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# Middleman Title
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This Middleman extension allows you to easily set page titles for your website.

## Setup
Add the following line to `Gemfile`, then run `bundle install`:

gem 'middleman-title'

After installation, activate the extension in `config.rb`:

activate :title, site: 'Your Website Name', separator: ' — '

*The separator is optional and will default to a dash.*

## Setting Title and Adding to Layout

In your layout file, you can use the `page_title` helper to output the current page title:

<title><%= page_title %></title>

Then, add a page `title` to the Frontmatter any page:

title: The title of this page goes here

This would output:

The title of this page goes here — Your Website Name

## Outputting Website Name First

Sometimes it is desirable to put the website name first, such as on the home page. This can be done by setting `title_reverse` to `true` in the frontmatter of the page.

title: The title of this page goes here
title_reverse: true

This would output:

Your Website Name — The title of this page goes here

You can also put the website name first on every page by setting it when you activate the extension:

activate :title, site: 'Your Website Name', reverse: true

Then on any page where you want the website name to come last, you can set `title_reverse` to false in the Frontmatter:

title: The title of this page goes here
title_reverse: false

## Multi-level Page Titles

When your website has heirachy, it is sometimes desirable to have multiple parts to the title. This can be done by passing an array in the Frontmatter:

- John Doe
- Staff

This would output:

John Doe — Staff — Your Website Name

## Override Page Title

If at any point you want to completely override the page title, you can use `page_title` in the Frontmatter.

page_title: The title of a page to be used as-is in <title> without site name

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( https://github.com/jcypret/middleman-title/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request