken = &data.NextSequenceToken
    } else {
        var data putLogEventsErrorResponse
        if err := dec.Decode(&data); err != nil {
            return err
        if data.ExpectedSequenceToken != nil {
            ls.sequenceToken = data.ExpectedSequenceToken
        return Error{
            Code:    data.Code,
            Message: data.Message,

    return nil

func randomHex(n int) string {
    b := make([]byte, n)
    return hex.EncodeToString(b)